Question: What part of the train moves backwards when the train moves forward?
Dr. Carlos Rodriguez Sanchez
Head of Engineering Department, CTO, en Metro de Madrid
Question: What part of the train moves backwards when the train moves forward?
Answer: Suppose the center of mass of the train moves in the direction of longitudinal feed a distance xtrain. According on the non-slip rolling condition, the movement is governed by:
xtrain = rwheel·θ
being θ the angle rotated by the wheel in its feed and rwheel the radius of the wheel at the point of contact.
Taking as a reference system a static point on the track, and referring exclusively to the x-axis, any point that is part of the wheel will undergo a movement composed of linear feed and angular rotation. Analyzing the case of the points of the rolling zone remains:
xwheel = xtrain - rwheel·sin(θ) = rwheel ·θ - rwheel·sin(θ)
xwheel = rwheel (θ - sin(θ))
In this expression, it can be clearly seen that (θ - sin(θ)) will always be greater than or equal to zero, so that xwheel ≥ 0.
Rail vehicles are self-guided, so the wheel has a flange on the inside that interacts with the rail to provide that guidance. Now let's look at the points that are part of the flange and whose rflange > rwheel.
Developing in the same way as the previous case,
xflange = xtrain - rflange·sin(θ) = rwheel·θ - rflange·sin(θ)
Therefore, xflange will be negative whenever the condition is met:
rflange·sin(θ) > rwheel ·θ
inequation that can only be solved by numeric methods.
To illustrate these results, you will solve the problem with common metal rolling data in metropolitans. Being rwheel 840/2 mm, and the thickness of the flange 28 mm, which makes rflange 896/2 mm.
The results obtained are:
The flange moves in the opposite direction to the train while the wheel rotates an angle of 35.42o and the train travels a distance of 259.66 mm, the maximum reverse displacement occurs at approximately 20 degrees. The figure below presents the above results.
I hope you've aroused interest!
Best regards. CR.
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