Question Proposed on LinkedIn: If someone is unemployed for over 2yrs do you feel that person is lazy to get a job or is it their bad luck?
Matt "Magic" Warzel, CPRW, CIR
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Others’ Responses:
- I wouldn’t automatically think a person is lazy due to many factors: the person could have returned back to college, or working as a volunteer at an organization, or maybe working part-time, or has heath related issues. The point is every person has various reasons as to why they are unemployed, and I personally have known several friends that remained unemployed a year or two and it was very challenging for them to find work, and they were applying, networking, going on interviews like crazy and had Masters Degrees, so I would not ever think someone is lazy, but rather give them the opportunity to state their case and the factors around their long term unemployment.
- I never thought I’d be unemployed as long as I have been (7 months), which is much closer to 2 years than I would like. But it’s not been for lack of trying. I’ve applied to over 150 jobs, and interviewed many times. But having a Master’s degree hasn’t taken me as far as I’d hoped. Most places that want a candidate with a Master’s also want the person to have 10+ years of experience in the field, not someone who still has a thesis hot off the printer. The jobs available aren’t what I’d hoped for, and the ones I want aren’t as easily available. It’s a very quick decision to think someone who’s been unemployed is automatically lazy. Numerous factors could play into their current position, and while laziness cannot be automatically excluded, it shouldn’t be the first conclusion a potential employer jumps to.
- I understand what you mean I put that question for a reason. I was unemployed for 2yrs plus on top of that going through a divorce in which my Ex was from out of the country and had one child. I got a double whammy and top of that looking for a job with a positive state of mind. I believe challenges happens to all in part of our human life. A lot of people that are long term unemployed are hard working people just only a few might take advantage, but most would like to get back on their feet. There isn’t any solid jobs where you can stick around for 30 plus years. If I had the capital, I would start my own business.. I know it’s risky, but you know marriage is as well (: Peace to all……..I wish you the very best in the journey call “Life”
- I was looking for work for nearly 4 years and have recently received a job. I wasn’t being lazy. I tried everything I could to get a job: speculative letters, applying online, speculative e-mails, handing out CV’s by hand and a lot more. Hope this helps with your inquiry.
- Most likely in this market it is bad luck. I know some of the most experienced, well educated people having issues trying to find employment in their field. Some have had a hard time finding anything at all for over a year or more even. There just aren’t enough jobs out there even though the job market is starting to bounce back.
- I have found that after my job was eliminated after 17 years was the need to market yourself outside the company . I am finding that social media is a must and it has been a learning curve for me. I would not count anyone out until you know their story.
- Robert, you are so right on! There is fabulous talent out there, really good people, they just can’t find work in this job market. Even if a person applies to positions well below their level because they can’t find anything else they are turned down because of being over qualified. I certainly know that feeling! Even when I myself have applied to positions perfect for me in all aspects I’ve been turned down. The market is just saturated with so many qualified people still out of work. And companies are certainly taking their time hiring or don’t have the right HR staff looking at the qualifications of applicants, or whatever the issues are or agendas they have. I’ve sent out hundreds of resumes and applied to everything I think I can do and still no luck with all the education and experience I have. It’s almost like winning the lottery these days to find a decent job. Definitely it is important to hear a person out and know their story!
- In this case I would evaluate each candidate on a case by case basic because every one has different circumstances’ however ‘I also believe in this current job market the candidate that is working even at a minimum wage job is more appealing to employers. When someone is working, they are demonstrating strong work ethics and maintaining good people skills. This is a testament to a persons desire to be working verses drawing unemployment. I do feel that on a personal basic that yes it is hard to take a job that pays so much less than you are used to making but employers see you have drive and that you are willing to do what it takes to survive.
- I have been unemployed for over 2 years and have applied for over 600 job postings since becoming unemployed. I have confronted recruiters about discrimination against the long term employed. Two weeks ago1 recruiter acknowledged that their client wouldn’t consider any candidate that has not worked for more than 6 months. I have 47 years experience in the financial services sector and this is the brick wall I face. I am still actively seeking employment but I guess that I’d better face reality and accept the fact that finding a job is as likely as winning the lottery. And Corporate America wonders why employee loyalty is no longer the norm.
- Lets highlight the current employment situation before we say bad luck or laziness every body talked about their personal experience of not getting the desired job but the problem is the world wide economy crises which is not yet fully recovered since its blunged down of 2008/2009 and the European crises which is until now is not fully resolved & in the past 3 years millions of graduates and the forced redundancy entered to the job seeking list ,you could see the huge numbers of unemployment’s in every part of the world,the more the figure rise up it indicates a shaky economy and vice verse. In the other hand due to this economic and tough competitions and lack of liquidity and less spending by the consumers .Forces the companies to reduce and cut down in their expenses to stay in the market place and fight for its existence & survival. That’s why number of jobs opportunities is lesser and lesser every day. If hiring takes place they will go for the least cost and the most necessary and specialty in the field and the productivity from day one , That’s parts of it. On the other hand to be able to find your self a stand out of the crowds ,my advice is. Check your CV and polish it up ,it is the one is going to sell you out. Follow up most of the recruitments sites on every day bases. Check the companies web sites for career vacancies and post your cv. Social media net works and through your connections and post your requirements. Your friends and their friends circulations and seek their help and advice and make brain storm sessions with them ,might the missing link come out. Direct calls to HR and recruitment dept in any chosen company. Small is nice ,big is beautiful ,go for the small job until the big one comes out. After understanding of the current situation of employments and done the 7 advice’s and with a little of patience and praying we could say their after whether it is bad luck or not ,nothing is called bad luck and for a confident person and a self believer and have the wright qualifications and experience or talent should not accept to be beaten. Be sure of your self ,Stand out ,and you will get it because the way you are thinking ,there are millions like you as well out their say the same.
- Johni, for what is worth, I have been out of work for 5 years yesterday. After an unconventional interview this morning I will start part time next Monday, on my 58th birthday. I did get the interview through networking. I contacted a college classmate after a long period and he just happened to be doing what I wanted to do. He talked to his boss yesterday and today I walked out with the part time opportunity that could become full time by summer if I do my part and earn it. Yes, it is depressing. I feel your pain probably more than most that read your post but never give up. I wish I had a magic dart I could toss your way. When it is meant to be, it will happen for you. Persevere and allow that beautiful smile to shine through and you will be noticed when you least expect it! Best of luck to you.
- As people have said in previous comments, there are many reasons that people could be absent from the workforce for extended periods of time. Issues of health and personal development (also known as returning to college for new skills). There could be issues with a person’s family, such as needing to take care of an elderly parent or other relative. The last one I’ll mention is economic issues. In the recent recessions, jobs have become harder to find and the competition for them has been high. In this event, some people may choose to stay out of the job market until the economy of their country improves and new job opportunities start to become available.
- I have run into people who have been out of work for 3, 4, and yes, even 5 years. And have even had some human resource managers coming to job hunting workshops, which is another sign of how tough the job market is. So no, I don’t automatically assume that somebody who’s been out of work for a long time is lazy. Are there some who are truly or pretty lazy? Yes. But would I characterize the vast majority of long-term unemployed that way? No! Is it bad luck that they’re unemployed for so long? Perhaps. But it could also partly due to the job seekers themselves. How? Well I can tell you that I have run into lots of job seekers who show less flexibility in their job searches. For instance, not being open to looking for jobs outside their area. Or being unwilling to accept this kind of job vs that one. So yes, there are job seekers out there who are their own worst enemy. And helping to keep themselves unemployed or underemployed. As I’ve said many times, and mention in my book, to be successful in these difficult times, you must be more open and flexible. After all, your ultimate goal is to get back to work! Something else I say in the book and tell job seekers is this. And it’s something very important for long-term unemployed to realize. Employers know that the bad economy has resulted in your being out of work for longer than normal. So employers today accept that you’ll be out of work for a longer-than-usual amount of time. But there will come a point where employers will not accept the bad economy as an excuse. And turn their attention to YOU! In other words, they’ll eventually start blaming you for the unemployment. Something you don’t want employers saying or even thinking, trust me on this! So doing whatever it takes to get yourself back to work is crucial for success. And for preventing employers from feeling or outright blaming you for your being out of work for so long. Something I have found many job seekers unaware of until it’s too late. So I want to let you all know about this ahead of time. That way, you can prevent yourself from falling into that category and hurting your chances of success.
- I’ve been out of work just over 4 years now. I was laid off in 2009 when the economy tanked. Since then, I have sent out hundreds upon hundreds of resumes - all to positions that matched my background. Regrettably, I’ve had just a small handful of interviews. At this stage, employers feel that I have been out of my field too long to be a relevant force. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have a solid background with a wealth of experience that you won’t get from a text book or college lecture hall. I’ve been active during my lay-off, working assorted part time and temporary positions. So, in answer to the original question - No. MOST people are NOT lazy, just victims of circumstance.
- Mostly bad luck because myself included, we are on job hunts everyday. I’ve passed my resume to a couple of friends, I’m making connections at networking events and applying furiously online but after 8 months, still no cigar. It’s depressing only because you have a lot of talent but seems like the world of MNCs are preferring to employ younger grads who have less experience but cost less and are willing to do 3 people’s jobs. That in turn causes more problems in the workflow. In the meantime I’ve started a blog, am producing a comedy podcast and thinking of taking big leaps of faith on my own. I don’t see the globalized economy being able to sustain workers in the near future and that all of us have to do our own thing, initiate a start-up, create a brand that is authentic to you. I’m doing it but in the meantime a job would be nice to pay the bills until my blog/podcast take off.
- Maybe not lazy but there are things people can do to stay busy. Volunteer work, internships, education… If someone is unemployed that long they should be putting themselves out there as much a possible. Connections get jobs!
My Take:
- I agree with it being a case-by-case scenario. Every career, background, industry and overall character comes into play. I think that if someone truly expenses themselves each day towards his or her goal, they will achieve it whether it’s a job or a smart goal. Two years is a long time, but it doesn’t mean the candidate is lazy. They need to adjust their itinerary and calendar to better allocate time and resources so they eliminate this prolonging employment gap.
Sales Person at D2C insurance broking Pvt Ltd
6 个月Exactly what you have said