Question the obvious
K M Gokul Sundar
Brand, Marketing & Communication Leader | Author | Insight & Transformation Coach to achieve your GOALS in life |
Question the obvious! That sounds both intellectual as well as stupid to many who reads it. HOLD!
If you are driven by obvious then you will find the same world you know. Do you know, Edward de Borne of Out Of The Box Thinking and Jean Dru Marie of Disruption and more of these wise man said the same thing in different words. I am not saying anything new in this book. But all that is written through me is trying to say that originally in the new but original way (read original as Origin + all).
Well, how will you question the obvious? Firstly what is obvious? That’s a tricky question, which gives you no answer except bringing you back to the same question. Do you relate to these words and spaces, if not then you will soon!
Well! This is how you will find the thing that is obvious.
NO.3 EMPTY YOUR MIND OR FORGET WHAT YOU KNOW ALREADY. (this is the tough part. But, with practice it is possible)
Now, look at the things, which are simple, silly to question and you take for granted as any moron as the world knows it’. E.g.: A red traffic signal means stop.’
Confusing. Now, how many of you have seen the computer keyboard. I think everyone who has access to this book has seen it. Then there is a question for you. Why the hell the letters are jumbled in the keyboard? Why that is not in the alphabetical order? Why??
Yes, the QWERTY keyboard was made to make typing difficult.
Have anyone of you questioned this obvious thing ever. Yes. No, you are lying. If you have questioned it you would of find the answer by now. Because it is in Google and Wikipedia. I can only hear a majority No. Wait a minute there is someone among you must be answering that it is jumbled to make typing easy. Intellectual. But we have already read that Insight is completely opposite to Intellect and thinking. Do you know the actual reason is just opposite to your answer? Yes, the QWERTY keyboard was made to make typing difficult. If it was made to make typing easy, then why typewriting classes? Did you question this obvious thing? To know the story we have to travel to the beginning of the last century. Where the industrial revolution has brought the absolute power to the traders.
Christopher Latham Sholes invented the typewriter then sold it through some mighty trader called Remington (imagine somebody like Wal-Mart). The typewriter was made to bring standardization and to make official correspondence easy. When he invented the typewriter the keyboard in it was in the theme of a Piano. It was also called as Piano typewriter.
All the letters are in alphabetical order and the numerical are in odd and even order, so the typing was made easy. But, along with it came the problem and chaos. After the first or second shipment, Remington cancelled all the orders for typewriter from Sholes. Mr Sholes went to the trader and reasoned for the order cancellation. He found the real reason. In those days the typists were extremely fast in typing and when that happens the levers in the machine jam with each other. So it breaks down and in a short span, the machine ruins itself and becomes unfit for operation. So nobody wants a typewriter that becomes unfit when you use it. In those days Mr Sholes did not have the technology to make the levers type fast without jamming. He got an insight and the idea. “The problem is typing fast. If I cannot make the machine faster then let me make the typist slow.” But how? He made the QWERTY keyboard. He made sure the alphabets are so jumbled that the most probable continuing letters are at a maximum possible distance from each other or at most difficult order. He made a typewriter to make the typing slow and difficult and of course, got the order. He simply put the vowels in an odd pattern. Do you know that you cannot form any word without a vowel? Well, that’s an insight.
But look at it now. Everything is digital. The machines we use are ten million times faster than us. Then we have smarter touch phones. But QWERTY exist till now whenever we want to type. The very reason for the invention vanished but the invention still exists. Isn’t it stupid and idiotic? Because no one questioned the obvious.
Do you know when Henry Ford invented the car he made the engine run by castor or other vegetables (potato) oil?
Can you see some obvious thing around to be questioned? No. Well, we see a lot.
Why do we tie our watch on the left?
Why do smokers use their index finger and middle finger to hold a cigarette?
Why do you drink water when you hitch?
Why can’t we know that we are snoring while we are asleep while the other person can?
Why do you think of or call god when you have passionate & intense sex?
How does the child repeat the same words, which an adult say even if it, do not understand the lip, tongue and mouth movement?
Why can’t you say NO to your boss when you have to say NO?
Why do women always take time to say yes even when they are in love with the guy who is proposing?
Why do pregnant women have to take a deep breath at the moment of delivering the baby?
Why do we mostly end up sitting in the wrong seat in a theatre even if the usher guides the row and seat?
Why do women gossip?
Why can't men cry out in public?
Why is organic chemistry called organic chemistry?
Why do most diaries have dates though we know that we do not always use the same space to write in all the days?
Why should women wear lipstick even though it tastes bitter while kissing?
Why do prostitutes do not kiss while having sex with them for money?
Why should cars still use petrol when we know that it is of scarcity now
Do you know when Henry Ford invented the car he made the engine run by castor or other vegetables (potato) oil?
What happened in the middle?
Did Middle East lobby in America for making petrol mandatory for cars?
Trust me the writings through my pen can fill up the rest of the book with questions that questions the obvious. But that is not the duty of this book. The instrumental purpose of this book is to trigger you to question the obvious. Now go out and question the obvious. Don’t worry. Nobody is going to put a penalty on you. I will help you for a while with three questions that questions the obvious.
If there is no gravity on the moon like earth then the soil particles should bounce and float in the air as it does in space when Neil Armstrong jumps.
Everybody knows that Neil Armstrong was the first man who landed on the moon. Now, there is this video where he lands on the moon and does the actual moonwalk. Now, who was taking the video? If it is Buzz Aldrin with him did it, then who landed on the moon first? If this moment has already happened and they had rehearsed for the shot. Then is that the video, which captures the moment of man landing on the moon. Wait there for a moment; there are larger questions than this. Did Neil really land on the moon? If yes then according to the video why does the soil when he jumps and lands bounces and reaches the land like beach sand? If there is no gravity on the moon like earth then the soil particles should bounce and float in the air as it does in space when Neil Armstrong jumps. The Brits still question USA and NASA with this point. Now how did they calculate the moon’s gravity so that they can land the space shuttle so smoothly? Did they send a satellite before that? Which one was it and what did it do? When they shoot in the moon how come the picture came out so perfectly? That too a motion picture camera which also uses gravity to an extent? How come they have developed a camera with a technology that could cut the glare and picture perfectly irrespective of moon’s luminosity? Now, this is the mega question, which will shatter USA and NASA’s reputation to pieces. If they have landed a man on the moon, then why didn’t they send people again and again to explore the secrets of the moon? What stopped them? Why do the satellites send by other countries for e.g. India reveal facts that contradict to Neil Armstrong’s mission? Now, you will find that more unearthing, destructing and constructing questions were born from a simple question that questions the obvious. An American man landed on the moon. Most obvious. All we did is just added a ‘did’ to it. Did American man land on the moon?
When you do that everything, kings and their kingdom, the philosophers and their wisdom’s school of thought, the rich and their wealth of luxury, power and the very source of the powers, poets and their vocabularious dreams, countries and its rightful citizens, World and its lives, gods and its following religion and more and more and more.... ALL SCRAMBLES, SCATTERS, RUINED AND JOLTED TO DUST as Humpty dumpty encountered a typhoon. The human being who questioned the obvious becomes endlessly powerful than anything in the universe. An insight appears in his doing and wisdom dawned by his action. He becomes invincible, rambunctious and finally, everyone will be flourishing in kindness and love. These are not merely decorated vocabulary written to make this book great but it is a reality. You doubt! Then question the most simple and obvious answer around you... try then see the magic for yourself.
Now comes the biggie! Hold your breath!
If Christ was born on 25th at the night at 12, am for example in Bethlehem then for the eastern part of the world especially in Asia and Australia it is 26th at the same time by means of any calendar. So which is Jesus Christ's actual date of birth?
Jesus Christ was born on December on 0000 year (was is it 0000 or 0001) Agreed. Now at what time was he born? I mean Hour, Minute and second... Was it recorded in the bible? If it is then Why is Dec 25 not our new year and Jan 1st is. Because technically all our existing calendars are based on the landmark of Jesus Christ’s birth. It is Before Christ or After Death. Obviously Jesus Christ lived more than a year before being crucified? But can somebody in the world clarify this confusion for me? Wait a minute? I am not rebelling against Christianity. I believe in the great saviour Christ, the Son of God more than any other Christian. All I am trying to do is seeking so wisdom hidden in the life of the Son of God, our messenger for love. And one more question, if Christ was born on 25th at the night at 12, am for example in Bethlehem then for the eastern part of the world especially in Asia and Australia it is 26th at the same time by means of any calendar. So which is Jesus Christ's actual date of birth? If it is 12 am or something then according to the daylight savings initiated by Benjamin Franklin what is the exact time? This might be the stupidest and moronic doubt. But trust me, great insight is hidden here which will change mankind forever!
Well, last but bigger than everything...I am still dumbstruck by this question by a toddler. I don’t have the wisdom to answer it. Well, can you please try. You will become a genius in the world if you answer this by finding the insight.
Why does a right hand called the right hand
When I was working on a radio channel as a marketing head it was one of my jobs to help salespeople in business development, which includes ensuring better creatives for the client's brand. I was making a presentation to the entire sales team on the topic Insights and beyond. Yes, this book is the evolution of that presentation. When I was halfway in the presentation and when this slide called question the obvious was presented my friend the then sales head, Mr Subrata Sarkar said this, which ruined my ego completely. He said, “Yes. You are right. You know what, a month ago my 4-year-old son asked me something of which I have no answer till now. He asked me ‘Papa, why does a right hand called as right hand’” WOW why it is called right hand? Just like me at that moment your ego may answer it is called as right because it is in the right? OK now on who’s right? And who decides that on who’s right? I was thinking about it for nearly 9 years now but still, have not got the answer. I also thought about this. When somebody was discovering symmetry he has to name one part something to differentiate the other. So he named one part as right and the other as left. Now stop!! That is not the insight that is mere fact dressed up neatly by my ego as insight. The truth is I DON’T KNOW!! I AM NOT A GENIUS!!! So, answer this for Junior Sarkar and become greater than Socrates, Pythagoras and Heraclitus.