A question to increase return-on-effort
Kate Christiansen
Revolutionising human problem-solving in the complex AI-era | Award-winning author | Speaker | Advisor
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Most leaders and teams spend their time trying to get from A to B, where A = where we are and B = somewhere better. Sometimes the journey is straightforward, but more often it brings with it significant challenge.
Success is a consequence of our Return-on-Effort ratio (RoE). When we put in a huge amount of effort (or energy) but achieve little progress, the RoE ratio is low. In the ideal world, we'd have a high RoE ratio, in which every unit of effort resulted in multiple units of progress. That's how we get momentum.
RoE reduces when we expend (or more accurately, waste) effort on things that don't help to move us towards our outcome. We end up feeling like we're in a losing battle with progress. And then, we stop putting in the effort which in turn leads to less progress. It's a vicious cycle.
That's where this question comes in, because often, the things that take our energy can be addressed, but first we need to have a collective view of what they are.
Once you've asked this weeks question, here are three great follow-ups.
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