A question to get out of your own way
Kate Christiansen
Escaping the hidden traps in how we think, decide and lead in the complex AI-era | Award-winning author | Speaker | Advisor
Questions are the stepping stones of the unknown. For our newsletter's third year - the promise remains -?one question, once a week. And for the next few months, there's more. Read on.
Hi there,
Welcome to Curly Question of the Week!?
You’ll notice that this edition is a little different. Rather than leaping into another question this week, I want to press pause and have a chat.
In case we haven’t met in person yet – Hi, I’m Kate.?
I started ‘Curly Question of the Week’ (CQW) to help leaders lift their thinking and find fresh perspectives in a complex and fast-paced world.
‘Curly Question of the Week’ is about to celebrate its 2nd Birthday!
Next week will mark 104 editions, each with a new question designed to encourage both the ‘asker’ and the ‘answerer’ to stop, think and go beyond the immediately obvious. It's a breath of fresh air for the brain.
I suspect that’s why you subscribed, right?
As with other significant birthdays, this one offers a perfect opportunity to take stock and think about where we are heading. As part of this, I’ve been asking myself a big question:
“How can I increase the value and relevance of CQW by ensuring that readers receive the right questions when they need them most?”
The answer? To publish questions based on specific quarterly themes.
By grouping the questions in this way, my intention is to make them more focused and easier to use.
The first theme, starting next week, is ‘On the Move’.
For three months, Curly Question of the Week will share questions that leaders can ask themselves when they are contemplating a career move. After that, we’ll shift to a new theme.
I look forward to hearing your feedback as the next few months progress. Thank you for being part of the Curly Question of the Week community over the last two years, and I look forward to you joining me in its third year.
Warmest wishes,
PS/ Of course, I wouldn’t leave you without your cognitive kick-start to this week, so here’s today’s curly question.?
Have you ever found yourself wondering "This {insert challenge} should be straightforward. So, why the heck is it so darn difficult?". That's when you need to ask yourself OR your team this Curly Question.
About Kate Christiansen
Kate works with Boards, CEOs and executive teams who need to master mission-critical moments of transition. Whether it's a new executive role, a new leadership team, a?once-in-a-decade strategic transformation or time to change course completely, Kate's deep expertise and unconventional approach is what you need to succeed.
Known for her energy, warmth and pragmatism, Kate has a remarkable ability to trigger new thinking and find pathways through even the most complex situations. Using her unique approach ‘The Moment Method?’, Kate empowers people and organisations to be unstoppable by unlocking their ability to activate, navigate and accelerate the moments that matter?by unleashing the power of questions.
Kate is also the award-winning author of two books and a qualified Company Director with the London Institute of Directors.
#curlyquestions #masterthemomentsthatmatter?#executivetransitions