Question Everything
Munish Chawla
Co Founder & Chief Happiness Officer at Jeevitam | Helping Vulnerable Segments in finding Livelihood and in their Social & Financial Inclusion
This week I read through this statement and quotes which I felt were relevant in today's context where we are trying to Reimagine the world Post crisis. 'It’s a funny thing: People are sometimes afraid to ask questions out of fear of seeming “stupid.” And yet the smartest people on the planet are often the ones who ask the most questions. Case in point: Albert Einstein.' To get a sense of how Einstein felt about questioning, just look at some of the many famous quotes from him on this subject. 'The important thing is not to stop questioning..Never lose a holy quriosity.. Don't stop to Marvel'. The next two quotes, I really relate to myself 'Its not that I am So Smart. But I stay with the questions much longer'.And. 'I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.'
It is however interesting, when we question everything, we are looking to gain a better understanding of everything. In our Startup Jeevitam, we are trying to disrupt the way Vulnerable Segments & Entry level Workforce find sustainable Livelihood. We were outsiders to this part of the universe, which lead us to question everything to gain more understanding. And while we did so, we also questioned the status quo, which helped us create innovative solutions like Voice Based Registration of Work Seekers & Voice Based Match Making with the available opportunities. Besides, we are also trying to Reimagine the Existing College Placement Process by asking relevant questions and help College Students across India find sustainable livelihood.
As the ongoing crisis subsides, I believe it's the right time to question what was good and not good in the way we worked and lived prior to the crisis. And also question what worked for us during the crisis. Try to get best of both the worlds while we seek to establish the new world order. Probably Our Questions are the Answers to our most vexing problems at Work and Life. When We Question Everything, I think It helps open up new possibilities in our lives. It can make us more successful as a individual. I have seen People who ask questions tend to be more engaged in their lives, more fulfilled, and happier. When We Keep Questioning Everything, We Keep Moving Forward, We Keep Opening New Doors & Keep Doing New Things.
Happy Sunday!! Keep Moving & Smiling!!??????