Question Everything!

Question Everything!

It’s Monday and that can only mean one thing.? It’s time to share!!? Ok, it can mean other things like maybe it’s not really Monday and we’re all just confused… ?

While I love that you read my words in written form, as usual, if you would rather listen, in either of Canada’s official languages, click here: People Power Everything Podcast (Version Francophone)

Have you ever thought to yourself : Question Everything!? Perhaps this is the territory of the young and older set.? When we’re young, we can literally question everything because we are completely ignorant of most things, so asking questions is normal, even when it’s really annoying or rebellious.? Going back to my daughter’s really young days, aged 3 or 4, I remember getting peppered with “why?” every time I went down the “how things work” rabbit hole.? At one point, I would ask her if she wanted the short answer or the long answer.?? The short answer was invariably “because” or “42”.? She didn’t appreciate either.? Now, more than 15 years later, she gets and laughs at “42”.? "Because” has multiple effects, none being understanding…? The long answer was always filled with whatever I knew about the subject and often more just for the fun of it.? She seemed to like it and as a dad that was all that really mattered.

As we age through our teenage years, much longer for some, we become rebellious and question everything because we are testing limits and trying to make sense of so much change around us, pushing us to be independent, but still part of a system where we just want to be accepted as normal.? It is quite the dichotomy that when we are building our broader view of the world and can evolve our understanding to be basically anything we want, many with the full encouragement of our parents, that we really just want to be seen as “normal”, whatever that is.? I am in my late-forties and still don’t know what normal should be and the older I get, the more I don’t want to be it or even understand it.?

In school, we learn that we should want to question and understand, but not too much because there are limits and the teacher would like to maintain some sense of control.? University takes that to another level with a system that professes to teach independent critical thought, but to get the best grades, you really need to learn what the professor wants and respond appropriately.? In my humble opinion, this shifts in graduate school to be more accepting of divergent logic, but there are limits and the boundaries pretty clear.? Don’t try and submit academic papers in any format other than the one that is tightly regulated, or use language that is remotely understandable by common folk.? The communications training we get at work to use the KISS rule (Keep It Simple Stupid) shall not apply in graduate studies writing, and especially not in French!? And, may whichever lord you believe in help you if you misuse taxonomy or typology!? I digress…

As adults, we tend to question less. There are lots of rules, laws and social norms to follow, not to mention just getting through some brutal days.? But, at some point, which I know very well not all people have the privilege of getting to, we start to question again.? We question what we know about how we are expected to behave, the things we are supposed to do and how we are supposed to be.? ?I am happy that I think society has changed over the last generation.? Adults don’t always need to do away with games and be serious all the time.? We don’t have to give up dreams of having a cool car and being labelled as a mid-life crisis in action.? We don’t have to accumulate more and more stuff as a status symbol.? We don’t have to work dead-end jobs forever because of the pension plan.? There are so many different avenues opening up.? While I don’t think the gig economy is a good thing overall, there are some benefits around freedom of choice for when we work and how.? Say what you will about DoorDashers, but they can work really flexible hours and make some extra cash.? A certain number of us can still work remotely and thank our lucky stars we don’t have to fight traffic every morning.? I usually do this last while walking the dog and seeing the lines of cars start to pile up on the main roads near my house.? That is usually when I start singing Alive by Edwin about how it’s good to breathe the air. Ain’t it good to be alive on this spec of light in the universe?? I think it is!?

Now, I get to feel really thankful for all the options in life.? Work? Maybe.? Travel?? Hell yes!? Both at once?? Probably, maybe, definitely.? These are all questions I am allowed to ask, nay MUST ASK, because I can!? Anything else would be wasting opportunity. I am lucky.? The various circumstances, choices and, dare I say, privilege, mean that I am able to realistically expect that whatever I choose, I will be ok.? Not everyone has that and I hope we can all help each other build environments, at work and at home, that enable others to question everything and make choices that fit for them as people. ?One of my goals is to help people question everything and realize there are choices beyond the normal. ?After all, People Power Everything.?


PS: If you like these, feel free to forward and encourage your friends, family, neighbours, colleagues, leaders, staff, and even mortal enemies to sign up to THE LIST and subscribe to the People Power Everything Podcast which has bonus material from time to time.


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