Question to Ask your Local Councillor
What Training Do Food Handlers require ?
Unfortunately the law is not clear. It simply states that all food handlers must be suitably trained for the job that they do . This is quite surprising as many people working in the food industry do multiple jobs. especially in small business and restaurants.
What does the law actually say?
By law, food business operators must ensure their food handlers receive, appropriate supervision and training in food hygiene, which commensurate with the area they work in and will enable them to handle food in the safely
Yes a very wooly definition, which is totally misunderstood by Business owners and staff.
It is also very difficult for enforcement officers visiting premises, as there is not a specific requirement in the law for staff to be certificated . Why!
Outbreaks of food poisoning are on the increase . The number of organisations and companies providing training has also increased especially ONLINE .
It seems to us that may be it's time to make certificated training for food handlers compulsory ?
It would be much easier for enforcement staff to see if a person had a certificate . It would be much easier for an owner to prove not only had the person been trained but when and a date when a refresher courses was required.
The Government are responsible for making Laws so why on earth does it not make certification compulsory? I personally think that the food industry are happy with the status quo as this saves them a great deal on money.
Most large companies do train staff but how often ? Probably once when they start work ( may be)
When do visiting enforcement staff look at all training undertaken in a premises they are inspecting ??? Who knows certainly not the visiting public who after all are the people at risk .
Why are training Records not legally displayed in Premisses
It would appear there are more questions than answers. If training records are not displayed how do the public know, staff preparing their food in accordance to the Food Hygiene regulations .
It would be very easy for all staff certificates to be displayed and would give a greater reassurance to clients that their food was safe to eat .
What should we do to raise awareness
a) Next time you eat in a restaurant, cafe or purchase food from a shop ask to see staff training records . ( you might not get an answer)
b) Ask you local authority or your local Councillor how often they visit food premises
Do they provided training courses
Have there been any cutbacks in staff or inspections . If there has been how much more danger are the residents in getting food poisoning ?
Happy Days