'Question #5 of 6 - What Are The Obstacles'
Peter Thomson
Helping You Get PAID More for the Value You Deliver ? Author ? Mentor ? Business Strategist
So you and I know the questions we’ve covered so far are:
- Where are you now
- How did you get here?
- Where are you going?
- Why do you want to go there?
Now we need to answer question #5
Which is:
What are the obstacles?
This is a question seldom considered by many.
Why? Well simply because the assumption is – that
the road ahead is littered with rose petals and flanked
by crowds cheering our progress!
Oh no it isn’t!
And you and I have seen countless leaders make this
mistake. All will be well! The future is assured! Come with
me on a pleasant journey to the land of milk and chocolate
flavoured rice krispies!
Oh no it won’t be!
Ok, let’s explore why this question…
Is another important part of this 6-stage process
“No plan survives contact with the enemy”
And similarly – no plan, no journey, no action is ever
unaltered by its contact with reality.
Once we move from the paper to the road the interaction
creates resistance and obstacles.
Locard’s Exchange Principle used by forensics scientists
clearly tells us that the perpetrator of a crime will bring
something to the scene – and take something from it.
So it is with our journey.
So preparation for the ‘enemy contact’ or in the words
of the 5th Question – obstacles – is an essential part of
planning any achievement.
When we take the time to consider the obstacles – and then
consider just how we’ll deal with them in the field – we have
a far better chance of succeeding.
In fact…
Those obstacles are the seeds of our success.
Sounds strange doesn’t it?
However, consider this for a moment:
Let’s imagine that there aren’t going to be any obstacles
between our present position and our intended goal!
Doesn’t sound like a very exciting journey to me!
What do you think?
Between where you are now and where you want to be
is a slight downhill slope on which you simply sit and without
any effort on your part gently and smoothly slide to your goal.
No thank you!
The obstacles tell what we need to:
And more and more and more and more…
Here’s the truth…
Those who pre-consider the obstacles on the path and
how to deal with them BEFORE they arise - are the same
‘those’ who succeed!
What could be just some of those obstacles to success?
Well – one of them isn’t – money!
It isn’t that we need the money – it’s that we need what the
money could buy.
But – is there another way to get what the money will buy
without having the money?
Yes – many ways. Barter or swap. Future % etc etc
Here are some ‘obstacles’ to consider:
Significance of the outcome
Sources of help
Route map
Strength of ‘why’
Others on the road
And more…
Let’s get ready for the journey by…
Where we are now
How we got here
Where we’re going
Why we want to go there
What the obstacles might be…
And then we’ll be ready for question #6
I’m off to consider the obstacles.
Go on then
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