Quest for Kindness by Yvonne F Conte
Yvonne F. Conte
Keynote Speaker, Author, Thought Leader. Great way to kick off the day! Awesome Luncheon Speaker. End conference on a positive note. Sessions are infused with laughter & positivity. (315)727-8668 [email protected]
Recently I returned from a trip to Florida to attend a cousins wedding. Of course I loved seeing my family and enjoying the celebration, but what I most realized was just how kind and considerate most people are.
My first encounter with kindness came at the airport on my way south. ? Seated at a work station in the waiting area,? I reached into my bag for something, and when I pulled my hand out, unknowingly, my ring slipped off my finger and bounced onto the carpet below me. A few seconds later, a woman tapped me on the shoulder and she was holding my diamond ring in her hand. She said, “Ma’am this dropped and? I'm sure it came from your hand when you were getting something out of your bag.” I looked at the ring shocked, “Oh my gosh. I had no idea that it had even fallen off. Thank you so much.”
That woman could have kept the ring herself. I would have never known what happened to it. But instead she did the kind and honest thing. All I could think was …there are so many good people in this world.
Once on the plane a young man about twenty years old, immediately got up from his seat when he saw me attempt to put my luggage in the over head compartment. “Oh please let me get that for you Miss.”? He said with a smile.? Kindness once again. ? As soon as I was seated, and the next woman came along, he did the same thing for her. There are many good young people in this world for sure.
Kindness is something that happens when you expect it to. I just think most people are basically kind. However we always hear about the few who aren’t.? I do believe you reap what you sow. If you are kind hearted and you expect kindness in your life, if you look for it, and recognize it when you see it, then it will be there for you.? However if you are a whiner and complainer than that is all you will see because that’s what you expect.
After we were airborne the flight attendant came around with snacks.? She smiled at me and the other two in my row. “Pretzels, chocolate or fruit bar?”? She asked.? The lady next to me chose the fruit bar. I was next and said, “I'll take a fruit bar as well, please.” The attendant said, I'm sorry that was the last one.” The lady next to me immediately handed me the unopened fruit bar and said “You know, I think I'll have pretzels.”? She smiled at me as did the flight attendant. What a sweet thing to do.
While I was in Florida I got a message that a package would be delivered to my door. I didn’t want it to be sitting there for two weeks so I called a neighbor and asked her if she would look out for it and take it in for me.? She said, “It came this morning and I already took it in for you honey.”? Seriously people can be so thoughtful and kind.
I had to take a tram while at the Washington DC airport.? All seats were taken. People standing and holding onto? rails were packed in like sardines.? I inched my way in looking for a handle I could hold to steady me. A? man was watching me and saw that I was too short to reach the handles.? Immediately? he moves his coat from beside him, making room so I could sit. Just blows me away how kind people are.
On my way home today I watched as a very handsome man in a beautiful suit and tie sat across from me on? the plane.? Behind him a young man and woman were next to be seated.? The young man’s seat was next to the handsome gentleman.? The young woman was seated behind him.? Before they sat the two young people kissed and said, “See you in Syracuse.”? Right away the gentleman stood up and said to the woman, “Would you like to switch seats so you can sit with your husband?”? Again the kindness of strangers is everywhere.
I dare you to be on the lookout for the kindness of strangers.? Make note of it.? I think you’ll be a much happier person if you do.
Keynote Speaker, Author, Thought Leader. Great way to kick off the day. Awesome Luncheon Speaker. End conference on a positive note. Sessions are infused with laughter & positivity. (315)727-8668 [email protected]