The Quest for Godliness

The Quest for Godliness

When we are not directly involved in mitzvos, it can be easier to forget about God. But God is not only found in the seemingly spiritual places and moments. He is everywhere. “Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said: If a person asks, ‘Where is your God?’ tell him, ‘In the great metropolis of Rome.’ ”

Sometimes, when we are in the “Rome” parts of life, we forget God. But there is no need to compartmentalize life as containing spiritual modes and mundane modes. Every moment of life has the potential for spirituality.

In response to a student who was struggling with finding meaning in his “secular” career, Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner metaphorically explained that someone who rents a room in a house as a primary residence and a room in a hotel to live as a guest is leading a double life. In contrast, renting a home with two rooms is symbolic of a “broad life, not double life.” Despite the tendency to compartmentalize different aspects of life, we should strive to live a holistic life of avodas Hashem. The more mindful we are of the spirituality in the now, the easier it will be to live such a life.

The Rema begins his commentary on the Shulchan Aruch: “ ‘I have placed (shivisi) God before me constantly’ (Tehillim 16:8) — this is a most important principle of the Torah and the attribute of the righteous ones.” The Baal Shem Tov explained:

Shivisi is related to hishtavus (equanimity). Whatever happens to a person should be treated the same — whether others praise or disgrace him. This applies to all things. When it comes to eating, it should make no difference whether one eats tasty food or not … One should recognize that everything that occurs to him is from God … God wants us to serve Him in every circumstance. When a person is speaking to others and cannot learn, he should be thinking of God. Similarly, there are times when a person will be on the road and will be unable to pray and learn like usual. In times like these, he can serve God in a different way. One should not be pained by this, because God wants us to serve Him in many different ways. Sometimes in this way and sometimes in that.

Godliness can be found anywhere — and in all of our actions. We just need to open our eyes, ears, and heart. We need to be mindful.

Excerpted from Mindfulness by Dr. Jonathan Feiner


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