In the Quest of finding out

In the Quest of finding out

I am on the Quest, in finding out an answer. Quest about how my life, is going to be, is the impenetrable question I have ever faced in my life.

Yes, sometimes I get the answer. I feel like this is it. This is what I have been trying to find these days. But after some time, the answer doesn’t suit the question. Answer disappears…

Out of nowhere again, you get the answer to that “Quest”. You fix with that answer and stay for a while. Like, you feel your life is sorted out.


No… the answer disappears…

I got stuck with that quest for a longer period and I couldn’t get a proper answer. I started thinking about why I’m not able to find the answer.

Still, my Quest is not resolved but my overthinking about that question has been stopped. I realized that we live our lives with many questions unsolved. Life is something you cannot control perfectly. You may encounter many problems, You may face blocks, you may feel like you want to stop your life, you may be put up in a situation that you wouldn’t have expected.

Yes, It hurts but whatever comes in your life… Just face it… Don’t let yourself down for something which you cannot control.

The quest continues…


