“The Quest for Financial Freedom”
“Learning to feel less guilty about your current situation and focusing on learning and progressing is a good mindset shift I encourage.”
-Hannah Forbes
Whereas financial freedom means different things for everyone, the generally accepted thinking is that financial freedom is about “having a dependable income and being in absolute control of your economic well-being”. It is the ability to acquire the lifestyle that you want without worrying about your finances because you have achieved financial stability and security.
Indeed, for many people, their daily work and struggles in life are about making more money in order to attain financial freedom. However, financial freedom is not attained by having money alone. It is attained by the service you render to others. For useful service can be converted into wealth, with or without the use of money. Financial freedom is about having open cash pipes. You start by converting your earnings into income generating assets through your investments.
But first and foremost, it needs to be planned out well because it is a journey wherein we need to factor in our ever evolving circumstances and needs. The sooner we begin on the plan, the better it shall be.?
Here are a few points to note in the pursuit of financial freedom;
1.??Understand the nature of money and manage it well. First and foremost, money is earned and those who earn it must do everything in their power to learn how to keep, maintain and grow it or else it will be soon lost. Like George Clason states in his classic, “The Richest Man in Babylon,” your wealth is not in the purse that you carry, for a purse quickly empties if there is no golden stream to refill it. Develop a skill of generating money. The key to financial freedom is to convert your money and time into income generating assets.
2.??Be mindful of your spending choices because they determine your financial wellness. Set your priorities and cultivate the discipline to stick to them. Be more concerned about generating and preserving your income than just spending and having a good time. Maintain an emergency fund to help you address the uncertainties of life that crop up from time to time.
3.??Invest in your financial literacy. Turn your ears, mind, phone, computer and car into a financial growth development center. Be thirsty for knowledge that will help you progress in life and in your finances. Financial literacy leads to financial management, which in turn leads to financial discipline, which leads to financial independence. Financial independence leads to financial freedom.
4.??Set achievable financial goals. Having mental resilience doesn’t mean you should shoot beyond reality. To learn and grow financially, it’s okay to start small as you develop the capacity to handle bigger targets. For example, our Financial Plans at Konnect Initiatives enable you to start by setting aside 10% of every income you get or earn even if the 10% means saving as little as UGX 1,000. The idea is to grow from whatever level you currently are and keep growing your financial targets as your capacity increases.
5.??Have interest in your financial growth. Be proactive about developing your financial literacy. Realigning your focus and adjusting your finances now will make all the difference for your future. Without interest, we lose focus on what actually matters and end up going back to where we started.
For many people, the ambition for financial freedom has been toned down considerably in favor of an attempt to relieve the worst symptoms of poverty and lack.?Just as a patient with a terminal illness is given palliative treatment that relieves the pain without attempting to cure the disease, it is easy to settle for palliative finance to relieve the symptoms of poverty or lack as a substitute for the pursuit of financial freedom.
Your productive years of life will earn you money. Like a seed, that cash is either consumed now or planted for multiplication. Sowers use their cash flow to build wealth by converting their cash into income generating assets which in turn create more money. With your assets and cash, you have options and are able to do many (which is what financial freedom is all about)?be your own Master!
Invest! Profit! Prosper!
By Elijah Omagor
Managing Director
Konnect Initiatives Limited