In Quest of Divinity & Logic
The truth: #God is divine, religion is MAN-made. Hence, religions around the world are filled with illogical and unequal rituals - women shouldn't enter places of worship during menstruation (a process God created), women should cover their faces in front of outsiders (so men are not distracted by them), and the list is endless. At the altar of religion, it is mostly the women, their voices, and their rights that are sacrificed.
I was wondering what if #WOMEN were in charge of creating religion? Oh wait, if women were in charge would there have been a religion at all? In case they did drum up a religion, would there be so many conflicting ones?
Luckily, we don't have to stretch our imagination too far to wonder about this. Take the example of the living divine creature in each of our houses - the #MOTHER (a woman). Every mother has her set of rules by which her house, her workplace, her partner, her children, different relationships, outside work, inside jobs, roles, and responsibilities are governed. Her rules and logic are fair, smart, just and make our lives easy. They teach us to be good human beings and help us prepare for life's challenges. In a way similar to what #God would have wanted.
Imagine if this motherly logic was extrapolated to the whole wide world in general! We would be living in a near perfect society, governed by same rules applicable to all beings. Just the way #God wants us to live!
There's a reason why #MOTHER is called the face of #God on earth. Let's handover the power to all the mothers worldwide, and they, in turn, will set things straight, as they do every day with our lives!
This is a dedication to all the mothers worldwide, including mine (who is currently very pissed with me and rightly so for some folly of mine!)
An afterthought disclaimer: By #mothers here, I just don't mean people who have children. But I refer to every woman everywhere, who plays some part of a mother's role in her life as a friend, sister, aunt, grandmother, teacher, mentor, boss, a single woman, a pet owner, and the list is endless...