Quest App Advent Calendar: Dec 9th: Liminal
For many of us, finding time to meditate and focus on unwinding is a real challenge. For me, the difficulty has also been focusing and keeping my mind still. VR and apps like Liminal have definitely helped, by keeping me focused on the activity of mindfulness. Moreover, in studies Virtual Reality has been found to help achieve mindfulness and ease anxiety in stressful situations like pre-exam preparation for college students.
Based out of Melbourne, Australia, Liminal VR is an award winning studio delivering hundreds of emotionally moving augmented, mixed and virtual reality experiences, designed with the team's neuroscientists and psychologists and a global network of development partners.
What’s this post all about?
2023 has been such an amazing year for VR content, culminating with many new titles launching for Quest 3 and the holidays. This is a series of posts celebrating all the developers we’ve been lucky enough to work with throughout the year and highlighting a few of my personal favorites. Happy holidays and wishing you a great 2024!
Thanks for the mention James Senior! Glad you're enjoying Liminal!