Quest For Agility : Systems Thinking Decoded

Hello All Wonderful Folks ,

As a part of my ‘Quest for Agility ’ series , sharing one of my article with you all on Systems Thinking . These are completely my views and observations , please feel free to agree / disagree / contradict / suggest /guide on the same. Idea is to trigger thought process and improve our cumulative understanding as Thought leaders.

Systems Thinking Decoded

I would like to start by mentioning an Ancient philosophy of Yin-Yang , which says that When two opposite forces lives in harmony, then and only then creation happens and evolution thrives. Hence, Opposite forces are not contradictory in fact they are complementary. We see its evidences everywhere in this vast existence, whether it is electrons and protons giving existence and sustainability to an atom and hence this creation, North and South pole of our planet, male and female , day and night, opposite charges in a battery etc. Right balance of these so called contradictory forces is the basis of this entire creation and our existence. 

Now, we also find its evidences in Agile Manifesto :

We Prefer, 

Individuals and interaction Over Processes and tools

Customer Collaboration Over Contract negotiation

Responding to Change Over following a plan

Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation

Thus, We say that when there is value in the items on right, we choose to value item in the left more. Both items are contradictory but both are placed in Agile manifesto and we cannot negate any one of them. It’s just we choose to value one item more over the other. Hence , Our Agile manifesto in a way is based upon the fundamental principles of Yin-yang. It talks about balance and respecting all forces into a given system.

Hence, to value all forces involved in the system is in the core of Agile Manifesto. Balance is the foundation upon which creation happens and evolution thrives. This is the fundamental principle upon which our universe is functioning.

Therefore, in this context it is very important for us to understand and develop a certain way of thinking that recognizes and values all the forces operating within a particular system and that enable us to keep balance in our every thought and action. We call this way of thinking as systems Thinking.

System Thinking is – “when instead of asking the name of the person and blaming him for some kind of mistake or disaster, we start asking what is the system that produce the problem and this person who is creating the problem?”

What is a system?

  • Systems are interconnected web of elements with several levels of relationships within. More elements, more correlations, more complex is the system.
  • Human Body is a system, All large Corporations, political parties, government, Administrative / defense services, cities, states, countries, corporates etc. are systems in themselves.
  • Language is a system. It is continuously evolving and devolving. No one man invented language. We all acted as substrate in the formation and evolution of languages we use.
  • Rain forest is a system. We all live in eco-system on this planet. Our Earth is a part of Solar system. Solar system is a part of milky way Galactic System. Thus, we all are an integral part of gigantic Cosmic System.
  • Systems are highly ordered and chaotic. They are difficult to predict. System are self-organizing, self- sustaining and self-repairing. 
  • We can think of Systems as organisms, Systems behave. They exhibit behaviors like fear, love, attack, reproduction, shy, revenge etc. when come in connect of external forces.
  • Na?ve people, get into the system and try to provide solutions and change the system not considering and respecting all the forces of the system. If you change something without considering all the forces operating within a system, then the system backfires.
  • Another important point to understand in context of Systems Thinking is that , Growth at all cost is cancerous:
  • What is Cancer? It is simply domination of one kind of life energy over other kinds of life energies within human system.
  • For example, Humans as species are dominating this planet earth at the moment and we think we are the only species on this planet who have all authorities and rights in every sense and hence humans are becoming cancerous for the planet

Why systems Thinking :

  • It is a fact that to make long lasting meaningful impact on the world, you need to be changing systems(Ex: political, social, cultural , philosophical, technical, cultural etc.) and for that, first of all you need to understand systems. you need to identify and understand the nature of forces operating within a given system.
  • System thinking provides us the opportunity to approach towards a problem holistically instead of personally
  • It is an Inclusive way of thinking
  • In this Globalized world where our interdependence upon each other is growing exponentially and we all are closely connected in so many ways, it is very important to understand and value all the forces of the systems we are part of
  • Failure in understanding systems leads to disasters like Poverty, Global warming, Terrorism, Drug addiction, epidemic, Flood , drought, computer viruses, spam emails etc. These are not personal or local problems. These are global problems. None of us want these kind of problems but yet collectively we are producing these problems.
  • Therefore, Fate of humanity depends upon our ability to understand systems and apply system thinking.

Let’s take a case study on Applied Systems Thinking :

When a British slapped Mr. MK Gandhi and threw him out of the train , Gandhi didn’t slap him back or he didn’t think about the problem as personal or local. Instead, Gandhi did System Impact analysis and root cause analysis of the problem. 

He thought globally and approached towards this problem holistically with greater sense of inclusiveness where he respected all the forces (political, economic , cultural, religious etc.) of the system of that time and believed in balance and harmony within the system. 

He devised an instrument called Satyagraha to fight against the system . Satyagraha is in compliance with System thinking where all prominent forces in the system are valued. 

Thus, M.K Gandhi became Mahatma Gandhi only when he employed systems thinking in his every thought and action. Therefore, true evolution and growth of human beings lies in understanding of systems and employing system thinking in our every thought and action.

In the End I would like to say that , Now, in this modern age we are talking about Systems Thinking and it is crucial for our survival. But Lord Krishna talks about System Thinking about more than 5000 years ago when he said “Vasudhev Kutumbakam” – This whole Cosmos is one large family. I think It’s time we comply with that.

Business is to the people , by the people and for the people. Ultimate object of any business should be well-being of the creatures on this planet. Humans and various other kinds of systems are involved at all levels. We need to equip our clients with this sense of awareness and consciousness and thus collaborate with them right from the advent of the business requirement and thus help them coming up with better Vision and mission.

we need to continuously strive towards collaborating with Customer at the level of their mindset, vision and mission and to help them understand ‘why they want what they want’ and that is how we add real value to our service to the customer. Thus, helping them improvising upon their requirement in alignment with the vision and mission of their Enterprises. Educating Customer on Agile Mindset and Lean principles based upon System Thinking and hence providing them ‘Driving Purpose’.

Happy Systemic Agile Learning !

Coz, Sharing is caring and Growing Together !

Thank you !!


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