The Quesionable Communique Issued By Divisional Prefect Ordering Evacuation
Following last week's alleged killings of security officers in #Manyu division, South West Region as widely reported which prompted the head-of-state Mr Paul Biya who decided to cut short his trip to Cote d'Ivoire on an #EU-Africa summit centred around clandestine migration. He issued a rare public condemnation of such horrendous acts by people he conveniently labelled as ''terrorists and secessionists'' from his prepared scripted statement. Over the weekend, a certain communique have thus far circulated on several social media platforms supposedly issued by the Divisional Prefect Mr Joseph Oum II, which not only passed a curfew restricting movements of bike riders but went the great lengths in requesting residents in specific villages across the subdivisions of #Akwaya, #Eyumojock and #Mamfe central, to immediately evacuate their homes to safer neighbourhoods or treated as ''accomplices or perpetrators'' of criminal activity against security personnel of the #Cameroon state.
Due to the backlash, the senior administrator proceeded by a radio announcement rescinding that order or better yet aimed to denounce it as ''rumour'' with no bearing on truth whatsoever. There's a written document in circulation bearing your name and signature on it Mr SDO, as questionable as it might be, for the fact that piece of paper was issued #Saturday which is hardly a working day for civil servants, did you or did you not issue any of such order? That's the burning question right now. At this juncture, nothing should be left to chance in a #Cameroon where governors have recently called citizens ''dogs'', senior politicians labelling dissenting voices ''extremists'' and journalists who're tasked to be objective in their reporting but chose to dub disgruntled citizens ''rats'' without fear of any reprisal and threat for being ostracized from their jobs, paints a scary picture of impunity in high places.
My fellow denizens of #Manyu, be vigilant in all your activities henceforth and endeavour to show some restraint before an acute case of state-sponsored genocide is recorded in the land of our ancestors because of a clerical error or hatched plan of extrajudicial killings perpetrated by the government.