Query Parameters with Multi-Value in Flask A
Python-based Flask is a micro-framework. It is well-known for creating RESTful APIs since it is lightweight and simple to use. We'll examine how to use multi-value query parameters with flask in this tutorial.
Let's learn basis with following example:
from flask import Flask #import library
app = Flask(__name__) #init Flask app
def home():
?return "Hello world"
if __name__ == '__main__':
??app.run(host='', port=5000, debug=True)
To test our app We have to visit below url with the help of web brower:
This shows "Hello world" text in the browser:
To get the query parameters in the URL in Flask, use request.args. In order to access and control the query parameters, we can use methods like get, getlist, and to_dict. The request.args property is a dictionary that maps the parameter names to their values. It should be noted that the request.args attribute only works for query parameters and not for URL path parameters.
from flask import Flask #import library
app = Flask(__name__) #init Flask app
def home():
?query = request.args.getlist('name')
??return f'Looking for: {query}'
if __name__ == '__main__':
??app.run(host='', port=5000, debug=True)
If we have a url like this:
Output will be:
When a query string has multiple-valued arguments, for example:
In that case, request.args.to_dict() returned value is:
Even the name query parameters have many values, yet only one value is returned. the default assumption made by Flask is that query parameters have a single value. To return all values for each parameter as a list, we can add flat=False to the to_dict() function.
def home():
??query = request.args.to_dict(flat=False)
??return f'Looking for: {query}'
The result of this will be as follows:
Currently, lists are used to represent all multi-value query parameters