The Queen of Wipes May Ask To Delete
Why Not Have A 64oz Coffee?

The Queen of Wipes May Ask To Delete

No really, Kristin Olson-Kott may get antsy and ask me to take this article down. She routinely deletes posts. If you ever wonder where your favorite post of the day went, she wasn't satisfied it made you laugh hard enough or was worried you did not understand her message based on comments.

Kristin is all, all the time, bringing a no holds barred look into her life. From personal stories about her family to wild stories about how disinfectant wipes shape humanity, she is just a flat-out funny person.

Even greater than her crazy schedule, crazy persona and "all-in" attitude, is her being a nice and giving person. She will stop to help you on the side of road. She will stop everything to have a chat over coffee. She makes sure your offices are free from flu.

Enjoy a brief chat with Kristin Olson-Kott, the last frontier for a Tara Reid sighting.

You are over the 30,000 threshold for connections. How in the hell did you get here?

I’m a connection whore. I love to meet new people from all walks of life.

How long have you been active on LinkedIn?

I’ve lost track. Since the days of prohibition. I couldn’t drink. So what else was I going to do?!

Back to question 1, I have almost 6000 requests pending that I can’t accept. Can LinkedIn change make an exception, so people don’t think I’m a bitch.

You are not a bitch. More like bitch-y or bitch-nessy. You are actually a super positive person. Who taught you to be positive?

Awe. Thank you. Maybe that’s why it bothers me so much. I don’t want people to think I don’t want to connect with them.

I taught myself. Being negative doesn’t get you very far ??

Yet people live there for their entire lives. Think of yourself as a kid ...were you always encouraging?

Yes. Until about 7th grade, then I was just an ass.

Tell me more. Tell me Kristin 7th grade through high school in regards to dealing with others

I’m an only child. I had a lot of friends. They were the most important thing in my life. (still are) I suffer from FOMO hard core. I probably still do. I always schedule way to many plans and I never have down time. Right now I am messaging you, responding to a group chat. Yelling (lovingly) at my dog, making hard boiled eggs, listening to the tv and organizing my daughters valentines

Who is eating the hard-boiled eggs?

Me. If they’re edible. It’s always a 50/50 chance of something I cook turning out edible.

Let us back up a bit and ask you super-duper important questions....

Patrick Swayze or Tom Cruise?

Well, I’m not usually attracted to the dead people, but I would still pick Johnny over Maverick. (Plus I’m 5’11) Semantics.

Funny because they are both yard gnomes....

Is Patrick a gnome too? Still picking Johnny.

And that SNL skit with Swayze and Farley at the Chippendales try outs!! The best.

Debbie Gibson or Tiffany?

Ummm. I think we’re alone now girl.

Tiffany! Tell us about your first "real" date

No. Then the other one????

Debbie. Not by much though.

First real date?! We used to do a ton of group dates. Movies, hang out at houses. Play spin the bottle. I think my first one on one date was at a cheesy carnival.

It obviously wasn’t that memorable.

5'11 is super tall. Were/are you a bossy lady?

Boss? Yes. Bossy. No. (Although the men throughout my life might disagree) (auto correct just tried to change “might” to “McRib” that really made me laugh)

What kinds of people do you get along with best? Think personality outskirts...not obvious.

Obviously people with a sense of humor. People who aren’t easily offended and people that take themselves or life too seriously. (One lady at my daughter’s preschool posted that she researched 23 schools, and interviewed at some 3 separate times to find the best one. I commented that I researched 24 schools, and my daughter can eat paste at any of them. Needless to say we don’t lunch)

Sometimes I just can’t help myself. Ugh. Working on that!

Don’t take

((When taking a break for the night, Kristin said, “And I forgot about those stupid eggs ??))

You mention the 7th grade when you changed and I have seen you talk about being a brat in high school. Why did things change and exactly how were you a brat?

Hormones?! Boy crazy?! The typical middle school awkward years. (That maybe I never grew out of!)

I just had this wild feeling you have some funny stories from going to concerts as a teenager. Detroit always has the good bands coming through (and where I went growing up as well). Anything worth sharing?

I have crazy stories about seeing concerts as an adult, too! I love music. Especially live. I remember the good old days where you used to skip school and spend the night outside of a ticket master. I've seen quite a few, from the Beastie Boys playing with George Clinton (He came out riding a bike in an adult diaper) to the Grateful Dead and Page Plant. The last three artists I've seen (Prince, Merle Haggard and Tom Petty) have all recently passed. So I'm kind of afraid!! I did just see Bob Dylan and he seems to be hanging in there. Next big concert for me is Jack White.

*I used to pay $1 to watch Kid Rock play at a pool bar up the street when I was 16.

Be back soon. Leaving the office for a bit to hit the gym. I didn't make it there before work today.

I am pretty certain Bob cannot die at this point. You won't be the kiss of death there. Speaking of not dying, how much is working out a part of your life?

I go in spurts. I'm either all in or all out. Right now I'm all in. (Like 7 days a week in) and I hope I can maintain it. Especially now that I just turned 41. I need to be a good example for Lucy (my 5 year old). We don't have the luxury of great metabolisms.

That is great to read Kristin. It also helps with work. Maybe you being slightly more tired at work saves lives. How did you start with Wipes?

The owners are two brothers from my hometown, Grosse Pointe (Michigan). I've known them from high school. I've always been in sales. A bunch of my friends from high school and our families were celebrating 4th of July at our friends house. At about 2am around the campfire, we started talking about me quitting my job and coming to sell wipes. The rest is history.

Your posts are fantastic. No matter if a real story, a piece of fiction, serious or funny always combine with Wipes. What I personally admire most is that you are all-in. Wipes would be tough to go all-in with for many, which seems silly. Would you be the same if you worked for

100% I would market for revenge and manure.

Are you all-in with everything in your life? There is a lesson in here somewhere....

In it to win it.

Yes, all in.

Let's get to the fun stuff with LinkedIn. Have you sold Wipes through LinkedIn specifically? I am sure people wonder, "Does it work?"

I get almost all of my sales through LI

Seriously over 90%

That is great! See that naysayers?? What does an average sale look like for you? If that can't be shared, what can be? Largest deal?

I became the preferred vendor for Orangetheory Fitness, LinkedIn got us a involved with the #95 and NASCAR.

Vasa Fitness, Anytime Fitness, Gold's Gym, Snap, Retro, Fitness 19, workout anytime, a ton of Universities, Lowe's, Nestle, etc...

All LinkedIn.

It kind of feels like bragging at this point.

Ha!! Ok. I was just trying to give examples. You ass....

Sorry, loveable ass.

Are you the same at work as on Linkedin? How would your co-workers describe working with you?


Pure insanity. Too much coffee. SO many ideas. Never enough.

How much time do you spend on LinkedIn? Is it mainly reacting to all the activity your posts generate or do you find time to scroll through your feed?

I spend a few hours a day. I always have it open. Most of my time is spent responding to posts or inbox messages, or stalking my next victim. I love reading other peoples posts...

Who are your favorites? What stands out for you when seeing posts?

You..xo. Adam Karpiak, I love Angela Felix (She would be my girl crush) Oleg, Richard Branson. I've been digging Alyse (Main) lately.

Anyone who makes me laugh.

What are your thoughts on LinkedIn video? There has been a huge uptick. Anything you are looking into?

I’m all for it! I’m sure I will try one. Just not sure for what.

Well you can put a voice to the same posts you do now and with duck face.

I might lose sales, if people see my duck face.

Or my boobs. Oh wait, you don’t have to be naked for these videos. Right? Easily confused ??

You can omit that last part

I think that is and I am not omitting anything! See? You already have some fresh ideas! As far as content, anything (else) you would advise against on LI?

Bring on winkedin!


I get tired of all the posts about algorithms and what not.

Keep it fresh, keep it fun.

How do you deal with the negativity? Does it depend on your mood if you engage or do you have rules for yourself? Talk about looking at other posts and also within your own posts.

I usually try to ignore it. Sometimes, I just can't help myself. Especially if I see someone being wrongfully attacked on their post. (sometimes it's even harder to ignore if I'm at home drinking wine)

What is the worst thing someone has said to you on this platform? What is the best? Anything that sticks out?

I hope you die.

That sticks out.

I've been called a whore. An attention whore. I've been stalked. (Do NOT put your personal cell #, learned the hard way). Mostly it's been great. People tell me all the time that I make them laugh (which I live for). I've made some great business connections and friends. Even a faux fiancé!!!

I see you get mainly a positive response and I know that has to feel good! For the others, how many people have you blocked?

Maybe 5 or 6. Not too many.

What do you wish LinkedIn would add or take away? For example, I see people wanting the ability to have have a core group of people tagged so content from favorites does not get lost in the shuffle.

I would like them to take away the trolls and keep the people who need wipes. HA. I would like LinkedIn to have different options besides the "like", take away the private viewing option. What's the fun of that.

Well then what about profiles without pictures or pictures that are not of a person? There are also a lot of profiles that have a puppeteer. Does it really matter? ARE YOU A REAL PERSON?

I'm real. (But) I'm actually a 58 year old cat hoarding man that lives in mom's basement in my Bart Simpson shirt.

If someone wants to take the time to make a fake profile on LinkedIn, the must really need that excitement in their life! HA.

Jokes are necessary, but bringing in cats is crossing the line pretty much.

Do you have any future plans on LinkedIn or just going with the flow? It has obviously worked out well for you thus far.

HA! I have so many future plans! I would like to start a blog. Maybe video content. Maybe mid day karaoke, for those of us who need to blow off steam. Maybe some Pit wipe commercials and getting my connections to make commercials. The sky’s the limit.

Maybe some horror movies that can happen if you don't use disinfecting wipes.

Is Tara Reid on here?

And now I see what it is like to work with you! These are great ideas and we would love to see them. Maybe you can play Tara Reid in a short video about surgery gone wrong but came through without a staph infection. "Wiped Clean: Tara Reid Survives Fourth Lift"

Stay tuned.....

Alright a few super personal questions and I feel like the audience will know a bit more about Kristin Olsen-Klott. What is your pants size? Kidding, please don't answer that. Let's do the old line of questioning around being stranded on a desert island. Give me a movie, a band/musician, a celebrity man, meal and an animal. One of each (and your family is safe elsewhere).

Ok. Just one movie?!?! That is hard. Usually I would say Jaws, but if I'm on a deserted island, I might be have suffered some trauma. Ugh. Hard. I really like Halloween, Goodfellas, GF 1 &2, Caddy Shack and Animal House. I would probably need comedy...Caddy Shack. (that gave me anxiety) Band...Grateful Dead. A celebrity man to be with on a desert island...Ryan Gosselin as Noah from the Notebook, Ryan Reynolds from Amityville horror (sans the whole possessed murderer thing) or Vince Vaughn. Meal...does wine count as a meal?! and scallops. Animal...sloth.

Celebrity woman...Diane Lane or Alyssa Milano.

You see the problem with bringing a celebrity woman is the risk of Diane Lane running off to the other side of the island with Ryan Gosselin and leaving you with a sloth.

Last question and thank you for being available for the questions. What is Kristin doing 10 years from now?

I'm a writer. Comedy, books, blogging.... all of it! Happy and disinfected!!!


Terry Bean

Guiding Growth by Getting Leaders Better Connected to the Ideas, Strategies, and Skills They Need. #trybean | Coach | Trainer | Keynotes

5 年

I'm so glad I googled queen of wipes and found this. Awesome!!

Karen Grosz CPC

Team Builder. Speaker. Author Quiet Leadership. #themondayvideolady

7 年

Thank you for introducing me to this woman!!

Jeanne Patti

Retired: Six Sigma Continuous Improvement Leader | Personality and Temperament Expert

7 年

Your interviews fascinate me to no end and so do disinfecting wipes. I have disinfecting OCD. Kristin Olson-Kott - you are my hero!

Tomas Reyes

Owner of Noble Building Company

7 年

Great interview! "My daughter can eat paste at any of the schools" is hilarious! You definitely make me laugh Ms. Tall lady. Keep the laughs coming.

Dan Liebrecht

Co-Founder CleanGuru LLC I Help Cleaning Business Owners Get and Stay Profitable | Janitorial Software

7 年

as real, fun and interesting a post as we'd expect to read about you Kristin. Keep enjoying your life, all of it!


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