The Quarter Century Mark
Adam T Cummings
Freelance Copywriter | Veteran Advocate | Podcast Host | Inbound Marketing Strategist | US Marine
Blog 075 -- June 14, 2018
I feel as though I have found my true alignment as of the past couple of weeks. This euphoric feeling has overcome me, as if I am breathing fresh air again for the first time in a while. I have been waiting for the moment in my life where everything would come together for me. Where all my work, growth, introspection, analysis, moves, strategies, and lessons learned would seal together to expose the greatness I have been trying to hone for all these years. I feel as though that time is upon me.
Things have been falling into place in ways I cannot explain. I find myself at the right place at the right time more often than I do not. Opportunities are falling my way for which I do not know what to do with. Everything I need, to get to the next level, is conveniently provided for me without struggle. All I can think is that I have found my alignment. I have found the balance point for which to exist in at this point in my journey. I have found my sweet spot.
It is with purposeful intent that I have discovered this sweet spot. Through this 100-blog challenge, I have been able to make conscious decisions to employ all the lessons that I write about on a daily basis. Faking the funk has never been something I felt comfortable doing, yet that is what the last 9-months have felt like in a way. Like I was not in my space, like I did not have a lane. So I created my own. At times with strategy and finesse, while other times with brutish vigor. But now I am here and here feels wonderful.
I am now at the quarter-century mark of this challenge and I must say that it has not become any less difficult writing every day, considering I have taken my cruising speed up about another 15 mph. I am beginning to employ personal strategies that are improving my physical energy levels and allowing me to put forth more focused effort. But I still need to stay mindful that my energy is limited and burn out is very easily attainable if allowed to go unchecked.
I now know where I am going and have the resources, knowledge and experience to really make some strides towards achieving what I am looking to achieve. This has been one of the most exciting times of my life and I feel blessed to have chronicled this pursuit over the last two and half months. Who knows what the last twenty-five days will bring. Most likely more growth and revelation. I am ready for it.