Quarkus Framework and Comparison with Spring Boot

Quarkus Framework and Comparison with Spring Boot

In this article, we’ll give an overview of the Quarkus framework and compare it with Spring Boot –? the most popular Java backend framework.

Quarkus is an open-source Java framework for developing web applications. It is designed to build apps in a modern approach with microservices and cloud-native applications. Quarkus has built-in support for the two most popular package managers: Gradle and Maven. By default, a new starter project created using the official Quarkus CLI uses Maven, although it may be easily switched to generate a grade-based project instead.

Features Comparison to Spring Boot Framework

Let’s make an overview of the main features available in Quarkus and compare them to the equivalent ones from Spring Framework.

Application Configuration

Quarkus uses an open-source SmallRye Config library for configuring applications. By default, it uses application.properties files for this purpose. However, there is an option to also use the yaml file. In order to enable yaml configuration, we need to add a quarkus-config-yaml dependency. Quarkus may also additionally read configuration using environment variables specified in the .env file. This is particularly useful for local development.

You may store some local settings in the .env file e.g., to enable retrieval of credentials from external sources for local builds and not commit the file, keeping it for local usage only. Spring does not support reading environment variables from an .env file, so developers have to either inject them by IDE or configure them directly using the application configuration file.

Similarly to Spring, Quarkus supports different profiles depending on the target environment. This may be achieved by adding a profile name to the application.properties file name, e.g.:

application.properties –?base configuration application-dev.properties – extended configuration for the dev environment. When the dev profile is active, it will add (or override) the configuration to the base profile.

There is also an ability to build a configuration hierarchy with an additional configuration layer to mention base and profile-specific configuration. We may specify the name of the parent profile using quarkus.config.profile.parent in application-<profile>.properties file. E.g., by specifying quarkus.config.profile.parent=common in the application-dev.properties file, we’ll get a three-level hierarchy:

application.properties –?base configuration application-common.properties – overrides/extends base configuration application-dev.properties – overrides/extends common profile configuration

Spring has similar setting called spring.config.import which allows to import properties from a specified file rather than creating a hierarchy.

Dependency Injection

Quarkus uses Jakarta EE Contexts and Dependency Injection engine. Similarly to Spring, Quarkus uses the concept of a bean. A bean is an object managed by an application environment (container) which creation and behavior can be controlled by the developer in a declarative style using annotations. For injecting beans, same as in the Spring Boot, we may use field, setter, and constructor injections.

Beans can be created by annotating the bean class with a scoped annotation:

public class DataService {
    public void writeData() {

Compare with similar bean in Spring Boot:

public class DataService {
    public void writeData() {

Another way to define beans is to use producer methods or fields. This is similar to @Configuration classes in Spring Boot.


// Define beans
public class SettingsProducer {

    String appToken = "123abc";

    Map<String, String> settings() {
        return Map.of(
            "setting 1", "value1",
            "setting 2", "value2"

    MyBean myBean() {
        return new MyBean(); // custom class


// Inject beans:
public class DataService {
    private String appToken;

    private Map<String, String> settings;

    private MyBean myBean;


Equivalent Spring Boot code:

// Configuration:
public class SettingsProducer {
    String appToken() {
        return "123abc";

    Map<String, String> settings() {
        return Map.of(
            "setting 1", "value1",
            "setting 2", "value2"

    MyBean myBean() {
        return new MyBean();

// Injecting beans:
public class DataService {
    private String appToken;

    @Qualifier("settings") // needed to explicitly tell spring that Map itself is a bean
    private Map<String, String> settings;

    private MyBean myBean;


Quarkus also provides built-in mechanisms for interceptors, decorator, and event handling using Jakarta EE framework annotations and classes.


Building RESTful services with Quarkus is enabled by RESTEasy Reactive framework, which is an implementation of Jakarta REST specification. The example class to handle endpoint requests:

public class DataResource {
    public String getData() {
        return "My resource";

    public String addData(String data, @RestQuery String type) {
        return "Adding data: " + data + " of type: " + type;


Class annotation @Path defines the root path of the URL. Each method contains HTTP method annotation (@GET, @POST) and @Path annotation that becomes a subpath of the root part. That is, in the example above, getData() is called for GET /api/resource request. Method addData() is called for POST /api/add/some_text?type=text request. Path component some_text will be specified as a data parameter to the addData() method. Query parameter text will be passed as a type parameter.

In Spring Boot, the above endpoint implementation using Spring Web is very similar:

public class TestController {
    public String hello() {
        return "My resource";

    public String addData(@PathVariable String data, @RequestParam String type) {
        return "Adding data: " + data + " of type: " + type;


Quarkus has its own Security framework, similarly to Spring Boot. Quarkus Security has built-in authentication mechanisms (like Basic, Form-based etc) and provides an ability to use well-known external mechanisms, such as OpenID Connect or WebAuth. It also contains security annotations for role-based access control. On the other hand, Spring Security has more abilities and is more flexible than Quarkus Security. E.g., @Secured and @PreAuthorize Spring annotations are not provided natively by Quarkus. However, ?Quarkus can be integrated with Spring Security to use the functionality that is provided by Spring Security only.

Cloud integration

Quarkus supports building container images when creating an application. The following container technologies are supported:

  • Docker. To generate a Dockerfile that allows the building of a docker image, the quarkus-container-image-docker extension is used.

  • Jib. The Jib container images can be built by using the quarkus-container-image-jib extension. For Jib containerization, Quarkus provides caching of the app dependencies stored in a layer different from the application. This allows to rebuild the application fast. It also makes the application build smaller when pushing the container. Moreover, it gives the ability to build apps and containers without the need to have any client-side docker-related tool in case only push to the docker registry is needed.

  • OpenShift. To build an OpenShift container, the quarkus-container-image-openshift is needed. The container is built by only uploading an artifact and its dependencies to the cluster, where they are merged into the container. Building OpenShift builds requires the creation of BuildConfig and two ImageStream resources. One resource is required for the builder image and one for the output image. The objects are created by the Quarkus Kubernetes extension.

  • Buildpack. Quarkus extension quarkus-container-image-buildpack uses build packs to create container images. Internally, the Docker service is used.

Quarkus is positioned as a Kubernetes native. It provides a Quarkus Kubernetes extension that allows the deployment of apps to Kubernetes. This simplifies workflow and, in simple applications, allows one to deploy to Kubernetes in one step without deep knowledge of Kubernetes API itself. Using quarkus-kubernetes dependency provides auto-generated Kubernetes manifest in the target directory. The manifest is ready to be applied to the cluster using the following example command:

kubectl apply -f target/kubernetes/kubernetes.json        

Quarkus also creates a dockerfile for the docker image for deployment. Application properties of the Quarkus app allow the configuration of container images to set their names, groups, etc. Kubernetes-related application properties allow the setup of a generated resource. E.g, quarkus.kubernetes.deployment-kind sets the resource kind to, e.g., Deployment, StatefulSet, or Job.

When it comes to Spring Boot it also has support of containerization and Kubernetes. However, such support is not out-of-the-box. The setup and deployment require much more configuration and technology-specific knowledge comparing to how it’s implemented in Quarkus. Quarkus reduces boilerplate code and setup since it has a native configuration for Kubernetes and containerization.

Production Readiness and Technical Support

Quarkus is a relatively new framework comparing to Spring/Spring Boot. The initial Quarkus release took place on May 20, 2019. The first production Spring Framework release was on March 24, 2004, and Spring Boot was first released on April 1, 2014. Quarkus releases new versions a bit more frequently than Spring Boot, although the frequency is very good for both frameworks. There are 3-4 Quarkus releases per month and 5-6 releases of Spring Boot.

When it comes to bugs, there are 8289 total issues marked as bugs on github for Quarkus, and only 881 of them are in opened state. For Spring Boot, there are 3473 total issues that are marked as bugs, and only 66 of them are opened. The bugs are fixed faster for Spring Boot. The reason may be because it has a larger supporting community as Spring is much older.

Spring Boot has long-term support (LTS) versions that are maintained (updates/bug fixes) for a longer period of time without introducing major changes. Such an approach gives more stability and allows the use of the older version of your application that is getting all the critical fixes (e.g., fixes of known vulnerabilities). At the same time, you may work on the newer releases of your product to integrate and test the latest version of the framework. Spring Boot offers one year of regular support for each LTS edition and more than two years of commercial support.

Quarkus recently introduced LTS versions supported for one year. They plan to release a new LTS version every six months. Currently, Quarkus does not have commercial support for LTS versions.


In this article, we described key features of the Quarkus framework and compared them with the equivalent features in Spring Boot. Let’s summarize the main pros and cons of both frameworks in every area addressed.

  • Application Configuration

Both Spring Boot and Quarkus have well-developed systems of configuration management. Even though Quarkus has the ability to build a simple three-level hierarchy of profiles, both frameworks can handle app configuration at a good level to satisfy app development needs.

  • Dependency Injection

Both frameworks use a similar approach with beans injected at run time and use annotations to define bean types, assign bean information, and specify injection points.

  • RESTful API

Spring Boot and Quarkus have very similar approach to writing RESTful API, with no major differences.

  • Security

Quarkus provides the same authorization methods as Spring and has built-in integration with well-known authentication mechanisms. Spring Security offers more security-related annotations, although some of them can be used in Quarkus as it has the ability to integrate with the Spring Security framework.

  • Cloud integration

Quarkus has native support for containerization and Kubernetes. It provides more abilities and is easier to use in cloud-native environments and tools compared to Spring Boot. This may be a key factor in choosing between Spring Boot and Quarkus for a development of a new app designed for a cloud-native environment.

  • Production Readiness and Technical Support

Spring Boot is a much older framework. It has a larger support community and more users. It provides more robust LTS versions with the ability to extend tech support even more with LTS commercial support. Quarkus, on the other hand, has just recently introduced LTS versions with a shorter support period and doesn’t have commercial options. However, both frameworks are stable, bugs are continuously fixed, and new versions are released frequently.

For the most of its features, Quarkus implements Jakarta EE specifications, while Spring Boot includes its own solutions. Implementing the specification offers the advantage of creating a more consistent and robust API, as opposed to using non-standard methods. On the other hand, Spring Boot? is quite an old and well-known framework and its features have proven to be stable and robust over time.


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