The Quarantine Mindset

The Quarantine Mindset

Social Distancing. WFH or Work from home. Shelter in place. Furlough. Quarantine.

All of these new terms and terrifying words have become the new norm in the world's everyday vernacular. When watching the news, scrolling through social media or just laughing at a meme. Our world has been consumed not only by Tiger King but COVID-19. It has taken all of us to a very dark place that is filled with the unknown. I call it the "Quarantine Mindset".

Just like the rest of the United States and the world, I have been sitting in the sanctuary of my home. Luckily I have my husband and two dogs to keep me company. We have been binging everything from tv series, movies, food, and even more food. Each day wondering when will we all be able to get our lives back? My job might be safe today but will it be tomorrow or in six months? Will things ever go back to how they were? Will my family in the midwest be okay while I live here on the west coast? These are the dark areas of our minds I know we all have been going to. It is a seed of fear that grows into anxiety with every article we read and video we watch.

A few days ago working from home I decided to complete some online training to keep my skills sharp during this very slow period. The lesson was called The Importance of Lifelong Learning relating to a core competency Active and Continuous Learning. It shifted my quarantine mindset immediately. The video focused on two different mindsets that we all can have which are a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. We all can have the fixed mindset that things are terrible making ourselves go down the internal tunnel of unknown. Believing that everything will continue to get worse. It is the easiest thing to do and I know I went there quickly since the Coronavirus has spread the past few months.

In my professional career, this is never how I approach any situation. I honestly was shocked that I had allowed myself to go into this quarantine mindset. All of a sudden though I was beginning to have this fixed belief that the status quo would continue to worsen indefinitely. The video lesson reminded me of the second mindset we all can choose to have. I remembered that things will continue to change and progress. Things might have changed for the worse now but they will get better over time. It is a mindset that we all must continue to have. That is how we all will survive this.

So I hope that anyone who is in that quarantine mindset like me remembers that all it takes is a change in our outlook on life. Use this time to connect with your loved ones (virtually, of course). Keep sharpening your skills or gain new skills. Do whatever it is to make you happy and keep your sanity. This is our time to shine as a collective. The virus affects us all and none of us are alone in this. The true #CoronaChallenge is overcoming and facing adversity that has affected everyone. I am challenging myself to take this time to grow and develop personally and professionally. I will continue to complete learning paths at work and stay connected with my co-workers. I am also taking this time to plan what is next for my husband and I. Lets face our fears together and grow together. Change the "Quarantine Mindset" to a mindset of only growth and possibilities.

Hoping everyone out there is staying safe and healthy indoors wherever they might be!


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