naRYAN PhD (Healing)
Disruptive Innovator, SR&ED Practitioner, Food & Drug Scientist; Quantum Healing, Lean Six Sigma Master Blackbelt, Senior Flavorist. ????????????? ???????????????
Acharya Yaska and Acharya Panini are the two most celebrated scholars of Sanskrit linguistics. Yaskacharya (5th-century-BCE) created Nirukta. Nirukta focus on the correct interpretation of Vedic Sanskrit words. Acharya Panini was a famous Sanskrit grammarian. His sanskrit grammer is A??ādhyāyī (Pā?inīk?ta–Sūtrapā?ham).
A??ādhyāyī has established linguistic standards for Classical Sanskrit language. A??ādhyāyī is called Paniniyam Maha-shastram. Panini (about 520 BC - 460 BC 4th century) has spent a significant amount of time for A??ādhyāyī.
Rig Veda states the existence of thirty-three deities. Yaskacharya mentioned thirty-three deities: eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, twelve Adityas, and two Asvinis. However, Yaskacharya confirmed that the thirty-three gods equally reside (eleven in each) on the celestial plane (Dhu-Lok or Patal), intermediate region (Akash or Antariksha-Lok), and terrestrial area (Prithvi or Bhu-Lok).[SpBr]
a??au vasava? | ekāda?a rudrā dvāda?ādityā ime eva dyāvāp?thivī trayastri??yau
trayastri??advai devā?
The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad of Rishi Yajnavalkya states that eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, twelve Adityas, Indra, and Prajapati are the thirty-three gods.
a??au vasava? ekāda?a rudrā?, dvāda?a ādityāste ekatri??at, indra?caiva prajāpati?ca trayastri??āviti
?That clarifies that two Asvinis are the Indra and Prajapati.
Rig Veda 5.3 states Rudra as the antariksha devata. He is a divinity of the subtle world, the mid-space between the earth and the Sun (Rig Veda 5.3).
In the human body, the working area of Rudra is vacant space. That means endocannabinoid system, brain, and vitality.
Yaska also classifies Rudra and Marutas as the mid-region deities (Madhyam-sthana-devata).
The working area of Maruta and Rudra is the same.
Nir.[ 7,23]: tata.āgacchati.madhyama.sthānā.devatā?.rudra??.ca.maruta?.ca/
Space is the divinity associated with winds. Thus Rudra is the divinity to maintain a life-breath (Prana-Vayu). Rudra is therefore responsible for keeping the principles of life. Rudra is also the intermediary between physical elements and the intellect.
Rig-Veda hymns 2.33.1 address Rudra as Pitar-Marutam. That means the father of Maruts.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad has stated that Rudras are the ten vital energies in the body (Dasame puruse prana) and the Atman (Atma-ekadashah).
START BrhUp 3,9.4
katame rudrā iti |
da?eme puru?e prā?ā ātmaikāda?a? |
te yadāsmāc charīrān martyād utkrāmanty atha rodayanti |
tad yad rodayanti tasmād rudrā iti || BrhUp_3,9.4 ||
When individual expectations are violated, rudras, sense, and mind contribute to suffering. While leaving the body, the ten vital energies and the soul cause mental and physical torture and cries.
Chandogya Upanishad 3.16.9 states that tears cause is Prana (Rudra). As the vital breaths generate the tears, they cause everyone to express grief in tears during its departure from the body.
?Prana vava Rudra ete hidam sarvam rodayanti
Rig-Veda describes Rudra as the god of storm, wind, and hunt (kill). With powerful and destructive weapons and medicinal powers and the ability to hit at the right point, Rudra can achieve the right kills. The ability of Rudra (Sarva – Sarv) to injure or kill is speedy (Ashu – Bana-Hastha). Rig-Veda has also identified Rudra as the god of fire or the Agni.
The Rudra represents dancing Siva, the overall quantum unified field, constituting the vibrational web functions.
Rudra is also called Shiva, synonymous with Bhava, Sarva, Ugra, and Mahadeva. Rudra also means Father of the Maruts (ā te pitar marutā? – RV 2.33.1). And collectively, the terms Maruts found used to indicate the sons of Rudra or the Maruts.
Rudras are the forces to hold sub-atomic particles. That is also responsible for creating our feelings and emotions.
The Rig-Veda Samhita RV.1.43; 1.114; 2.33; and 7.46 has four hymns comprising 39 verses dedicated to the Rudra. Rudra appears in innumerable forms and colors (Puru-rupa). Ever youthful, most potent, the deity of thunderstorms and lightning, presiding over the entire existence.
Maruts, also called Rudriya, are the storm god mainly associated with the atmosphere. The Maruts (immortals) are a restless power source transporting in space.
Maruts hold quantum particles that are ultimately the energy bundle in a web that functions as a cloud.
As per Puranas, Shiva is the lord of the universe, attributed to the vibrational force to construct cosmic particulates. Rudra had merged with Shiva and represented the terrific aspect of Shiva as the destroyer. It was closely associated with the god of death, the Yama. With with the god of fire, the Agni. And with the magical drink, the soma (Herbal Healing Drinks). At the same time, it stands for all the intense feelings associated with the entire spectrum of emotions. The Advaita view of the Svetavatara Upanishad states everything emerges from Rudra, exists in it, and merges back within it.
The overall functionality of Dancing Shiva, Vasu, Rudra, Adityas, and Asvinis is predominantly responsible for forming body dosha types, namely Vata, pita, and Kapha, the bodily constitution.?
Maruts are a group of gods (energy source) and are usually eleven or thirty-three. The Rig Veda states twenty-one (RV 1.133.6) or twenty-seven. The seven groups of seven each, i.e., forty-nine. Three times sixty, i.e., One hundred and eighty (tri? ?a??is RV 8.96.8).
Thirty-three deities, i.e., Devata (Source of Energy) to living beings:
(Story: The 33 children of the sage Kashyapa and his wife, Aditi. Maruts are 49 sons of Diti. Diti is a sister of Aditi).
A) Eight Vasus are:
1) Earth (Other names Earth, Bhumi, Dharā or Prithvi)
2) Water (Other name Varuna, Samudra Deva, āpa or Jal)
3) Agni (Fire, Anala, or Pavaka)
4) Air (Other names Vāyu, Wind, or Anila)
5) Surya (Other name āditya, Eternal, Amsuman, Pratyūsha or Sun)
6) Akash (Other names Dyaus, Sky, Prabhāsa, or Ether)
7) Chandramas (Other names Moon, Varchas, Soma, or Moon)
8) Stars (Other names Nakstrani, Prabhāsa, Dhruva, Motionless – the Polar star, or Tara)
B) Eleven Rudras are:
The types of energy that constitute the Rudras are the ten senses and the mind.
Ten Senses and Mind: ?
1)?????External Sensation is the sensory organs of the Eyes, Ears, Skin, Nose, Mouth, and Vestibular system (The Auditory Nerve: the Inner ear apparatus that maintains hearing equilibrium and connects the inner ear with the brain).
2) Inner Sensation is the external sensory organs that contribute to the sensory perceptions of Vision, Hearing, Touch, Smell, Taste, and Spatial orientation.
3)?????The Mind – The Central Nervous system, inclusive of the endocannabinoids system, involves perceiving the Sensation.
When you categorically look into those sensing mechanisms, you usually have eleven sensations. The essence of Veda and Vedic pieces of literature states, the following are the Eleven Senses to represent the Eleven Rudras:
1)?????Sense of Life
2)?????Sense of Movement (and Balance)
3)?????Sense of Sound (Speech)
4)?????Sense of Touch
5)?????Sense of Vision
6)?????Sense of Taste
7)?????Sense of Smell
8)?????Sense of temperature (hot & cold)
9)?????Sense of Thought
10)??Sense of Ego
11)??Sense of Perception (Mind or Concept) – The Spiritual World
Our senses dictate our preferences. They are the controllers of our choice. We cannot do anything independent of the reasons and the requisites of the mind.
C) Twelve Adityas: The originating source of energy is called Adityas. Veda highlights that nature receives energy from the Sun or similar supreme power and is available to the universe as twelve fuel types. Because of that, it is possible to maintain a living. And the creation, life, destructions, and re-creation cycles. Even the recycling of secret souls of living beings.
According to the Brahma Purana, there are twelve types of Adityas. Each of them refers to twelve different divinities or the source of unique energies. Each serves for the particular purposes:
D) Two Asvinis (i.e., Two Spins):
Indra and Prajapati are two Asvinis. The mode of energy travels or propagate from one source to another. When white light passes through a prism, it gets divided into seven colors VIBGYOR (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red). That is the reason one saw the rainbow after the rains. White light rays travel in a bundle of seven colorful lights.
That seven colors are have referred to as seven horses of the Sun Chariot. The white light ray itself represents the chariot drawn by seven horses. The Agni (fire, energy) elements from each type of ray are called tongues of the god or natural power with the same logic. When the light falls into an object, the reflected portions in our eyes cause the sense of that object. And we perceive dark when there is no reflection of light.
Prajapati is the creator of the universe (sinless, ageless, and deathless). It works to create the Self and the natural creations. Indra is Atman. An immortal and fearless abode of gods (natural force, also called Paramahatma). Living needs vital energy, i.e., Atma or Jivatma. The vibrational energy (in angular momentum) that constructs fundamental elements of the body and Atma needs entangles to be a creature alive. Two Asvinis, the Indra (responsible authority to control all sense we have) and The Prajapati (Fundamental Particles for physical body), is the conjoined energy of different nature keeping the life alive. ??
Spin refers to?the angular momentum of quantum particles (electron-like particles fermions) and electrons in quantum mechanics. Similarly, quarks are paired as isospin up and down. Angular momentum creates a continuous variable. In quantum mechanics, angular moments are individually separate and distinct, called quantized. The intrinsic (internal) direction of the quantized Spin is either spin up or down. They show vibrational web cloud functions (space, time, angular momentum). ?
Spin is an intrinsic property of the two classes of elementary particles in quantum physics, known as bosons and fermions. Bosons have an integer spin, i.e., 0, 1, etc. But the fermions have a half-integer spin, i.e., 1/2, 3/2, etc. This difference in the spin type results in differences in the behavior of the elemental particles. Bosons create logical and consistent (coherent) states, whereas fermions are not. The different behavior of elementary particles due to different spin types creates both uniformity and differences in the structure. Bosons and fermions are the basic building blocks of nature, thus creating uniformity and structural entity differences.
Two Asvinis thus indicates the two spins type attributes at the fundamental level and two contrary charges or motions or emotions or sexual inertia or the spirituality at higher latitude.
The goal of the Vedic health care system, the Ayurveda, is the creation of perfect health for the individual instead of simply turning them into the absence of disease. Ayurveda is five subtle frequencies called tanmantras based health care philosophy. Shabdha (sound), Sparsha (touch). Roopa (Vision – seeing object and boundaries), Rasa (Taste), and Gandha (Smell) are five fundamental frequencies that lead to the construction of the panchamahabhutas. Panchamahabhutas means the five essential elements, namely Space (Akash), Air (Vayu), Fire (Teja), Water (Apa), and Earth (Prithivi).
The disease is the frequencies incompatibility state of the body and mind that gives pain and discomfort. The cause of disturbance of the average balance between the mind and body can be external (Agantuka) or internal (Niji). The internal body environment (Niji frequencies) constantly interacts with nature's outside (Agantuka frequencies) frequencies. The disorder occurs when these two frequencies are out of harmony. Maintaining the compatibility between internal and external frequencies, Ayurveda has pervasive insight called Dosha Balancing. It is about balancing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, the three types of Doshas.
The web functions of Space and Air generates Vata Dosha. The combination of fire and water makes Pitta Dosha. Kapha Dosa appears when water and earth elements merge. The doshas are fundamental frequency-based principles that govern the entire body's functioning. Through web functions, doshas also maintain the connection between the human body with the universe.
The resultant frequencies of three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are responsible for maintaining homeostasis or Dhatusamya (state of harmony among body tissues and organs) in the body. As per the ayurvedic healthcare philosophy, a balance or compatibility between these doshas is healthy. On the other hand, diseases occur when balance or harmony is lost. When you are born, your body's constitution is your body's Prakriti (natural form). For you, that constitution is ideal unless there are inborn treatable defects.
We can explain and justify the three doshas concept of Ayurveda based on quantum biochemistry. The constitution of panchamahabhutas found related to the conceptual framework of five spin types seen in quantum physics.
For those unfamiliar with angular momentum, it's similar to linear momentum (p = mv), except the object gains angular velocity while moving along a curved path, as a planet orbits across the Sun at different locations. However, the particles that seemed to have this angular momentum did not show any evidence that they were in angular motion. The particles just seemed to inherently have this angular momentum, as if they were spinning like a top on their axis.
Additionally, these particles would spin with particular speeds - no faster and slower. That is named Spin quantized, and it takes only a specific value of "n." Where the value of n equals 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2, 5/2, and so on, that is, one is always an integer or half-integer. The n value refers to the magnitude or size of a particle's angular momentum. The Particles with half-integer spin are known as fermions. The scientist gave the name of bosons to the particles integer spin. The two classes of particles behave very differently from each other. Based on that, nature has created all the universe's fundamental elements. At an underlying level, bosons and fermions are the basic building blocks of nature.
According to Hagelin JS. Is consciousness the unified field? (A field theorist's perspective. Modern Science and Vedic Science 1987;1(1):29-87), these spin types correlate with the panchamahabhutas dosha from Ayurveda.
As Akash elements represent the space-time curvature, the Vayu element is a candidate for dark matters, Agni is responsible for photons and energy received from chemical transformations. Jal (Water) means the elementary fermion particles, and the Prithivi consists of the particles with their mass.
Dr. Hagelin's correlation with the doshas (as specified in Ayurvedic texts) with the three superfields (the combinations of the five spin types) shows that the dosha concept can justify scientifically.
As per Ayurveda, an individual typically has a specific predominance of one or more naturally, dictated by birth. All three doshas need not be present in equal proportion to be person-balanced from a physiological standpoint. However, their frequency-based functioning must be in a state of harmony with each other. The human constitution consists of the combination of consciousness and matters. Matters consist of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas.
When the frequency-based co-relation of consciousness (Aatma) and Panchamahabhuta (matters) is in harmony, a state of total balance and perfection in overall frequency-based connection is created. That is what is the perfect health condition, as per ayurvedic philosophy. This supreme balanced state of harmony typically referred to as the state of health, is called Swastha Awastha. That means a well-established health condition and the wholeness of life.
(Author: [email protected])
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