Quantum Theory is the Paradigm of Contemporary Science: The role of Philosophy in the new Paradigm

Quantum Theory is the Paradigm of Contemporary Science: The role of Philosophy in the new Paradigm

Publicado en New Horizons in Philosophy and Sociology. Ed. Peter Lang. Página 173.

Editores Hülya Yaldir / Guncel Onkal. 09 / 04 / 2018. Turquía.


English translation by Xavier Faraudo Gener.


As a reply to Mr. Hawking's statement in his book The Grand Design, where he establishes that philosophy has become obsolete to satisfy “Humanity's great questions”… Philosophy is not there to “satisfy”; indeed, philosophy does the most interesting-creative-splendid work: philosophy asks questions! Stating that “philosophy is dead since it hasn't kept up with the latest developments in science, especially theoretical physics” marks a resounding failure in the construction of knowledge, which didn't reach the critical horizon of contemporaneity. Modern age monetized knowledge, fragmented it and set some knowledge over some other. It removed imagination and intuition from problem-solving. The scientism paradigm mercilessly crushed philosophy, universities were turned into ATMs emitting data and obscure results far away from progress and common benefit. The best scientism strategy to void philosophy is to question what is philosophy useful for; from this question on, philosophy loses meaning-value-existence being considered a profit by itself. Modern-day university is predatory, a daughter of the prevailing model, just sustained to keep running the research paper machine while industrializing ideas. Philosophy is neither sick nor dead. Philosophy is more alive than ever. We'll start from Bernard d'Espagnat (“Quantum theory is the paradigm of contemporary science”) to outline the contemporary role of philosophy. The role of contemporary philosophy is to take science away from mercantilism, away from the trade of ideas to: a) give an answer to questions arisen from modern science; b) rebuild knowledge moving questions and problems from quantum theory to philosophy and thus give birth a new rationality, and react against an industrial world that forgot about Being, Person, Happiness and Peace.

Keywords: Quantum Theory, Philosophy, Contemporary Science, Metaphysics, Generic Symbols.



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