Quantum Technology SPIN QUBITS using Semiconductor Device Simulation QTCAD Software.
TCAD Semiconductor Device Simulation, Nanotechnology, Quantum Technology Simulation Software provider.
QTCAD ?Key Features:-
·??????? it to predict the electrostatic properties of spin qubits at cryogenic temperatures support below 100Kalvin.
something that other commercially available TCAD software cannot do.
·??????? Implemented new solver using the no equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism and self-consistent NEGF-Poisson algorithms to compute the no equilibrium quantum statistics,
electric potential, and charge density in two-probe devices (e.g. field-effect transistors with source and drain) under no equilibrium conditions (e.g. finite drain-source voltage),
as well as to calculate electric current in both classical transport (e.g. thermionic emission above a potential barrier) and quantum transport (e.g. tunnelling under a potential barrier) in the ballistic regime.
·??????? New tutorials for the calculation of tunnel coupling and exchange interaction strength in a double quantum dot in a generic fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) geometry.
·??????? Improved line cutting algorithm underpinning the WKB solver for the calculation of tunnelling rates in the master equation solver for transport in the sequential tunnelling regime.
·??????? The new line cutting algorithm is faster, and offers better treatment of discontinuities at interfaces between materials.
·??????? Master equation solver for quantum transport calculations
·??????? An electrostatics tool for quantum dot confinement potentials in semiconductors
·??????? enhanced many-body Schr?dinger solver for electrons and holes
·??????? Valley coupling in silicon-based spin-qubit devices.
·??????? Quantum-mechanical treatment of magnetism (orbital and Zeeman effects) and spin-orbit coupling
·??????? Wave function of the first excited state of an electron confined by the gates.
·??????? Rabi oscillations for a spin qubit under electric-dipole spin resonance accounting for realistic device geometry.
·??????? Quantum dot,Qbit is not any other commericial software.
·??????? QTCAD? can import the gate geometry directly from the layout used in device fabrication.
·??????? Charge stability diagram used to demonstrate experimentally that a quantum dot operates in the single-electron or single-hole regime.
·??????? Arbitrary 1D/2D/3D device geometries enabling to study many practical designs
·??????? Flexible, scriptable, and user-friendly interface,Gated geometries can be imported directly from standard layout
·??????? tunnel coupling and exchange interaction strength in double quantum dots
·??????? For expert users, arbitrary 2D and 3D geometries ,Electrostatics at cryogenic temperature
Here QTCAD Software theory.
·???????? Poisson solvers ,Band alignment in heterostructures
·???????? Schr?dinger solvers, Operators ,Multivalve effective-mass theory solver
·???????? Lever arm theory, Schr?dinger–Poisson solver ,Many-body solver, Transport through a quantum-confined system
·???????? Quantum control, Bibliography
QTCAD Software ?Device package, Transport package, Qubit package
·???????? Device package-Poisson and Schr?dinger simulation of a GAAFET ,Poisson solver with adaptive meshing
·???????? Poisson solver with background charges ,Adaptive-mesh Poisson solver combined with the Schr?dinger solver
·???????? Schr?dinger equation for a quantum dot ,Band alignment in heterostructures
·???????? Visualizing QTCAD quantities with ParaView ,Self-consistent Schr?dinger–Poisson simulation of a MOS capacitor
·???????? Schr?dinger simulation of a quantum well ,Including spin–orbit coupling and magnetic effects in a simulation
·???????? Including strain in a simulation, Valley coupling (MVEMT) ,Many-body analysis of a GAAFET
·???????? Quantum transport—Master equation Quantum transport—WKB approximation Charge stability diagram of a double quantum dot
·???????? Qubit package - Electric dipole spin resonance—Dynamics, pin resonance—Noise