Quantum Technology
Quantum technology is a class of technology that works by using the principles of quantum mechanics (the physics of sub-atomic particles), including quantum entanglement and quantum superposition.
Such a definition might make your head spin, but the truth is, you don’t need to know exactly what quantum technology is to make use of it. Your smartphone is a type of quantum technology – its semiconductors use quantum physics to work – but neither you or the engineer who designed it need to know the ins and outs of quantum mechanics.
The reason we’re talking about quantum technology now, 50 years after it became a part of our lives through nuclear power, is that the latest feats of engineering are harnessing more of the potential of quantum mechanics. We’re now starting to control quantum entanglement and quantum superposition. That means quantum technology promises improvements to a vast range of everyday gadgets, including:
All these applications could, to some extent, be useful within a year or two. But it’s hard to know which will be a simple evolution and which will be truly disruptive. That uncertainty gives proactive businesses an opportunity as the difference between evolution and revolution will likely be early investment.