100X ROI Star Trek Tech Business Model
A. Introduction / Thesis
B. The Why
C. The Star Trek Business Model
D. Easy Goal
E. Medium Goal
F. Hard Goal
G. Support
If you've watched Star Trek as a kid, you may be familiar with Trek tech doing good. Let's define that with more detail:
The Star Trek Tech Business Model is
Here is a thesis, proposal and plan.
The thesis and proposal is maximize Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by actualizing the 100X ROI track-record of the Star Trek-inspired technology roadmap: Phones, Flat-screens, Medical Tricorder/biological radar (link), Sub-light Impulse Drive/Fusion Drive (link).
This is an efficient economy plan: Minimize waste through Lean Six Sigma (systematic risk reduction) for #Industry4.0 (low tech meets high tech) via quantum re-engineering (provide maximum benefits from the lowest energy and lowest effort).
The 100X ROI investment thesis is based on duplicating 100X ROI businesses that intermittently used the Star Trek Tech Business Model, like Microsoft and Apple.
How to get there?
This is a natural outcome of the #circulareconomy accelerated by quantum technology, giving the #CircularQuantumEconomy. To achieve this, Dark Star Quantum Lab constructed the #QuantumTechSupplyChain to create practical value and economic growth (i.e., SQedule, applying quantum computing to scheduling, as per Dark Star Infographic 1 product 1.2.1, underway with a seaport client).
Dark Star Infographic #1: Fintech Solution Map
Experimental Verification (Thesis)
Since trillion-dollar firms like Apple, and Microsoft were built from casual application of the STBM by way of Star Trek inspired technology, it stands to reason that consistent application may provide better results.
An experimental verification is underway through the #Defense and #Space industry recognized #quantumtechnology (QT) start-up Dark Star Quantum Lab Inc., the military division of Quantum Trek. Dark Star enables a road map towards a circular economy value chain, specifically the #circularquantumeconomy. The road map builds on a pre-existing Industry 4.0 $1T Guidehouse Energy Cloud 4.0 business plan, and connects into the $4T #BeltAndRoad#Initiative (#BRI). The STBM builds on this plan to achieve the #circulareconomy by way of profitably solving for the UN 17 #SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDG), to achieve abundance and restorative justice. In the words of my junior intern Quantum Qid Foundation co-founder Aaron Wang, 12, "End Unnecessary Suffering and Save the World".
This paper is meant for quantum technology investors who expressed an interest in Dark Star, like the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force SpaceWERX. This document is a first contact "primer".
Star Trek: First Contact is about good winning over evil, where the heroic USS Enterprise-E team led by Captain Picard go back in time to battle the Borg Queen and her evil cyborg minions. Spoiler alert: The team restores the timeline, ensuring the first warp drive capable spaceship test flight success, resulting in first contact.
"Live Long and Prosper", A Vulcan saying related to abundance (circularity)
Whereas we have not yet worked out Warp Drive mathematics, this paper intends to lay out a compelling reason and demonstrate the viability of a plan to achieve the circular economy so we may "Live Long and Prosper".
Section B "The Why" lays out the logic behind this paper. I hope Leonard Nimoy (Spock) would be proud. Bless his soul.
Section C "The Model" lays out a three goal foundation expanded in D, E, and F.
Section D "The Easy Goal" is Energy Cloud City. This 10-20 years 100X proforma, from the offering investor, is meant to be a stepping-stone to the medium and hard goals;
Section E "The Medium Goal" is solve for the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with cleantech. SDG#13 Climate Action takes the The Easy Goal and multiplies it for each city to create a green "Planetary Microgrid".
Section F "The Difficult Goal" is the debt solution;
Section G "Support" for the three goals includes the Project Management Institute (PMI) and Universities like Harvard and Cambridge;
Section H "Why Now?" explains what's different, now, and how the US Government helped coordinate our call to action. The call to action is based on quantum technology, like quantum computing. I am thankful to Microsoft Canada's Rani Pendse for her years of support to get here, directing me to Microsoft Redmond Sr. Program Manager of Quantum Computers, Dr. Kitty Yeung, who catalyzed momentum with her Microsoft Q# quantum computing programming language Sept 6, 2020 Sunday meetup three-minute Q# pitch offer to her students, which originated this post. It's amazing how three minutes can change your life;
Section I "Timeline and What's Next" lays out the history and next steps. You can see where things are going. Join us for an exciting ride to achieve a hopeful and optimistic future.
The Why as part of the Golden Circle (Source: Here)
Star Trek is an optimistic vision of hope laying out future technology, where some have been invented, like the wireless phone and transparent aluminum.
Who Am I?
When you know the person, you sense the why. I am a degreed University of Waterloo mathematician (accidentally) trained on Roman Catholic Bible quantum field theory philosophy at St. Jerome's University. Being recruited into a UW Church College program was an honour, and it validated my Altar Boy gut feelings of an interconnectedness between faith, mathematics, and Star Trek.
30 years as a project manager and a recruiter, with the help of the U.S. Department of Defense, I've been assembling the governance, infrastructure, technology, and bridge crew (QuantumQid Foundation) to bridge the gap to a Star Trek future.
100 Year Plan
I was tasked by the Project Management Institute (PMI) to create a leadership, innovation, and technology program to guide 2.9 million professionals serviced by the PMI into the year 2100. I choose the hopeful and optimistic future represented by Star Trek. This is a continuation of Star Trek technology manifestation since 1973. (See section "D. The Model".)
100X ROI (100X)
100X refers to 100 times Return on Investment (100X ROI). The 100X ROI is from the Star Trek inspired Motorola's first cell phone in 1973, Apple Mac OS, and Microsoft products. My personal example of 100X ROI Star Trek inspired technology is as the hidden technical founder of PriceMetrix, a Phase II version of my "Ethical AI" project, having similar 100X ROI expectations of the $1B artificial general intelligence (AGI) investment into OpenAI that has spun off ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue (openai.com).
Country and Municipal Plans
This plan ties into multi-decade nation plans (i.e., UAE) and regional plans (i.e., Canada's York Region).
Let's dive into the roadmap to achieve the Star Trek Business Model interweaving past, present, and future plans.
I've drawn the Enterprise since grade school, detailing subsystem schematics. During class, the teachers were scared to let me answer mathematics questions, as I hijacked the moment with my elementary school boy understanding of warp core physics and quantum mechanics. I made sure the Toronto Roman Catholic School System knew the name, Enterprise.
"Knowledge without sympathetic perception is barren." Loren Eiseley
The Star Trek Business Model Gene Roddenberry Star Trek technology and kindness co-dependency can be achieved through a practical Industry 4.0 roadmap resulting in a post-scarcity economy (Star Trek Economics). Can you imagine how much better technology would be if it was governed by kindness? Remember, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke. Let's define post-scarcity Star Trek Economics, look at the technology, then the psychology of kindness.
Post-Scarcity Star Trek Economics
I have to fill this out better. For now, please see these links:
100X ROI Technology
The Star Trek Business Model is credited with inspiring 100X ROI products, for example the first cell phone, and the Apple Mac Operating System. Here are 21 more Star Trek influenced products that may qualify.
Motorola's Martin Cooper created the first personal cell phone, in 1973, citing Star Trek Captain Kirk's communicator as an inspiration?(Source: Time)
Character Community
Star Trek characteristics can make a character community of compassion, cooperation, determination, duty, friendship, honor, logic, love, loyalty, and self-reliance -- just like in the opening picture. That's how I tried to raise my children, where kindness emerges from strength of character.
Strengthening this model with a past, present, future roadmap
To strengthen this model, I'm adding a few more requirements. My team is working on each of these requirements.
a) a self-correcting restorative justice mechanism, with a stretch goal of game theory lead altruistic intention multiplier (to be tracked by a general altruism calculator expanding on what I did for PriceMetrix). I am creating a generalized version of the provincial government court-tested tool I created through lawyers, mirroring the hero's journey, solving for mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This is quite the story and will be detailed elsewhere under the Ethical AI empathy and incivility and cultural bullying management "Bully Watch" program inspired by the Indigenous nations justice system. This is a reminder to include our quantum-enhanced game theory (quantum game theory, Journal Volume: 17; Journal Issue: 11; Journal ID: ISSN 1570-0755) character community plan.
b) To add a people, planet, and profit Social ROI aspect to the 100X ROI in a pro forma by way of a proactive, cleantech roadmap solving for the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
c) Connect the past, present and future, so hopes and lessons learned from our past are not lost;
1. Past: Vision of Peace and Prosperity
The past gave us a smart world vision of peace and prosperity, a blueprint, through the?1964/1965 World's Fair?"Peace Through Understanding", combination of Disney and IBM.?
1964 / 1965 World's Fair Unisphere (Source: Here)
2. Present
The spirit of the World's Fair translates into our Energy Cloud City functional plan with support from an IBM Q quantum computer executive-led international Quantum Ambassador team to create a "Green Energy Utopia".
The Guidehouse $1T Energy Cloud 4.0 plan inspired the IMSG?Energy Cloud City?Yorktown Orbital Installation 001
We have secured a $10M 100X ROI $1B exit pro forma private-public-partnership (P3) seed fund offer from Guidehouse for York University.
3. Future
Our pitch is the $1Q ($1,000T) #circularquantumeconomy value chain manifestation of the Star Trek hopeful and optimistic future, put in place by Gene Roddenberry.
As depicted in "Star Trek Beyond", Starbase Yorktown (Kelvin timeline stardate 2263.02) Starship Enterprise NCC-1701A drydocks parallels the private Canada / US development of the IMSG Arrow 2.0, a derivative of the Lockheed Martin "Last Manned Fighter" (post F-35) advanced project management NX subsystem design on file with Department of National Defence agency Defence Research and Development Canada.
Now that we have a model, let's look at three connected goals: easy, medium, and hard as a logical roadmap of products and projects.
I have a "That Was Easy" button. It's fun to press. (Source: Amazon)
I say "Easy goal". It wasn't easy getting there. I struck a bargain with Guidehouse to create Energy Cloud City. This is a US$10M-$20M public-private-partnership (P3) offer to create a $1B energy asset for a 100X ROI. I pitched Star Trek technology. We haven't broken ground, but the offer is still there.
The first time I pitched Star Trek technology to the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA), it resulting in millions of dollars in Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Credits. That SR&ED funding resulted in creating a quantum information technology AI blockchain technology for PriceMetrix, which McKinsey claims today has a $6 trillion track record.
I believe we can solve for the UN17SDG through an interrelated cleantech approach.
Where there is a will there is a way. We have the technology to create the technology. This may require quantum information technology, addressed later.
"We have the technology. We can rebuild him." These are the words from The Six Million Dollar Man TV show opening scene with bionic sound effect and slow motion running. Now that bionics are becoming real, with the help of quantum information technology and AI, we are creating the cleantech necessary to solve for the UN 17 SDG.
Three things were put in place to help make this happen:
The black hole, a dark star, is a singularity. Visualize a technological singularity globe managed by military and civilian work group rings deploying quantum enhanced technology to solve for the #UN17SDG. (Source: Dark Star)
I know how ambitious this may sound to those who don't understand Star Trek economics, which I will describe as the #circularquantumeconomy supply chain. Allow me break it down and work it backwards.
Debt elimination is the Star Trek Business Model. To do that in real life we may need to guide the growing machine-to-machine (M2M) economy to parallel our current $1.6Q (Q=1,000T) derivative market, aligned to the holy grail of economic development: the circular economy, with lessons learned from PriceMetrix.
That brings us to the Singularity, the point where AI becomes as smart as us and then smarter. I figure quantum computing + artificial general intelligence (AGI) = Singularity. Depending on your education level, it may come faster than you think. The AI I wrote to launch PriceMetrix was designed to not replace brokers since they are the clients. My team has a quantum high frequency trading app in the works. It is part of a quantum technology Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to achieve a $1Q ($1,000T) #circularquantumeconomy value chain*. This is envisioned through a Quantum Garage UN17SDG cleantech solution connecting-the-dots model as a fundamental part of the #quantumcirculareconomy supply chain.
The Energy Cloud City #CircularQuantumEconomy Value-Chain RoadMap
*Payment Canada forensic interview of IMSG generating the $1Q ($1,000T) whitepaper. Payments Canada is a client of IMSG through IBM.
We have support.
The right support can be very helpful (Source: Breathe)
The key world-wide community support for this project began last year with the Project Management Institute (PMI).
I was authorized to launch the (PMI) Emerging Technology Group (ETG) Project Management Office (PMO) Ph.D. Think Tank.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) Emerging Technology Group (ETG) was founded at a University of Toronto (UT) Ontario Institute of Studies and Education (OISE) workshop by announcement of the PMI-Toronto President, Toronto, June 1, 2019
The purpose of the Think Tank is to develop a UN 17 SDG solution leveraging and formalizing the Emerging Technology Framework to Unite Society Quantum Information Theory + AI + Blockchain formula having a $6T track-record.
An organization like the PMI is necessary for the numerous projects congealing around the Star Trek Business Model. An example is a Harvard University Centre for the Environment project that came from a CalTech Star Trek musical called "Boldly Go!"
2016 Caltech Star Trek?Musical Boldly Go!
2020 Harvard Centre for the Environment Researcher portrait by artist Joe Chiappetta featuring Feynman Diagram readout screens to direct orbital Energy Cloud City climate change facilities to support the researcher's work.
This was a huge shot in the arm and laid out a plan that gave meaning and encouragement to my work at Environment and Climate Change Canada having to do with geostationary satellites. Sometimes you are inspired to do work thinking that it will connect with someone who is inspired by the same things, and a team is born, in this case with Harvard.
Part of our plan is to involve more Star Trek fans, some famous, like on this list.
"Who Are You, The Who, 1978. (Source: This)
"Who Are You?" by The Who is a great song and theme as I gathered my fellow Star Trek fans from national security, US and Canadian Defence Department, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Space Force, IBM, Microsoft Canada, Guidehouse, politicians, and the nuclear community directors who encouraged me to run with this, and pointed out more more fans to contact for support.
Fit for a King
His Royal Highness King Abdullah II of Jordon likes Star Trek!
The King of Jordon (then a prince) appeared in Star Trek Voyager (Source: Memory-Alpha)
Do you think a King would like our voyage to make it real?
Billionaires like Star Trek.
Bill Gates
Bill Gates likes Star Trek (Source: Star Trek Inspired Leaders).
I had a one-on-one meeting with Bill Gates at the University of Waterloo in 1989. I've been developing Star Trek inspired Microsoft technology since then*.
*For those curious, the Microsoft formula is quantum inspired algorithms, AI and advanced database tech. The product is called the Ethical AI "Bully Watch" project. Phase I launched the year I met Bill into the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) for London Stock Exchange inter-listed block trade security.
Jeff Bezos
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos appeared on the movie "Star Trek Beyond", appearing on the right. Jeff is associated with a space drone mega swarm that forces the Enterprise to crash on a planet. (Source: Screen Rant)
I think we should give Jeff a chance to right things since he wrecked the USS Enterprise.
Seth Farland
Celebrities that lobbied and were offered to be on Star Trek include Robin Williams and Seth MacFarlane.
Seth MacFarlane appeared in Star Trek Enterprise as Ensign Rivers, twice. (Source: Screen Rant)
Seth MacFarlane is a Star Trek force to be reckoned with. MacFarlane has moderated Trek writer discussions, provided commentary on Trek dvds, did a documentary on?TNG?for a blu-ray release, and appeared in the doc?Trek Nation.?Seth even created the Star Trek like show, The Orville. It's our hope that Seth will like our venture.
James Worthy
James Worthy of the Lakers played Koral the Klingon in Next Generation. (Source: Screen Rant)
Do you think James could help us make it a slam dunk?
In the Marvel movie "Ant-Man And The Wasp, Ant-Man asks, "Do You Guys Just Put?The Word 'Quantum' In Front Of Everything?" When Scott, Hank and Hope visit Bill Foster (Laurence Fishburne) in order to locate the missing lab, Foster explains the Janet vision as "quantum?entanglement between?quantum?states of Posner molecules in your brains Source: Just put quantum in front of everything - 9GAG
About that Ant-Man And The Wasp scene, kind of yes.
This section describes the path I took to where we are now guided by the US Government as per section J. This section is more for software architects, engineers, and Star Trek fans more familiar with technical jargon and technologies. The idea is to leave no software development best practice nor Trek stone unturned. It is all part of achieving Star Trek Economics.
The first event was Sun Sep 6, 2020, 2:30pm (Eastern Time) at the "Introduction to Quantum Computing through Comics" Q# webinar. When you register any of the weekly events, I suggest clicking the add to calendar feature for clarification of start time in your time zone. The second time you click on the webinar link, the required Teams link appears at the top right.
Our Q# pitch had three objectives: A, B, and C.
Objective A: Create a Q# Nash Embedding function to solve the noise issue of transitioning between the classic and quantum computing realms. The day before, at the Sep 5 Dr. Faisal Shaw Khan Nash Embedding Washington Quantum Computing presentation, viewable here, I mentioned our Q# effort, in the context of solving a mathematical space drive requirement related to a Princeton project, to simplify complex differential mathematics.
Objective B: Objective A to be accessible through a DevOp worthy Azure Quantum Power Platform Smart Lab. The idea is to accelerate Q# development relevance through quantum-inspired coding to speed up classical computing method for theoretical exponential benefits.
Objective C: To encourage inclusivity, we unite three Q# community groups:
As this is an iterative effort, and we want our participant to be able to mingle with our high end physics resources, for example at CERN, we've established a productive mingling protocol.
1. Go to the 1964 World Fair "Peace Through Understanding" Disney Meets IBM inspired Flame-On site and register.
2. Interact with the Flame-On community, for example leave a like on the Q# community AI start-up Hopeful post by CEO founder Alex Jivov.
3. Introduce yourself and include
(a) alignment of your work with one or more of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) found here at Flame-on.ca (b) mention how your technology can lead to Star Trek technology, for example mitigating land-based traffic jams (e.g. Microsoft / Ford quantum routing article featuring Dr. Kitty Yeung's Quantum Cat cartoon), and
(c) follow Kitty's previous lesson, and relate your role to Kitty's Quantum Cat Comic characters:
Dr.?Kitty Yeung's Quantum Career Quantum Cat Comic Characters
-Peter the Algorithm Creator,
-Alice and Bob the Programmers,
-James the Researcher,
-Albert and Educator,
-Ada the Early Adopter,
-Kat the Learner,
-Richard the Hardware Maker, or
-YOUR NAME as an Out-of-the-Box Thinker to boldly go where no cat has gone before.
To share your progress, or ask questions, please reach out to me on LinkedIn with an introductory note and I will guide you further.
Alexander Jivov is Co-Founder and CEO of Hopeful Inc.
Given this work originated at the July 20, 2020 launch of the York University Quantum Computing for Social Impact meetup, I was thrilled that Alexander Jivov of Hopeful followed our work, and through weekly meetings became the epitome of our social impact work, publishing How Do We Calculate Goodness? Quantum Computing's Implications for Nonprofit Impact | LinkedIn.
Alexander Jivov's paper on "How Do We Calculate Goodness?" aligns with the IMSG Ethical AI PriceMetrix work causing stock brokers to act more ethically to generate higher returns.
Alexander's work is pivotal to our master program called the Ethical AI. The Ethical AI Phase III is currently envisioned as a Windows 10 Cortana Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) operating system (OS) quantum singularity underlying all Microsoft software.
The scope includes:
a) An Azure Quantum Power Platform Smart Lab roadmap applied to a
b) federal and commercial STEM STAR (space-time aerospace robotics) energy tech hardware development roadmap to include;
c) Harvard University Center for the Environment planetary atmospheric work to climate action levels, inspired to initiate atmospheric COVID tracking;
d) Q# development for Solara CEO founder Leon Gerald Vandenberg solar / fusion energy chip to track and regulate fusion energy. This is envisioned to track and regulate a space drive that leads to the Star Trek fusion Impulse Drive;
e) Q# development for Dave Farrow, CEO / Founder of a Model T Friendly Robot meant to be a quantum computer-powered AI testbed platform. This platform is a real-life application for human-robot interaction for the retail and business space project. It envisions artificial general intelligence (AGI) robotics helping humanity with everyday chores. It is envisioned to lead to Mr. Data's positronic quantum computer brain;
f) Q# development for Matt Graver who is developing a low-cost wireless communication system alternative to 5G. This system is meant to be a quantum communication protocol testbed to achieve climate action goals as an atmospheric sensing system. This system could be the predecessor for (a) starship short-range sensor, and (b) the Star Trek subspace communication Mutara Interdimensional Deep Space?Array System (MIDAS), a deep space quantum internet featuring Lieutenant Uhura's famous "Hailing frequencies open".
The data from these projects may be candidates for a quantum blockchain, perhaps the predecessor for a spaceship class communication and sensory data storage and retrieval system. One can only hope.
Things have progressed. Please see the timeline.
Timelines should create greater joy (Source: Here)
Here is the (Star Trek quantum technology progression) timeline:
1. July 20, 2020 - York University Quantum Computing for Social Impact launch?
York University Quantum Computing for Social Impact inaugural session featuring Microsoft Q# quantum computing software coding demo by Microsoft's Chris Tardif with an eye towards creating the #circularquantumeconomy
2. Sep 6, 2020 - This Introduction to Quantum Computing through Comics Call to Action
It was a three-minutes version of what you are reading now, focused on Q# development for Star Trek inspired hardware that can be used now. The star of the show was Dark Star Quantum Lab.
3. Sep 30, 2020 - U.S. Space Force update of quantum vendor support and trustworthiness
U.S. Air Force / U.S. Space Force Conference invited speakers David W. Wilkinson and Dave D'Silva, Sep 30, 2020
4. Oct 2, 2020 - IBM-Q support offer
IBM UK CTO Andy Stanford-Clark offered support to help us resolve the nuclear fusion last mile through quantum computing through a Quantum Ambassador task force. Here is our presentation.
Dave D'Silva and David M. Wilkinson present a Nuclear eVTOL Space Drive IBM Q Military Grade Spec to an IBM Quantum Ambassador team
5. Oct 21, 2020 - Washington DC Quantum Computing Meetup
This was our first presentation to the quantum community about achieving the circular economy.
Moderator Dr. Michael Twohey Director, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University and I led a multi-speaker Energy Cloud City Star Trek-Inspired Quantum Computing Path to Fusion presentation.
That presentation led to a request from the US Government to show what we've got.
6. Nov 11, 2020 - U.S. Government requested IMSG / Dark Star prospectus presentation
IMSG & Dark Star presented the Quantum Garage and the US Government took notice.
7. Dec 9, 2020 - Conversation with the U.S. Space Force authority
The U.S. Space Force is waiting on a report from us. This document is part of that report.
This document launched Nov 24, 2020, and I'm showing it now to a few people for their input. I welcome your thoughts.
Thank you Joan Profit for input on the Indigenous nations justice system and your comment, "How utterly fantastic ... you have put everything together in an incredible vision. Being a Star Trek fan since the mid 60’s, I agree that it must be the most inspirational program ever shared with humankind." With input from Joan and other good spirits, I am doing my best.
Will close with this inspirational connection between NASA and Star Trek.
Astronaut Cristoferetti wears a Star Trek uniform, looking like Star Trek Voyager's Captain Janeway, gives me hope that the Star Trek Business Model 100X100 Plan adds value.
*as a limiting process, which is a?process that may approach a limiting value to which a function?f(x) approaches as closely as desired as the independent variable approaches a specified value (x = a) or approaches infinity.
Dave D'Silva is a trained mathematician and the founder of Intelligent Market Solutions Group (IMSG), a training and development firm to put back into society what (poorly implemented) technology took out, through well implemented technology and training, Tetris like brain-map training.
Dave's past clients include Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Defence Department, Spar Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, Atomic Energy Canada Limited (AECL), and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).
Dave is co-founder of the York University Quantum Computing for Social Impact meetup, and the Project Management Institute (PMI) Emerging Technology Group (ETG).
Dave is a municipal Volunteer of the Year, and York Region Character Community "Change Our World" plaque recipient.
The above was restored from 2 years ago, web.archive.org/web/20221221191828/https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/quantum-technology-community-contribution-call-action-d-silva-bmath/
I am in the process of updating it with the current version, below.
B. What is the Star Trek Business Model
C. The Plan (How)
The plan has three iterative steps.
B1. Crawl
Crawl, the easy goal, is to accept the funding for Energy Cloud City, a 10-20 years 100X proforma project offer.
B2. Walk
Walk, the medium goal, is to solve for the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with cleantech. In line with SDG#13 Climate Action multiply the Energy Cloud City funding offer for each city to accept it to create a green "Planetary Microgrid".
B3. Run
"The Difficult Goal" is the debt solution;
D. Support
Section F "Support" for the three goals includes the Project Management Institute (PMI) and Universities like Harvard and Cambridge;C. Support
Section F "Support" for the three goals includes the Project Management Institute (PMI) and Universities like Harvard and Cambridge;
E. Why now?
"Why Now?" explains what's different, now, and how the US Government helped coordinate our call to action. The call to action is based on quantum technology, like quantum computing. I am thankful to Microsoft Canada's Rani Pendse for her years of support to get here, directing me to Microsoft Redmond Sr. Program Manager of Quantum Computers, Dr. Kitty Yeung, who catalyzed momentum with her Microsoft Q# quantum computing programming language Sept 6, 2020 Sunday meetup three-minute Q# pitch offer to her students, which originated this post. It's amazing how three minutes can change your life.
Thank you, Joan Profit, for input on the Indigenous nations justice system and your comment, "How utterly fantastic ... you have put everything together in an incredible vision. Being a Star Trek fan since the mid 60’s, I agree that it must be the most inspirational program ever shared with humankind." With input from Joan and other good spirits, I am doing my best.
F. Timeline and What's Next
Section H "Timeline and What's Next" lays out the history and next steps. You can see where things are going. Join us for an exciting ride to achieve a hopeful and optimistic future.
G. About
“About” is about the author.
This paper is for quantum technology supporting economic development offices in general, and specifically Project Quantum Fusion Direct Drive* stakeholders:
(a) U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), and
(b) U.S. Department of Defence (DOD) branches: U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Space Force / SpaceWERX, and the assigned U.S. SEAL Team.
This paper is background for a 2024 U.S. Department of Commerce update of the 2020 U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) U.S. Army Colonel liaison ask of my team to bring more Star Trek technology into existence. My participation started with a mid-90s suborbital Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) nuclear fighter platform program. From this came a quantum reengineering method that gave rise to:
1. McKinsey PriceMetrix (link) $6 trillion Proof of Concept (POC) fintech milestone, and
2. Quantum Fusion (link).
The intent is to lay out a peace and prosperity advanced manufacturing circular economy plan to achieve abundance, to "Live long and prosper", Spock (Star Trek TV Vulcan).
This paper may be first contact to the Star Trek Business Model, "the most successful business model in modern history", U.S. Nuclear Directors.
A DOD-related children's foundation has been established as a forerunner to a Starfleet Academy Test Pilot School in line with the 1995 DARPA project requirements of "and test pilots not yet born".
Why Now? Quantum Technology Call to Action
In the Marvel movie "Ant-Man And The Wasp, Ant-Man asks, "Do You Guys Just Put?The Word 'Quantum' In Front Of Everything?" When Scott, Hank and Hope visit Bill Foster (Laurence Fishburne) in order to locate the missing lab, Foster explains the Janet vision as "quantum?entanglement between?quantum?states of Posner molecules in your brains Source: Just put quantum in front of everything - 9GAG
About that Ant-Man And The Wasp scene, yes.
This paper is the evolution of the York University Quantum Computing for Social Impact response to the Call to Action of a Microsoft Sunday afternoon casual series of quantum meetups. I am thankful to Microsoft Canada's Rani Pendse who encouraged me to follow my vision.
"The Why" lays out the logic behind this paper. I hope Leonard Nimoy (Spock), bless his soul, would be proud.
The Why as part of the Golden Circle (Source: Here)
Star Trek is an "optimistic and hopeful" vision laying out future tech where some have been invented like the wireless phone and transparent aluminum.
"Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations", Vulcan philosophy
Star Trek always represented diversity done right, where a greater pool of qualified people and races, like Vulcans worked towards the mission. The Vulcan philosophy, "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations", represents a Vulcan (and Star Trek creator Roddenberry’s) belief that "beauty, growth, progress — all result from the union of the unlike." Women at Warp.
100 Year Plan
I was tasked by the Project Management Institute (PMI) to create a leadership, innovation, and technology program to guide 2.9 million professionals serviced by the PMI into the year 2100. I choose the hopeful and optimistic future represented by Star Trek. This is a continuation of 1966 Star Trek technology that began to show up in 1973. (See section "D. The Model".)
100X ROI (100X)
100X ROI Return on Investment) is from the Star Trek-inspired Motorola's first cell phone in 1973, Apple Mac OS, and Microsoft products. My personal example of 100X ROI Star Trek-inspired technology is as the technical founder of PriceMetrix, a Phase II version of my "Ethical AI" project, having similar 100X ROI expectations of the $1B artificial general intelligence (AGI) investment into OpenAI that spun off ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue (openai.com).
Country and Municipal Plans
This plan ties into multi-decade nation plans (i.e., UAE) and regional plans (i.e., Canada's York Region).
Let's dive into the roadmap to achieve the Star Trek Business Model interweaving past, present, and future plans.
Here is my understanding of the Star Trek Business Model:
My thesis is the Star Trek Business Model created by Gene Roddenberry can be achieved through a practical Industry 4.0 roadmap. This can result in a post-scarcity (Star Trek Economics).
Post-Scarcity Star Trek Economics
I have to fill this out better. For now, please see these links:
100X ROI Technology
The Star Trek Business Model is credited with inspiring 100X ROI products, for example, the first cell phone, and the Apple Mac Operating System. Here are 21 more Star Trek-influenced products that may qualify.
Character Building
Star Trek has a character community of compassion, cooperation, determination, duty, friendship, honor, logic, love, loyalty, and self-reliance -- as per the opening graphic.
Strengthening this model with a past, present, future roadmap
To support this model, I suggest adding:
a) a self-correcting restorative justice mechanism, with a stretch goal of game theory lead altruistic intention multiplier (to be tracked by a general altruism calculator expanding on PriceMetrix). The stretch goal is a generalized version of the provincial government court-tested tool created through lawyers, mirroring the hero's journey, solving for mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. What is envisioned is an Ethical AI empathy and incivility and cultural bullying management "Bully Watch" program inspired by the Indigenous nations justice system. This is a reminder to include our quantum-enhanced game theory (quantum game theory, Journal Volume: 17; Journal Issue: 11; Journal ID: ISSN 1570-0755) character community plan.
b) Add a people, planet, and profit Social ROI aspect to the 100X ROI in a pro forma by way of a proactive, cleantech roadmap solving for the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
c) Find a connecting hero theme of the past, present and future.
1. Past: Vision of Peace and Prosperity
The past gave us a smart world vision of peace and prosperity, a blueprint, through the?1964/1965 World's Fair?"Peace Through Understanding", combination of Disney and IBM.?
1964 / 1965 World's Fair Unisphere (Source: Here)
2. Present
The spirit of the World's Fair translates into our Energy Cloud City functional plan with support from an IBM Q quantum computer executive-led international Quantum Ambassador team to create a "Green Energy Utopia".
The Guidehouse $1T Energy Cloud 4.0 plan inspired the IMSG?Energy Cloud City?Yorktown Orbital Installation 001
We have secured a $10M 100X ROI $1B exit pro forma private-public-partnership (P3) seed fund offer for a university.
3. Future
Our pitch is the $1Q ($1,000T) value chain manifestation of the Star Trek hopeful and optimistic future, put in place by Gene Roddenberry.
As depicted in "Star Trek Beyond", Starbase Yorktown (Kelvin timeline stardate 2263.02) Starship Enterprise NCC-1701A drydocks parallels the private Canada / US development of the IMSG Arrow 2.0, a derivative of the Lockheed Martin "Last Manned Fighter" (post F-35) advanced project management NX subsystem design on file with Department of National Defence agency Defence Research and Development Canada.
Now that we have a model, let's look at three connected goals: easy, medium, and hard as a logical roadmap of products and projects.
There are three iterative steps made up of crawl, walk, run.
I have a "That Was Easy" button. It's fun to press. (Source: Amazon)
Although I say "Easy goal", it wasn't easy getting there. I struck a bargain with Guidehouse to create Energy Cloud City. This is a US$10M-$20M public-private partnerships (P3) offer to create a $1B energy asset for a 100X ROI. I pitched Star Trek technology.
The first time I pitched Star Trek technology to the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA), it resulted in millions of dollars in Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Credits. That SR&ED funding resulted in creating a quantum information technology AI blockchain technology for PriceMetrix, which McKinsey claims today has a $6 trillion track record.
Where there is a will there is a way. A quantum physics-inspired re-engineering approach is key.
Three things were put in place to help make this happen:
The black hole, a dark star, is a singularity. Visualize a technological singularity globe managed by military and civilian work group rings deploying quantum enhanced technology to solve for the . (Source: Dark Star)
I know how ambitious this may sound to those who don't understand Star Trek economics, which I will describe as the supply chain. Allow me break it down and work it backwards.
Debt elimination is the Star Trek Business Model. To do that in real life we may need to guide the growing machine-to-machine (M2M) economy to parallel our current $1.6Q (Q=1,000T) derivative market, aligned to the holy grail of economic development: the circular economy, with lessons learned from PriceMetrix.
That brings us to the Singularity, the point where AI becomes as smart as us and then smarter. I figure quantum computing + artificial general intelligence (AGI) = Singularity. Depending on your education level, it may come faster than you think. The AI I wrote to launch PriceMetrix was designed to not replace brokers since they are the clients. My team has a quantum high frequency trading app in the works. It is part of a quantum technology Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to achieve a $1Q ($1,000T) value chain*. This is envisioned through a Quantum Garage UN17SDG cleantech solution connecting-the-dots model as a fundamental part of the supply chain.
The Energy Cloud City Value-Chain RoadMap
*Payment Canada forensic interview of IMSG generating the $1Q ($1,000T) whitepaper. Payments Canada is a client of IMSG through IBM.
We have support.
Here is the (Star Trek quantum technology progression) timeline:
1. July 20, 2020 - York University Quantum Computing for Social Impact launch?
York University Quantum Computing for Social Impact inaugural session featuring Microsoft Q# quantum computing software coding demo by Microsoft's Chris Tardif with an eye towards creating the
2. Sep 6, 2020 - This Introduction to Quantum Computing through Comics Call to Action
It was a three-minutes version of what you are reading now, focused on Q# development for Star Trek inspired hardware that can be used now. The star of the show was Dark Star Quantum Lab.
Sun Sep 6, 2020, 2:30pm (Eastern Time) at the "Introduction to Quantum Computing through Comics" Q# webinar. When you register any of the weekly events, I suggest clicking the add to calendar feature for clarification of start time in your time zone. The second time you click on the webinar link, the required Teams link appears at the top right.
Our Q# pitch had three objectives: A, B, and C.
Objective A: Create a Q# Nash Embedding function to solve the noise issue of transitioning between the classic and quantum computing realms. The day before, at the Sep 5 Dr. Faisal Shaw Khan Nash Embedding Washington Quantum Computing presentation, viewable here, I mentioned our Q# effort, in the context of solving a mathematical space drive requirement related to a Princeton project, to simplify complex differential mathematics.
Objective B: Objective A to be accessible through a DevOp worthy Azure Quantum Power Platform Smart Lab. The idea is to accelerate Q# development relevance through quantum-inspired coding to speed up classical computing method for theoretical exponential benefits.
Objective C: To encourage inclusivity, we unite three Q# community groups:
As this is an iterative effort, and we want our participant to be able to mingle with our high end physics resources, for example at CERN, we've established a productive mingling protocol.
1. Go to the 1964 World Fair "Peace Through Understanding" Disney Meets IBM inspired Flame-On site and register.
2. Interact with the Flame-On community, for example leave a like on the Q# community AI start-up Hopeful post by CEO founder Alex Jivov.
3. Introduce yourself and include
(a) alignment of your work with one or more of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) found here at Flame-on.ca (b) mention how your technology can lead to Star Trek technology, for example mitigating land-based traffic jams (e.g. Microsoft / Ford quantum routing article featuring Dr. Kitty Yeung's Quantum Cat cartoon), and
(c) follow Kitty's previous lesson, and relate your role to Kitty's Quantum Cat Comic characters:
Dr.?Kitty Yeung's Quantum Career Quantum Cat Comic Characters
-Peter the Algorithm Creator,
-Alice and Bob the Programmers,
-James the Researcher,
-Albert and Educator,
-Ada the Early Adopter,
-Kat the Learner,
-Richard the Hardware Maker, or
-YOUR NAME as an Out-of-the-Box Thinker to boldly go where no cat has gone before.
To share your progress, or ask questions, please reach out to me on LinkedIn with an introductory note and I will guide you further.
Alexander Jivov is Co-Founder and CEO of Hopeful Inc.
Given this work originated at the July 20, 2020 launch of the York University Quantum Computing for Social Impact meetup, I was thrilled that Alexander Jivov of Hopeful followed our work, and through weekly meetings became the epitome of our social impact work, publishing How Do We Calculate Goodness? Quantum Computing's Implications for Nonprofit Impact | LinkedIn.
Alexander Jivov's paper on "How Do We Calculate Goodness?" aligns with the IMSG Ethical AI PriceMetrix work causing stock brokers to act more ethically to generate higher returns.
Alexander's work is pivotal to our master program called the Ethical AI. The Ethical AI Phase III is currently envisioned as a Windows 10 Cortana Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) operating system (OS) quantum singularity underlying all Microsoft software.
The scope includes:
a) An Azure Quantum Power Platform Smart Lab roadmap applied to a
b) federal and commercial STEM STAR (space-time aerospace robotics) energy tech hardware development roadmap to include;
c) Harvard University Center for the Environment planetary atmospheric work to climate action levels, inspired to initiate atmospheric COVID tracking;
d) Q# development for Solara CEO founder Leon Gerald Vandenberg solar / fusion energy chip to track and regulate fusion energy. This is envisioned to track and regulate a space drive that leads to the Star Trek fusion Impulse Drive;
e) Q# development for Dave Farrow, CEO / Founder of a Model T Friendly Robot meant to be a quantum computer-powered AI testbed platform. This platform is a real-life application for human-robot interaction for the retail and business space project. It envisions artificial general intelligence (AGI) robotics helping humanity with everyday chores. It is envisioned to lead to Mr. Data's positronic quantum computer brain;
f) Q# development for Matt Graver who is developing a low-cost wireless communication system alternative to 5G. This system is meant to be a quantum communication protocol testbed to achieve climate action goals as an atmospheric sensing system. This system could be the predecessor for (a) starship short-range sensor, and (b) the Star Trek subspace communication Mutara Interdimensional Deep Space?Array System (MIDAS), a deep space quantum internet featuring Lieutenant Uhura's famous "Hailing frequencies open".
The data from these projects may be candidates for a quantum blockchain, perhaps the predecessor for a spaceship class communication and sensory data storage and retrieval system. One can only hope.
Things have progressed. Please see the timeline.
3. Sep 30, 2020 - U.S. Space Force Conference
U.S. Air Force / U.S. Space Force Conference invited speakers David W. Wilkinson and Dave D'Silva, Sep 30, 2020
4. Oct 2, 2020 - IBM-Q support offer
IBM UK CTO Andy Stanford-Clark offered support to help us resolve the nuclear fusion last mile through quantum computing through a Quantum Ambassador task force. Here is our presentation.
Dave D'Silva and David M. Wilkinson present a Nuclear eVTOL Space Drive IBM Q Military Grade Spec to an IBM Quantum Ambassador team
5. Oct 21, 2020 - Washington DC Quantum Computing Meetup
This was our first presentation to the quantum community about achieving the circular economy.
Moderator Dr. Michael Twohey Director, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University and I led a multi-speaker Energy Cloud City Star Trek-Inspired Quantum Computing Path to Fusion presentation.
That presentation led to a request from the US Government to show what we've got.
6. Nov 11, 2020 - U.S. Government requested IMSG / Dark Star prospectus presentation
7. Dec 9, 2020 - Conversation with the U.S. Space Force authority
The U.S. Space Force is waiting on a report from us. This document is part of that report.
8. Dark Star is reborn at Cyber Security Terranova Defense
I am grateful to be recruited by CEO/founder James Castle who understands and supports what I'm up to and put me in touch with the U.S. Department of Commerce.
See link.
2024-10-14 Thanksgiving edit
I just spoke to a Star Trek supporter. I am motivated to share what I shared with him, the background on the air/space nuclear VTOL Star Trek Impulse Engine inspired prototype and update announcement.
The three things that got me thinking seriously about nuclear fusion Impulse Engines as found on the USS Enterprise were
(1) St. Jerome's University biblical miracles explained through a quantum mechanics lens Bible Study ("Spiritual Mechanics") program input to my University of Waterloo math/economics thesis. What I concluded is we may just be rebuilding capacity of lost old tech (that we did not have the vocabulary to articulate) hinted at in movies like "Raiders of the Lost Ark".
(2) Follow up request for scope through University of Waterloo meeting with Bill Gates, who is a Spock fan. Speaking with Bill for 30 or 40 minutes changed expanded my perspective and we made a pact.
(3) Coincidental 1989 cold fusion announcement. That's just cool and suggests we may not know everything, that people who say things are impossible are just saying it is impossible for them and dedicate their life to make sure no one figures it out, so they don't look bad.
I became a nuclear consultant to try and figure it out. The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) may have liked this. The Canadian Defence Department loaned me out to DARPA for the U.S. Last Manned Fighter (suborbital) project in the mid 90's. My role was project management architect to a U.S. Air Force Skunk Work engineering team. The session was introduced by the team leader as "Technology so advanced it is not yet invented and test pilots not yet born".
Can you see Impulse Engine design elements in this 2024 announcement, https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/cyber-security-global-alliance-announces-official-opening-castle-3ygje/?trackingId=pckkr1kbTDGIdkeTw13xTA%3D%3D ?
I may re-organize the article around USS Enterprise sub-systems like Impulse Engines, to match a report I submitted, asked by the Canadian Defense Department liaison MP Leona Alleslev as application follow up to a quantum mechanical re-engineering of cold fusion experiment (quantumfusion.ca).
Here is an inspirational connection between NASA and Star Trek.
World-wide community support for this project began last year with the Project Management Institute (PMI).
I was authorized to launch the (PMI) Emerging Technology Group (ETG) Project Management Office (PMO) Ph.D. Think Tank.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) Emerging Technology Group (ETG) was founded at a University of Toronto (UT) Ontario Institute of Studies and Education (OISE) workshop by announcement of the PMI-Toronto President, Toronto, June 1, 2019
The purpose of the Think Tank is to develop a UN 17 SDG solution leveraging and formalizing the Emerging Technology Framework to Unite Society Quantum Information Theory + AI + Blockchain formula having a $6T track-record.
An organization like the PMI is necessary for the numerous projects congealing around the Star Trek Business Model. An example is a Harvard University Centre for the Environment project that came from a CalTech Star Trek musical called "Boldly Go!"
2016 Caltech Star Trek?Musical Boldly Go!
2020 Harvard Centre for the Environment Researcher portrait by artist Joe Chiappetta featuring Feynman Diagram readout screens to direct orbital Energy Cloud City climate change facilities to support the researcher's work.
This was a huge shot in the arm and laid out a plan that gave meaning and encouragement to my work at Environment and Climate Change Canada having to do with geostationary satellites. Sometimes you are inspired to do work thinking that it will connect with someone who is inspired by the same things, and a team is born, in this case with Harvard.
Part of our plan is to involve more Star Trek fans, some famous, like on this list.
"Who Are You, The Who, 1978. (Source: This)
"Who Are You?" by The Who is a great song and theme as I gathered my fellow Star Trek fans from national security, US and Canadian Defence Department, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Space Force, IBM, Microsoft Canada, Guidehouse, politicians, and the nuclear community directors who encouraged me to run with this, and pointed out more more fans to contact for support.
Fit for a King
His Royal Highness King Abdullah II of Jordon likes Star Trek!
The King of Jordon (then a prince) appeared in Star Trek Voyager (Source: Memory-Alpha)
Do you think a King would like our voyage to make it real?
Billionaires like Star Trek.
Bill Gates
Bill Gates likes Star Trek (Source: Star Trek Inspired Leaders).
I had a one-on-one meeting with Bill Gates at the University of Waterloo in 1989. I've been developing Star Trek inspired Microsoft technology since then*.
*For those curious, the Microsoft formula is quantum inspired algorithms, AI and advanced database tech. The product is called the Ethical AI "Bully Watch" project. Phase I launched the year I met Bill into the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) for London Stock Exchange inter-listed block trade security.
Jeff Bezos
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos appeared on the movie "Star Trek Beyond", appearing on the right. Jeff is associated with a space drone mega swarm that forces the Enterprise to crash on a planet. (Source: Screen Rant)
I think we should give Jeff a chance to right things since he wrecked the USS Enterprise.
Seth Farland
Celebrities that lobbied and were offered to be on Star Trek include Robin Williams and Seth MacFarlane.
Seth MacFarlane appeared in Star Trek Enterprise as Ensign Rivers, twice. (Source: Screen Rant)
Seth MacFarlane is a Star Trek force to be reckoned with. MacFarlane has moderated Trek writer discussions, provided commentary on Trek dvds, did a documentary on?TNG?for a blu-ray release, and appeared in the doc?Trek Nation.?Seth even created the Star Trek like show, The Orville. It's our hope that Seth will like our venture.
James Worthy
James Worthy of the Lakers played Koral the Klingon in Next Generation. (Source: Screen Rant)
Do you think James could help us make it a slam dunk?
This document launched Nov 24, 2020. I welcome your thoughts
Dave D'Silva is a degreed mathematician and the founder of Intelligent Market Solutions Group (IMSG), a training and development firm to put back into society what technology took out, through well-implemented advanced technology and training: Tetris like brain-map training.
Dave's past clients include Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Canadian Defence Department and U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), Spar Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, Atomic Energy Canada Limited (AECL), and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).
Dave is co-founder of the York University Quantum Computing for Social Impact meetup, and the Project Management Institute (PMI) Advanced Manufacturing Group (ETG), home of the Emerging Technology Framework to Unite Society: Quantum-inspired AI Blockchain.
Dave is a municipal Volunteer of the Year, and York Region Character Community "Change Our World" plaque recipient.
First Person Detail: I am a University of Waterloo mathematician (accidentally) trained on Roman Catholic Bible quantum field theory philosophy at St. Jerome's University. Being recruited into a UW Church College program was an honour. It validated my Altar Boy gut feelings of quantum field theory creation and destruction geometry as a Yin and yang synergy cycle, from which you can derive a connecting proof between mathematics and the hope and optimism of Star Trek philosophy-driven technology and economics. The idea is to write the mathematical paper and then engineer it into existence through recent interest / offers.
35+ years as a project manager and a recruiter, my pet project is assembling the governance, infrastructure, technology lab, (and bridge crew via Quantum Qid) to bridge the gap to a Star Trek future (see EnergyCloudCity.com).
Good Counsel, Inc. Formerly Assistant Professor, Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum New York campus. Formerly Graduate Philosophy Program Director, Holy Apostles College and Seminary; Undergraduate Committee.
1 年Would love to hear about "Roman Catholic Bible quantum field theory philosophy at St. Jerome's University" sometime....
Nuclear Regulatory affairs. Advisor at Laurentis Energy Partners
1 年As with many of us.
Contract Financial and Supply Chain ERP Consultant/Project Manager
1 年It also showed many people what diversity in the workplace should look like. You've got Women, Asians, African-Americans, and Aliens all working together for a common cause.
Founder of Women in Blockchain Canada
2 年Justin Goldston, PhD
International Business Law–Space Law –Tech Law – National Security Law & Tech Transfer– deep-tech|Quantum|AI|Space -Serial Entrepreneur -NATO SME -Tech Diplomacy ???????? ????
3 年This is brilliant. ??????