Is Quantum Speed Reading Possible? (Quick Facts)

Is Quantum Speed Reading Possible? (Quick Facts)

Quantum speed reading (QSR), also called wave reading or hado reading, is a revolutionary new reading technique that enables readers to read much faster and comprehend faster than their usual reading speed.

The method claims to work simply by touching, smelling, listening, and flipping through the pages of the book, enabling the reader to comprehend the information within the text at once, thus speeding up the process of reading.

With so much to read and learn, this new approach has caught the attention of students, professionals, and educational institutions globally that are interested in learning this technique or want to teach this concept to equip themselves or students.

The quantum Speed reading concept has been around for some time and is said to be one of the fastest ways to read any document. However, there are still many people who are skeptical about the concept. Hence they wonder if the method works.

In this piece, we will discuss some quick facts about what quantum speed reading is, how it works, and its origin, and share some tips to help you become a quantum speed reader.

Let’s get started!

What is quantum speed reading and how it works?

Speed reading is a technique for reading text faster. It is an art and science that has been practiced for many years. Various approaches can be used to speed up the process of reading. One such technique is Quantum Speed Reading.

Quantum speed reading (QSR) is a newly discovered approach for quickly reading and extracting information from books without pausing to glance at the words on the pages.

Is this possible, and if it is, how does it work, you may ask?

As unbelievable as it might sound to most people and maybe even to you who might have only ever read books one page at a time, people can read books at incredible speed.?

There are numerous?speed reading techniques?that have been discovered and taught; however, among all speed reading techniques, quantum speed reading is the only method that does not require you to open the book.

The reader holds the book in their face and rapidly flips the pages with their thumb, much like when preparing to shuffle playing cards. Hence, it represents an absolute revolution in education.

Origins of quantum speed reading

Quantum speed reading as a technique originated 5,000 years ago during the era of Mahabharata. Still, it was not until recently, about 40 years ago, it was officially termed quantum speed reading by Yumiko Tobitani.

According to her, one day, as a teacher at Tokyo’s Shichida Child Academy in Japan, she instructed her student to flick through the pages of a book thirty times. They were to?flick through the pages?using two approaches, first flicking through the pages fast and then slowly.

After a while, each kid returned to their desk after they were done with the exercise. However, there was one kid who lingered.?

Ms. Tobitani observed that the boy appeared to be deeply engaged in the book and thought, “Oh well, I’ll just leave him to carry on.”?

Shortly after she said this, the kid returned to his seat and said, “That was really fun.”?

When kids exhibit some kind of change in their speech or behavior, Yumiko typically tries to listen to them. So she asked this specific student what was going on.

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