Quantum-South showcased cargo optimization solutions at Air Cargo Tech Summit in Brussels
Rodrigo Acosta Navarro presenting Quantum-South solutions at Air Cargo Tech Summit in Brussels.

Quantum-South showcased cargo optimization solutions at Air Cargo Tech Summit in Brussels

The air cargo industry is currently undergoing a profound technological transformation, driven by innovative solutions and forward-thinking leaders. Among these trailblazers is Quantum-South, a cutting-edge technology company leveraging quantum computing for complex optimization challenges in the cargo industry. Recently, Quantum-South made a significant impact at the Air Cargo Tech Summit in Brussels, where Rodrigo Acosta Navarro (Quantum Software Developer and R&D) presented their revolutionary solutions. Furthermore, at Air Cargo Next , the company’s Co-Founders, Dr. Rafael Sotelo , and Martin Machin Cladera were recognized as air cargo executives to watch. In this blog post, we’ll delve into Quantum-South’s presence at these events and how their quantum solutions are set to revolutionize the airfreight industry. Read more.

Green air cargo ops with quantum optimization

At Quantum-South, we solve complex optimization problems in cargo logistics leveraging quantum algorithms. One of the greatest challenges the industry faces is the transitioning to a zero-emission, zero-waste field. We offer a center of gravity optimization, so not only we reduce waste and maximize capacity, but also optimize fuel consumption. Read more.

Quantum-South’s Pioneering Presence in the LAC Deep Tech Landscape: Insights from IADB’s “Deep Tech – The New Wave” Report

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technological innovation, the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region is emerging as a hub for Deep Tech startups that are reshaping industries and driving sustainable growth. A recent report titled “Deep Tech – The New Wave,” published by IDB Lab , 德勤 , and various other esteemed entities, offers a comprehensive analysis of the value and opportunities within the LAC Deep Tech ecosystem. Among the numerous entities mentioned in the report, one stands out as a trailblazer in the field of quantum computing – Quantum-South. Read more.

Prof. Jingbo Wang from The University of Western Australia will conduct Quantum Computing workshops at Universidad de Montevideo .

The Engineering School of the University of Montevideo (FIUM), Quantum-South and IEEE Broadcast Technology Society Uruguay, are pleased to invite the Lectures of Prof. Jingbo Wang from the University of Western Australia.

Free activity. Prior registration required and more information at: https://forms.office.com/r/FN0c8SB1zA

In-person event at FIUM - Av. Dra. María Luisa Saldún de Rodríguez 2307, Montevideo, Uruguay - Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) grounds - November 8th, 2023

Prof?Wang?is Director of the QUISA Research Hub (https://quisa.tech/) hosted at UWA, leading an active group in quantum information, simulation, and algorithm development. Her research team pioneered quantum walk-based algorithms to solve problems of practical importance otherwise intractable, which include complex network analysis, combinatorial optimization, and quantum information processing.

https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/persons/jingbo-wang https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BLOU3Q4AAAAJ&hl=en https://pawsey.org.au/researchers/jingbo-wang-head-of-physics-department-the-university-of-western-australia/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jingbo_Wang

Activity in the context of ANII ART_X_2021_1_170239 project.

Professor Jingbo Wang welcomed the international meeting where Dr. Rafael Sotelo spoke about the project carried out by the Engineering School at University of Montevideo (FIUM) and Quantum-South (March 25th, 2021).

Automatic Package Selection & Ordering for cargo logistics

Streamline your loading operations with APSO, an innovative quantum optimization tool.

At Quantum-South, we are proud to announce the latest release of APSO (Automatic Package Selection & Ordering). Designed for cargo companies by a cargo software company, APSO optimizes the selection of items to be packed in any freight loading environment. We envisioned a product that caters to the needs of airlines, liners, 3PLs, truckers, rail operators and cargo generalists alike.

Read more.

Complex optimization problems leveraging quantum computing software

Learn more about how Quantum South can help your company



