Quantum Physics: New Science of Coaching Part 2

Quantum Physics: New Science of Coaching Part 2

NOTE: This is post #2 of 3 excerpted from a "White Paper" by Eli Rivera and Drs. Jim Alvino & Amit Goswami.  The quantum principles explored herein are defined and derived from “The Business Person’s Guide to Demystifying and Implementing Quantum Economics in the Workplace” (2016) by Drs. Alvino and Goswami, author of Quantum Economics (2015).

For more information on Quantum Economics Business Coaching, including opportunities to become a QEBC Certified Trainer, contact [email protected].

Discontinuity. This is the second core principle of quantum physics and the Quantum Worldview. It may be best to contrast it with what we ordinarily think of as continuity, or continuous motion. For example, imagine you are taking a nice hike or run on a mountain trail. Left-right, left -right, everything is going along smoothly… you’re in the zone. Then all of a sudden you feel yourself unexpectedly trip over an unseen rock on the trail and… you’re scrambling to recover. (Jim’s a trail runner, he knows!) Relative to the pace and gait you had established, tripping on the rock was a “discontinuous event” in your theretofore continuous running motion.

Remember the electron we alluded to on page 3 that jumped from one orbit to another? When an electron jumps from one atomic orbit to another, it does so without going through the intermediate space. Quite the conundrum for classical physics! The electron’s quantum leap is an example of discontinuity.

You may look at this as evidence of the seeming randomness of moment to moment in the coaching relationship, as well as the fact that a coach cannot truly control the results in a session, or how the client will eventually experience a quantum moment of clarity or creativity. That said, as scientific experiments have borne out, through our focused intentionality we can reduce the randomness and steer closer to the desired result.

And while we’re talking about “quantum leaps,” it is interesting to note that the original meaning of the term pertained to the behavior of electrons, miniscule, unobservable objects by means of everyday perception. “Quantum leap” has since taken on the opposite meaning today, is applied to any domain of human endeavor whatsoever, not just quantum physics, and refers to or indicates a shift of seismic proportions.

Every coach receives the greatest satisfaction from his or her client’s “aha moment” and the shift in energy that comes with it. The challenge is to remain unbound to an expectation of achieving the breakthrough on any kind of external time frame. Discontinuity pretty much “guarantees” that you cannot predict the when or the why. Who knows, you might say “banana pudding,” and it is this which prompts a quantum leap for your client! ?

Discontinuity also implies and reflects the creative acts of Consciousness (aka God) in manifesting the universe… the proverbial view from “40,000 feet,” so to speak. The question becomes: How does the cosmic, nonlocal quantum Consciousness, God, identify with an individual, become individualized? Through observation and choice, what’s called “downward causation” or “collapse” in quantum terminology.

It is no wonder why one of the most effective tools for a coach to use with a client is to ask them to picture themselves (the client) observing their current situation from high up in the sky and thereby providing an opportunity for a detached, objective and creative perspective…

What You See Is What You Get

In one of Jim’s interviews of Amit referred to earlier, Jim introduced the idea of the Law of Quantum Observation as being the primary law of the universe, even more fundamental than the law of attraction, which has been Jim’s philosophical interest and area of expertise for many years. Amit said: “Yes, if you want to use this language, then yes, without the law of observation as you put it, or the ‘observer effect’ as I put it, there would be no manifest universe.”

Discontinuities appear in our own creative process, in biological macro-evolution, in spontaneous healing episodes that many people undergo. These are all examples of discontinuous quantum events of collapse. In short, reality comes into existence through Consciousness observing and choosing it out of an infinite field of un-manifest possibilities. (Remember, “Quantum physics is a physics of possibilities.”)

Discontinuity emerges or erupts out of a uniform, amorphous flow, which ICF coaches know and refer to as “the process,” a process that always delivers results, but which cannot be controlled directly. It is when a coach and client knowingly surrender (i.e., trust the process) that true connection and creativity unfold. Now one is free to Communicate Effectively (C) through Active Listening (C1), Powerful Questioning (C2) and Direct Communication (C3).

Quantum Creativity

OK, to clarify further, let’s think about creative problem solving and the experience of arriving at an “aha moment,” which represents a quantum leap in your thinking. Before the creative solution jumped out at you like that flying fish we mentioned earlier, it was still there all along as a quantum possibility, but un-manifest, in other words, not yet an ACTUALITY. Recall that nonlocality guarantees that no question exists for which there is not already an answer, but it may take a while for it to bubble up and break through the surface. Aha!!!

Quantum creativity involves two levels of awareness: 1) conscious processing and focused attention to the problem (this is the preparation stage which involves data input as well as framing powerful questions); and 2) relaxation or incubation so that the unconscious can take over the process. This is Amit’s principle of alternating doing and being – “do-be-do-be-do” – that leads to the creative insight and then its manifestation into an outer product (piece of art, literature, scientific law, etc.) or inner product, an evolved or transformed self for example.

As a coach one of your greatest gifts is providing your clients with an opportunity to discover creatively what they desire and what they need to accomplish it. You hear and summarize their agenda, set the stage with powerful questions and direct communication, then get out of the way to allow the creative insight to manifest and unfold.

ICF Coaching Applications Related to Discontinuity

Creativity requires a degree of risk taking, a willingness to step out of one’s comfort zone to explore divergent solutions and possibilities theretofore beyond one’s purview. The paradox is this: Facilitating Quantum Creativity with your client, i.e., getting him or her out of their comfort zone to observe and collapse on new horizons, means helping them become comfortable enough with you and the process to do so!

According to ICF Core Competency B3, ESTABLISHING TRUST & INTIMACY, the most important step in the coaching process is precisely to establish trust and intimacy upon whose foundation your and your client’s success will depend. Without building rapport and receiving trust from your client, resistance will always be present in the relationship, and progress will be stifled. You must foster an environment or “space” in which the client truly feels safe to “BE,” as Amit says, while participating in the creative experience of self-awareness and transformation.

You must also trust the coaching “process” to manifest the awareness both client and coach need to create a fruitful backdrop and platform for creative insights. Once trust has been truly established within and between coach and client both, then the stage is set for creativity to manifest through the authenticity of true coaching presence (B4). This includes being able to access one’s own intuition, inner knowing, and “gut feeling,” all of which is rooted in nonlocal Consciousness.

Although we have just talked about trust, intimacy and the coach-client relationship within the context of quantum discontinuity, this actually anticipates the essence of the third quantum principle…

More about the Authors

Eli Rivera, CPC, ACC is a graduate of the International Coach Academy's Advanced Coach Training Program, holds an ACC credential through the International Coach Federation and currently serves as Active Outreach Officer for ICF - Wisconsin Chapter. His coaching practice, Behind You (www.handbehindyou.com), provides transformational coaching to restaurant professionals around the globe. Eli blends many self-awareness techniques and mindfulness practices with more pragmatic ones in his coaching approach, as he seeks to provide “Transformational Coaching in a Transactional World”.

Dr. Jim Alvino, Founder of Advanced Law of Attraction Training Institute, is an international speaker, trainer, author and “Law of Attraction Business Coach,” who has logged thousands of hours of coaching sessions with dozens of clients all over the world, ranging from start-ups to growth and mature companies. His distinction – both as a philosophical thinker and award-winning business coach – is that he roots law of attraction in the fundamentals of quantum physics, neuroscience, and what he has coined as the Law of Quantum Observation?.  (For more information on Quantum Economics Business Coaching, including opportunities to become a QEBC Certified Trainer, contact [email protected].)

Dr. Amit Goswami, Founder of the Center for Quantum Activism, is a theoretical quantum physicist, prolific author, international speaker, thought leader and “quantum activist,” who has dedicated his life to ushering in a new paradigm of science in alignment with the purposeful evolution of Consciousness. His revolutionary foray into the field of economics, grounding it in the principles of quantum physics, fulfills and extends the precepts of Adam Smith’s capitalism, as well as the “higher level” needs and values reflected in Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow and other seminal thinkers.

Judy van Niekerk

Creator of Miracles??Guiding leaders to living an ?? ICONIC LIFE??Living their fullest expression ??

8 年

This in my opinion is what Napoleon Hill meant when he said "What the Mind can Perceive it can Achieve" - because as soon as it is perceived - it is simultaneously achieved... in space - but it does not necessarily mean that the same mind that perceived it will achieve it... in time..... point in case - Leonardo de Vinci - and the helicopter!


