Quantum Photography

Quantum Photography

A photograph is about one moment, a perfect blend of circumstances that will never combine again. And since each moment is all we ever have and all we ever are, a photograph captures everything. It doesn't stop time, it voids it altogether. In this way a photograph is not about the past at all. It's an ever-widening present, the stone tossed into the still pond. 

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A photograph is a blaring neon sign that flashes: 'This is it, this instant, this now.' If we don't feel distanced, or somewhat removed from that version of ourselves when we see them there fixed, then there's something wrong. We should feel a bit uncomfortable, we should feel a sense of the surreal. Because we are not what we are seeing. We're like a river that's flowed a thousand miles since. And no one steps into the same river twice. We feel, subconsciously, and powerfully, that what we're seeing isn't who we are. Yet there is that uncanny familiarity which we also can't ignore. This creates a perception paradox that's almost visceral. 

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A photograph does much, much more than merely capture the light reflected off a thing. Enfolded within the tableau of the photograph is an aura that does register as visible light, but that simultaneously breaks the time-space barrier and enters us as energy that speaks to us beyond our range of obvious perception. I would invite you to not 'see' a picture, but to look at it blind and feel it at a quantum level. We are very much connected, all of us, in ways that would astound you. Sometimes a photograph is a bridge that activates the bonds we share, and we can feel that almost like electricity.

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A photograph can break through the facade of perception. It can communicate on a whole other wavelength, beyond that of light. We *see* a collection of attributes within a certain physical context but what we are, *who* we are, transcends labels and facile descriptive terms. There's this harmonic resonance that defies the physical laws that govern most interactions. My intuition tells me that what I'm feeling is a very deep and literal connection, at a subatomic level. We are not at all separate, any of us. We are not divided by barriers of color or skin. Bodies are illusions. I realize how this sounds. But if you think about what is being discovered now in the quantum realm you realize that nothing is truly solid, static or obedient to physical "laws". I like the term quantum photograph. It applies to images captured by cameras that reveal sacred portals - numens. And that's exactly which each of us are. We are gateways to a universal truth.

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A portrait does not show us a person, it shows us ourselves, not just as another human likeness, a mere cousin, but an energetic twin. Each face we behold with openness is a reconciliation between the self and the 'other'. Thus a photograph is a homecoming, if the exchange between the seer and the seen is true.

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How is it that something we see can communicate the unseeable? Beyond logic assumptions, and judgments, beyond what might even appear to be facts, lie far greater mysteries- that which can't be named, what can't be understood, the uncountable, the unclassifiable, whose voice we hear above the din of animal perception. What if you looked at every image as your own? What if you said "That's me" instead of "That's you"? Try this with sincerity and you will see a new world. 

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I began doing Google searches on the terms 'portrait' and 'portrait photography' in hopes of finding quotations from masters that would shed light on the mysterious sublimation that seems to occur when all the planets align and something truly incredible is revealed as a result of an equation in which one person permits another person to see them, and then memorialize them in what we call a photograph. There aren't many reflections that I could find that spoke to me of what I feel both during the session and afterward, as what appears to be the person is revealed. So I decided to write my own reflections since I am, after all, a writer. 

A writer is a person who commits to memorializing feelings and observations with words, and then makes the further leap of sharing them with others.

 If my being, my presence, shares physical space in proximity to another person, and that person opens, to reveal a version of themselves that is unguarded, unmasked and, in a spirit of willingness, trusts that I will honor him/her in my art, the result is, often, a startling beauty that belies form and speaks in a language that transcends words.

 What happens is that together we make a wordless pact that is similar to an embrace or even a kiss. Two souls clasp in a handshake-like gesture of love. 

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My photographs succeed when they are driven by love. The world will change and the nightmares will end when it is driven not by the fiction of money, but the everlasting truth of love.

Photography is a treasure hunt on a map filled with X's. It is an art form that is an extension of a desire to connect. But I don't speak for photographers. I'm not as smart as Susan Sontag or Roland Barthes. I gravitate toward mediums that further my understanding of this mystery of ours and photography is that for me.

Today, and most every day, I'm thinking about beauty and how that seems to be a quality of perception, of the eye. We all agree on sunsets and mountaintops, but faces, people, are another type of landscape. 

I would call myself a landscape photographer though I'm more interested in humans than sweeping vistas. I'm interested in sweeping human vistas. Why is it so much easier for the land to speak to us? I think it's because we allow it to be what it is. We stare out at our practical geographies and understand weather, and ancient forces, and the slow work of time. We don't judge the Earth. It's filled with beauty, and most of it we can't explain. 

You are beautiful because I have allowed myself to see you with my heart. Translation: You are beautiful because I have chosen to just love you, like an oak tree on a hillside or the majesty of the sea. Beauty, then, is not a judgment of visual perception. Beauty simply is. I only take pictures of beautiful people, because there are no other kinds. 

I don't know what beauty is anymore, but I know what it isn't, and that's a start. There is something hidden in the human face, something obscured, like the ultraviolet patterns on a flower that only bees can see. Beauty is like that. A photograph is like a filter that reveals the latent image of us all. A portrait is a palimpsest that belies skin color, bone structure, it unifies rather than divides. And no matter what our intentions, it glories not the Self or the concept of a Self. Every portrait is a group photo. We see ourselves in each other.


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