Quantum Levels Healing Academy of Sciences, structured breakdown of a patient's plan to heal.
All comprehensive plans are backed by science based research and analysis unique to Jeffrey Scott Myers and Quantum Levels Healings

Quantum Levels Healing Academy of Sciences, structured breakdown of a patient's plan to heal.

ENERGY Keypoint- everything comes down to energy ● How your body process energy ● How your body absorbs fats and nutrients ● How your body stores energy ● How your body detoxifies through the lymphatic system, the liver and bile system ● It’s all about the cell, all disease is cell disease 3 things cell needs 1. Oxygen 2. Nutrients 3. Clean environment.

A special area of focus: 

IBS (digestion, liver, bile, gallbladder, stomach, intestinal wall as well as a dysbiosis issue.) (weight loss) 

Chronic fatigue Syndrome, another stress-related issue, where the energy being used on the stressful work environment is draining, the balance of negative and positive energy input and output, do not match. As well as adrenal/ thyroid issues, nutrition plays a major role as well. 

Osteoarthritis from a car accident, This is a connective tissue issue as well as blood sugar, not having a proper ratio of minerals, calcium, vitamin K, Vitamin D, potassium balance and phosphorus. We need to regrow and regenerate, building back the body from the ground up, giving the body the raw materials it needs to heal on its own.

Insomnia, (fight or flight, the body does not feel safe) 


Constipation plays a huge role in the elimination of toxic estrogen break down products to be eliminated and proper hormone balance, as well as the body's other toxins it needs to remove. 


Chronic pain issues in back, knees, shoulders, neck, upper back, hips, traps, hands wrists, left foot, (including planters fasciitis/ metatarsalgia, tendonitis, myositis) (connective tissue, nerve cells, nervous system, fascia, building up of adhesions and restricted flow of energy issues) Must be treated as mechanical issues for the most part. As well as pressure as it relates to pain. Also in this category, cysts and other areas where cells are dividing too rapidly or not in proper shape, as well as keloids. Working on posture plays a huge role, stress and being tense causes muscles to restrict, tighten and energy will not flow properly. Vision as well will be addressed.  


 Skin/ nails/ hair conditions, as well as itchy skin, dry skin, skin chemistry and skin cells not dividing properly, ( mineral and vitamin imbalance, lack of proper absorption or deficiency, fatty acids, the electrical nature of the nervous system. Acne (cheeks, forehead, jawline) All an internal issue, where inflammation is showing up on the skin as the end product of digestion issues. Where you see the problem, is not where the problem is.


Eczema, (an external response to an internal issue of inflammation.) Where you see the problem, is not where the problem is, it is the end result.  


Insomnia, (fight or flight, the body does not feel safe) 


PTSD, anxiety, depression, stress, and perceived stress, bipolar disorder, panic attacks, social anxiety, agoraphobia, tension in the upper back, nervous sweating. (All fall into the same category) We can also classify migraines into this category as well. This is where we master the mind, and you become greater than your external environment. 

All emotional and psychological issues need to be addressed, especially the stress on the body, emotional, chemical and physiological. (As in dealing with an issue that bothers you)  


Awareness- being aware of your thoughts, behaviors, and choices each day, moment by moment, (this takes practice) Thinking into the future, will slowly create the reality you want.  


 The past- You can’t think in the past, as we have discussed when you think in the past, your body’s biology and chemistry will be living in the situations you encountered in the past, that first brought on the traumas. The body is your subconscious mind and does not know the difference between events from the past and present day, it just knows the chemical reactions within your biology. Thinking about the future, causes you to produce different brain connections, and new neurons and new gene expression, which will coordinate with new biology and new chemistry, allowing you to create the reality you want, not the one you just had. This is the science of how things work. Especially firing and wiring new neural-networks, thinking about past trauma, the memory of future perceived threat or stress, whether it be physiological, chemical or emotional. You literally become what you think, in a chemistry way. (reframing)  

Unresolved issues of the subconscious, as you know, any past childhood or other traumas in your life, need to be brought from the subconscious to the conscious mind and memory, in order to bring it to the forefront, attach an emotion to it, feel it, and get it out and resolved, to allow proper healing, and as stated above, allow energy to flow through the body as it should.  


Deconditioning- removing focus from past behaviors, shift intentions to new behaviors (especially before bed) throughout the day.  New thought (blueprint)= new choice= new behavior= new experience= new emotion= new thought. Where you put your awareness is where you place your energy, remember for every emotion there is a matching chemical. Emotions are the end result and chemical signatures of memories. 


Vital to all healing is the ability to forgive, and surrender, to release any negatively held energy from the body to allow that same energy to be used for growth and healing. If we hold on to hate or fear or resentment or any other negative energy, we will not heal, we must let go and start again.  




 We must understand as, in physics, the body is a unified field, there are no separate parts and all the pathways, and systems, and negative feedback loops, work together as one biochemical organism. Areas we will work on: 

 The Microbiome (gut bacteria) and microbes, as well as the healthy fungus that lives in us. (the gut bacteria play a major role in the immune system and any inflammatory response in the body, as well as depression, anxiety, and other emotional and mental issues, there is something known as the brain-gut axis, the brain, and the gut communicate with each other. Negative thoughts, including emotional or mental stress, play a major role in gut health and the healing of the immune system. The mind, the nervous system, the immune system, the brain, and the gut are all interrelated and connected. As well as (anxiety), which can stem from this area. The microbiome also plays a vital role in autoimmune disease. The microbiome plays an important role in hormone balance, peptide and neurotransmitter balance. We have a microbiome in our skin, digestive tract, eyes, lungs, mouth, any other areas as well. (see areas of focus) The gut has its own nervous system called the enteric nervous system, which influences the para and sympathetic nervous systems.  

 Inflammation in the body, which is the cause of all disease, an offending agent getting into the blood through a leaky gut (dysbiosis). Autoimmune Diseases are a classic example of something getting into the blood and causing a defensive response. Inflammation plays a role in skin conditions as well, such as rashes, bumps, dry skin, acne dry scalp, Alopecia. A peptide will pass through the leaky gut and into the bloodstream, where it will get circulated through the blood and deposited into the connective tissue of an organ, or gland, etc.(rheumatoid arthritis, lupus osteoarthritis, Arthritis, shoulder, hips ankle, knee pain or discomfort, as well as tightness in the connective tissue and muscle constriction, just to name a few as an example)(which have a lot to do with sugar and the glycation process, basically, sugar is burning the connective tissue and nerve endings, causing cells to die. When this happens the cell’s contents, such as calcium and uric acid is spewed from the cell causing, causing nerve pain or paralysis of a certain area.) This mechanism will trigger an immune response and single T-cells and B-cells (Lymphocytes) to an area to take care of the antigen, especially the immune cells. Which in turn sends neuro transmitting singles to the ( Phagocytes) and( macrophages)(neutrophils) to go to the inflamed area.  A neurotransmitter that is triggered by an immune response. Prescription drugs will suppress the immune system as well,(especially hydrocortisone, and any other glucocorticoid steroid) which will in the long term suppress any type of healing. 

Another key player in inflammation is physiological, chemical, emotional and mental stress, which could have easily brought on other symptoms, the stress over (past childhood events, household stress, job stress and deadlines, relationships, high demands of life and just living in the present-day world, as well as normal everyday stress) causes more stress and more inflammation and the vicious cycle goes on. (Thoughts, feelings, and emotions trigger inflammation in the body as well.) The mental stress of diagnosis will alter your chemistry and chemical changes affect your biology.

The bile system, bile is the body's soap basically, bile is where fats are broken down as well as fat-soluble vitamins and hormones are cleared out especially estrogen, and estrogen breakdown products( metabolites). As well as a direct correlation to the stomach, and intestines, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and spleen. This is a very misunderstood system of the body, it is vital for proper health and balance and elimination. The bile is basically made up of bile salts, cholesterol, lecithin, pigments, and fats. The makeup of bile is largely water, at about 95%. The remaining five percent is made up of bile acids, bilirubin, amino acids, enzymes, steroid hormones including estrogen, glutathione, cholesterol, vitamins (especially vitamin D and some of the B vitamins), porphyrins, insulin, and other items, including toxins such as heavy metals, xenobiotics, medications and drugs, and environmental toxins targeted for excretion. There are also electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, sulfate, and bicarbonate. As you excrete more bile acid, bile flow is stimulated. There is also a circadian rhythm to the synthesis and circulation of bile acids. 

. Low stomach acid, enzymes will not break down protein properly in the stomach if you are not producing enough( Hydrochloric Acid). allowing bacteria to overproduce, nutrients to not be absorbed properly, the weakening of the bone and connective tissue, proteins not being broken down into peptides properly, which in turn enter the blood through a leaky gut, again causing inflammation. Also, As well as it is important to build the involuntary muscles of the large intestine, where water and salts are reabsorbed for proper waste, Gastroparesis is a problem.  I emphasize this area because it is very common and needs to be addressed. (Extremely important area of focus to help balance good and bad bacteria.) Links are examples of what is possible, not your conditions.   



Building connective tissue,  (electrical nature of the body) Energy needs to flow through the muscles, through the body, the body is not solid it flows, everything flows, and it is vital electricity flows as well. Another major factor is the neurotransmitters and nerve singles to the muscles to contract and relax. Blood also carries an electrical charge, like a vortex it’s known as the zeta potential. The entire universe is electrical. Especially important is building the connective tissue of the gut and intestinal lining, (dysbiosis, leaky gut, caused by SIBO, or Candida ), epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous tissues. ( Your fascia) the fibrous connective tissue found throughout your body, accounts for about 20 percent of your body mass, as well as the muscle cells and tissue Your fascia stores and moves water, and carries voltage, acting as an electrical wiring system. Fascia may play a significant role in pain, especially joint pain. The reason for this is because the fascia is one interconnected system, and when it loses its suppleness, pain can transfer from one region to another Fascia is made up of fibroblasts — cells that produce collagen and other fibers — held together by a surrounding matrix. Physical inactivity causes the fascia to tighten and become less supply. The fascia’s ability to slide plays a major role in health as well. (High levels of Himalayan Salt will be vital for muscle contraction as well.) The connective tissue feeds the cells via the blood, as well as where toxins from the lymphatic system are dumped, as well as holding the organs and other structures in place. 

Skin chemistry, health, and beauty,  Bone health, strength, density, formation, as well as attention on joints, ligaments, tendons.

We need to get you rebuilding, from a catabolic state to an anabolic state, from degeneration to regeneration, from survive to thrive. In your situation, both of these metabolic processes have to be working together. Bringing all aspects of your life into balance, mind, body, soul, and spirit. (homeostasis) balance.

Making sure you can process and absorb your fatty acids, and your fat-soluble vitamins, A, E, D, K. (A and D are actually considered hormones, due to the fact the body makes them, vs. the body does not make vitamins). Water-soluble vitamins extremely important to intake all day, 

being we excrete them out (Major aspect is omega 3 & 6 fatty acids) Absorption depends on a healthy bile system, proper production of hydrochloric acid, the small intestine, proper circulation of the blood and lymphatic system, making sure blood is not thick, which will cause minerals and vitamins as well as oxygen not to circulate as effective, which in turn will not allow strong delivery to the cells. Enzymes play a key role, vitamins are coenzymes, helping enzymes catalyze more effectively. Making sure your vitamin D & B are balanced. as well as the liver and kidney enzymes. 

 Liver health/ gallbladder, working on restoring the health of your liver, and corresponding organs.  

Blood sugar levels/ Lymphatic System. (the liver stores and processes glucose along with the pancreas). Making sure insulin stays in balance and working in conjunction with glucagon the other hormone which regulates glucose. The (Lymphatic System) is key, The primary functions of the lymphatic system are to drain and return interstitial fluid to the blood, to absorb and return lipids from the digestive system to the blood, and to filter fluid of pathogens, damaged cells, cellular debris, and cancerous cells. It is the system where toxins are eliminated from the body, the lymph needs to be circulated through the blood by movement or muscle contraction, it is not pumped throughout the body like the blood, unhealthy lymphatic system, unhealthy blood, in turn, you will not be able to rid the body of the toxins causing certain symptoms. (remember low stomach acid can produce pathogens, so keeping the lymphatic system running properly is key.)  

 Balancing hormones (neurotransmitter signaling ) In balance with the Endocrine System. (Hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pineal, testicles, and ovaries .) (peptide and steroid hormones) Hormones trigger all chemistry in the body through chemical reactions, neurotransmitters, and enzymes.   Everything starts with energy, which turns into a thought, which triggers a hormonal reaction, which produces a chemical message, which turns on chemistry, producing a biological reaction. It goes, electric, chemical, chemistry, biology. Hormones are the lock and key mechanism which turns on the cell to create all actions metal and physical, no hormones, no life. The plan is to establish a healthy and balanced bile system so estrogen and other hormones can be cleared out properly,(males and females produce estrogens as well). 

 Adrenal fatigue/thyroid issues. Too much( cortisol) and (adrenalin) as well as glucocorticoid release due to stress. We are supposed to be in the state of the parasympathetic nervous system, and only in the sympathetic nervous system for a short period of time, if the body feels it is in danger (the flight or fight mode) it will not heal or let you be creative, or allow proper function of the immune system, or digestive system, will overproduce glucose, causing weight gain, and many other problems, not to mention the whole mental aspect of thinking and feeling and thinking and feeling. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) due to some sort of pathogen, causes a lack of oxygen in the blood, which in turn will cause high blood pressure and lack of absorption of vitamins and minerals, and poor lymphatic and cardiovascular circulation. Also, the hormone aldosterone which regulates minerals and salts, when aldosterone is not balanced properly, water will follow salt and minerals in the blood, causing a larger volume of water in the blood, causing high blood pressure, blood vessels expand too much. (hypertension) Minerals must be in balance for the process to work properly. Electrolyte balance is vital. The endocrine system is everything, as well as the associated glands. There are 3 kinds of stress that need to be addressed, chemical, physiological and emotional. 

 Key points: Things to remember: we need to keep the body calm, constant release of stress-producing hormones, will never allow the body to heal, we need to focus on the mind, soul, spirituality. (no healing takes place with negative thoughts, period.)  


Stress- physical, chemical, emotional, (the body can't deal with long term stress and the biochemistry it produces) the hormones of stress long term push genetic buttons that create disease, you can turn on the stress response by thought alone, (thoughts can make you sick and can make you better, Example- have an insecure thought, turns into insecure behaviors, prolonged for 20 years, the same gene keeps being signaled for hurt, anger, insecurity, hostility, hatred, prejudice, fear, anxiety, hopelessness, powerlessness,   Stress chemical over days is called (mood) over months it's called (temperament) goes for years it's called (personality trait) IT’S ALL THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, AND EMOTIONS. The immune system, and stress. The immune system, and fasting,

Meditation, and breathing exercises. Stress management and working on areas such as thoughts, emotions, and feelings, which have everything to do with how your biology and chemistry show up on a physical level will be addressed as well. Practicing gratitude, gratefulness, love, creativity, volunteering, kindness are all extremely important. 

Weight training, physical exercise with a focus on the reversal of energy loss brought on by training. (I Will provide you Dr. Joe’s extensive work in this area)  Enzyme health, (extremely important) Enzymes turn on chemistry in the body, there would be no biological processes happening in the body if enzymes were not present, as well and the breakdown of food. A chemical process in the body that takes 1 billionth of a second, would take 10 million years with no presence of enzymes.  











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