Quantum Leap (2019) TV Show Restart
President Kennedy (1961 - 1963)

Quantum Leap (2019) TV Show Restart

Please let me share a story idea I once had – and how my Sister in Law was able to help me:

Back in the 1990’s, NBC had a TV show on called “Quantum Leap”.

Set in 10 years in the future, with, for example, broadcasts aired in the year 1991 being the on-screen year 2001, the Sci Fi show had an American scientist named Dr. Sam Beckett - leading a tech team - who invented a type of time machine.

This allowed them to send the scientist’s “soul” (for want of a better way to describe what happened each week) back in time up to about 50 years.

For the fiction of the show, Sam *could* .and. *should* affect history – but, with one exception, the show never even tried to make a real positive difference to society --- though that WAS the show’s basic premise. ***

Exception: Goodbye Norma Jean - April 4, 1960. As the chauffeur of Marilyn Monroe, Sam must save her life [from a drug overdose] and help her to make one final film, The Misfits (1961). https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0681124/

My episode would have changed all that.

Let’s call my episode “Episode: Tomorrow was Yesterday [President Kennedy] 11/2/1963 & [President Powell] 3/30/2001" (the old TV show had an episode title. & date that the change to history happened).

My plot was seemingly simple: Dr. Beckett would go back in time to 1963, and prevent President Kennedy from being shot...

A one hour Network TV show has from 47 to 51 minutes of actual footage, after commercials.


How could I fill so much time? So far, my episode is only about 5 minutes long.

I now need to explain more about my idea, and how my sister in law gave me needed advice…

Again, for the fiction of the show, scientists could not actually send a man back in time; instead, they exchanged ‘souls’ with another man back in history…

So the Star of the Show, an actor named Scott Bakula, would look to everyone back in time to be?exactly?like the man who existed back then... Even looking?& sounding just like the man in the past. He would, however, retain his own memories and motivations…

So here’s more of my idea for my episode:

Scott Bakula would ‘be’ a man named Bolton Andrews – the first black Secret Service agent assigned to the White House detail. Hand selected by JFK himself, this would be literally the perfect person to pretend to be --- Since his job was to protect the President from being shot, no one would think to question him when he actually did stop the shooting.......

For more about my story, and how it came to be, please see https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/kennedy-conspiracy-part-one-stephen-salgaller Published on November 7, 2016

Problem(s): I only have a half- hour of material; how could I fill all available time? I also still need a way for my episode to really stand out. After all, saving JFK has been the plot of other books, TV shows & movies before.

Here is where my Sister in Law helped me:

Remember that, for the fiction of the show, ‘present day’ was still the year 1999. 1991 should = 2001 on-screen, right?

Even if they are “stuck” in their ‘past’ - what about events in 2 years in their future? (The future of the future)

What, I wondered, would America really be like in the year 2001? Could I fit that vision into my episode?

My Sister in Law said she could help me, and she showed me a photo she just took (in 1991) of a 4 star Army General named Colon Powell.

She asked: what if he became President in 2000, and was sworn-in in 2001? (Like General Eisenhower did in 1952, General Powell would run as a Republican)

*Perfect* !

Everyone worries about time travel affecting the past, but what would such changes do to events in our future?

Now, no one really knows what happens if you actually do change history, and I have to ‘sidestep’ this question for my episode…

But, if JFK wasn't shot, many Bills to advance minorities might not have been passed.

After all, President Johnson was only able to push through these types of Laws because he could say he was finishing the vision of JFK; without this motivation, some in Congress would never have voted for the progressive legislation.

I needed the real Colon Powell to play himself as President; if the White House Oval Office scene was filmed in B&W, with a black man and a white President, it was set in 1963; if in full color - with a white scientist and a black President, it was set in the [then] future world of the year 2001.

I still have my time travel paradox to deal with…

I now have to also say that you probably do not believe as I do regarding the real motivation behind world events… So let’s just pretend that this is just a silly Sci Fi TV show idea…

The scientist in our [1991] future would be arguing with President Powell that, since he can do so, he was obligated to change history for the better…

President Powell reminded the scientist that he would probably not have just been elected if JFK wasn't shot 38 years earlier…

Powell even asks the scientist – since Dr.?Beckett *did* already change history - long ago, how is it that he was not ‘erased’ from what is then ‘present’ day events?

Powell then expresses his sadness he felt that day in November, 1963, after learning that JFK was shot. He says that he would OK with Dr. Beckett changing history - *if* that could be done without affecting the civil rights improvements that lead him to be the first black President…

He then says that, like every American who was alive in 1963, He remembers where he was when he heard the news - that Kennedy was shot in Chicago on Saturday, November 2nd…

BUT WAIT, says scientist Bakula !!!

Since he ‘exists’ in both 1963 .and. 2001, he knows Kennedy was not shot until Nov. 22nd – in Dallas, TX…

Scientist and President now realize that *both* histories ARE true: Secret Service Agent Andrews DID save Kennedy’s life when he was to be shot in Chicago on Nov. 2nd, but, sadly - and (?) necessarily, JFK was still shot in Dallas 3 weeks later.

(?) On 11.10.2021, I add the following to the above scene overview:

There's a second meeting with President Powell - after Dr. Beckett saves President Kennedy once (the Nov. 2, 1963 attempt); this includes Dr. Sam Beckett - and his co-worker, Rear Admiral Albert 'Al' Calavicci. In this meeting, both are ordered NOT to interfere with the history of Kennedy again...

But, after that meeting, Sam again says to Al that, since he can and should change history for the better, he is not going to hide under his desk - and stop himself from at least trying to change what will [probably] happen. While Al is a Navy officer, Sam is a civilian, and isn't technically required to follow orders from President Powell; Sam points this fact out.

The only thing Dr. Beckett can’t do is to reveal the Quantum Leap Program to JFK (or anyone). Kennedy’s not cleared for it, and, IF there is an attack on America (say later in 2001, like September), no one can know that the damage could be undone, or lessened.

This is a major plot point; almost all other similar science fiction stories either block the protagonist from changing history, or, for some weak reason, require the hero to not to interfere with what’s “supposed” to happen.

Not in my show, However! --- Screw causation; Sam MUST at least try to save Kennedy's life again!

This sets up a parallel ‘final’ scene in 1963 - where Sam, as Agent Andrews, begs Kennedy not to go to Dallas.

As you will see, Kennedy wisely says that he was elected by the people to make America better; he cannot be so fearful of death that he avoids difficult situations…

JFK would repeat what he *actually* said in real life: that the Secret Service cannot fully protect him if some sick man shots at him with a rifle from the top of a building, BUT (good advice for me, too) he cannot allow his life and his actions to be controlled by fear…

So JFK - without knowing all of the facts - actually calms Sam down - and gets Sam to accept that bad things might happen, BUT, in the long run, goodness will win out over evil actors or actions.

Final Scene - Scene Title: ‘An Unknown Force Awakens’

Note: This scene is recorded on slightly grainy black & white film

Place: White House Oval Office??Date: Monday, November 18, 1963

Secret Service Special Agent Bolton Andrews: “Mr. President, your life is STILL in danger…”

JFK: “I know that, Agent Andrews... There’s still hate, opposition - and prejudice - against me & my policies.”

Bolton: “Then follow my advice – don't go to Miami later this week; you could be shot at… and, whatever you do, do not go to Dallas on Friday – someone will shoot at you there!”

JFK: “Agent Andrews, I DID avoid going to Chicago – after you uncovered that assassination plot against me…

(Earlier in this episode, the Nov. 2, 1963 plot WAS thwarted by Agent Andrews)

But - I cannot live in fear – hide under my desk – and avoid doing my job…”

Bolton: [upset & frustrated] “What IS your job? Do you REALLY think that you can change the system?”

JFK: [motions Bolton in closer; talks a lot softer] “I've never told anyone else this – but I believe that I’m driven by an unknown force to change ‘history’ for the better... I’m striving to put right what once went wrong… ***

[Moves back; shakes his head; talks louder] You probably think that I’m making this stuff up.”

SS SA Bolton Andrews: “No, Sir. I do believe you… In fact, I think that I’m also part of such a plan.” ***

JFK: [JFK is NOT surprised… Kennedy motions him in - and talks softer again; points back and forth a few times] Bolton, there are many of us out there… trying to make a positive difference in the world...

[Now louder] “In my case, I’m NOT speaking figuratively about improvements… … Look out the window… See… [Points] The Lincoln Memorial??Just 3 Months ago, another 'agent' for change, Dr. Martin Luther King - gave a speech there… He said that, one day, Americans would be judged by the content of their character -- and not by the color of their skin…”

Bolton: “I know, Mr. President; I was there - listening that day.” <--- [Scientist Beckett is "channeling" Bolton, who was there that day]

JFK: “While Dr. King is a visionary profit; he’s not able to directly affect National policy, but Presidents - like me - can. The obvious example from US history was our decision to allow slavery here in America... It was wrong, and President Lincoln put us back in the right path by ending it... The Civil War; 100 years ago; horrible, horrible; BUT it was a ‘necessary’ war.

*I* need to follow up on Lincoln’s work… to help make Dr. King’s dream a reality - for ALL Americans, black and white; old and young; rich - and especially poor...

I have an ambitious plan to do this: civil and voting rights for minorities; medical insurance for senior citizens... I will even end the senseless war in Vietnam --- BUT I can’t accomplish any of this --- until my second term in office… VP Johnson is good – sometimes even too good - helping me - but *I* must win my own reelection...

I’ll never win the “deep” South, BUT I *can* win in Florida & Texas...?I need to carry those States in 1964… That will be difficult, so I must begin my campaign a year before then… That is .. THIS Month…

… I know that a ‘lone nut gunman’ with a rifle could target me from the top of a tall building – and you in the Secret Service would not be able to stop him --- but I was elected on a liberal platform - to make America even better - and I WILL succeed --- eventually…

[Thinking] Look; since you’re so worried, why not stay behind during my trip later this week… IF, God forbid, something did go wrong, you know that the public would blame the 'black guy' for what happened to me…”

Bolton: [nods head in agreement] …“Mr. President, again, can one man really make a difference?”

JFK: “Bolton let me tell you one more thing that I’ve never told anyone before…”

Bolton: What’s that, Mr. President?”

JFK: “One day, an African American man will be sitting in this chair [pats his chair twice] - as President of our great Nation… Now, it may take 40 or 50 years, but it WILL happen! That unknown force for change will push this Nation forward - towards a better future… even if I’m not there to see the results… This man’s election – as a result of laws I will enact in my second term - will be part of the improvements that I – and Dr. King – want to see...

I believe that a man may die, nations may rise and fall, but ideas live on... Also, Dr. King told me that the arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice for all Americans...

Bolton, please find comfort in knowing that every little improvement that agents for change – like us - make - helps to create a more perfect union for everyone.”

Bolton: “Mr. President, I'm honored to work for you - and to help you fulfill your goals... Good luck on your trip… I’m sure that America will re-elect you in ‘64!”

They shake hands goodbye; sadly, for the last time, But Bolton cannot say this to, or tip off Kennedy by mentioning his above top secret time travel program - and saying that he’s really Sam, from the future; probably not believable to JFK anyway.

Since the time travel project is so important, and since JFK is not cleared for it, Sam can't say anything.


https://www.fanpop.com/clubs/dr-sam-beckett/articles/162974/title/quantum-leap-opening-narration ***


NOTE: Again, Dr. Sam Beckett (AKA SS SA Bolton Andrews) *knows* that President Kennedy WILL be shot in Dallas, BUT Sam cannot tell the President HOW he knows about the future.

As you can see, as Agent Andrews, he DOES do all that he can to try to get Kennedy to cancel his trip…

BUT President Kennedy IS right!?The arc of history is long, but it DOES bend towards Justice.

The civil rights laws – and other progressive legislation - that JFK wants - WILL pass in 1964, 65, 66, or 67, as he says - with, or sadly, without - him being there.

Again, while WE now know that JFK’s dreams DID come true, to HIM in 1963 they are still unmet goals.

What will make a more perfect Union in OUR future – and how will WE help to make America better?

Also, remember that I originally wrote my episode back in 1991, when Barrack Obama’s election was still 17 years in our future… And, despite my Sister-in-law not liking Sci Fi, nor believing in “conspiracy theories”, she DID really help me make my screenplay “shine”…

Colin Powell should be remembered for promoting honesty, civility, and patriotism above divisive politics?(2021 obituary post)


“A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death.” - President Kennedy


PS (1): In 1991, my research found that the TV Show’s Creator / Producer, Donald P. Bellisario, did not believe in a JFK conspiracy, so I could never tell him that, as you have probably guessed, my show is based on a TRUE story.




In fact, Mr. Bellisario actually met Oswald when they were both Marines in 1959, but my point is that he would just NOT be open to my episode idea. According to him, only one ‘crazy’ guy – Oswald – in the entire world – wanted to kill JFK.

Of course, JFK had lots of enemies! - But NOT Lee Harvey Oswald!

PS (2): the show would air on NBC. IF I could get the Producer to OK it, I would then have to calm down NBC executives - and remind them that my episode was just silly Sci Fi; America would *never* really have a black President – even, say, in the [then] distant future year of 2008.

PS (3): In 2016 there is a new science fiction time travel TV show on the air, titled "Timeless" --- it does deal with changing American history, BUT, so far, it does not question WHY history could not be made "better", nor does it question the REAL motivation behind why past events have happened...

As an example, the show had an episode about the Lincoln assassination, but (1) they supposedly had to allow the assassination to occur, and (2), they did not question why ALL the top US Government cabinet (NOT just President Lincoln) WERE, in real life, targeted for elimination…

The 2016 show's plot is that one lone agent is single-handedly responsible for all the bad changes to our alleged history. This man's view, knowledge and motivations about changing the past are all unknown - so far…

PS(4): In 2009 I contacted the actual former Secret Service agent [real name] Abraham Bolden. He was happy that I had a fictionalized version of his true story ready to offer for sale. I had to tell him that (1) The TV show ended in 1994, and, (2) as you can guess, Abraham's story will never see the light of day – at least not on major network television.

President Biden pardons Chicagoan Abraham Bolden, first Black Secret Service agent on White House detail

Bolden “has steadfastly maintained his innocence, arguing that he was targeted for prosecution in retaliation for exposing unprofessional and racist behavior within the U.S. Secret Service,” the White House said.


If only Abraham Bolden's work to protect President Kennedy from assassination was documented - even as a slightly fictionalized man named "Bolton Andrews" - in an episode of a TV series...


When good TV goes bad: how Quantum Leap made one leap too far (11.20.2017)

The time-travel show used its man-in-another-man’s-body tool to show that compassion trumps prejudice. Then Dr Sam turned up as Lee Harvey Oswald


‘Quantum Leap’ Reboot Ordered to Series by NBC — Get a First Look (PHOTO)

Martin Holmes - May 6, 7:30 AM


‘Quantum Leap’ Reboot Ordered to Series by NBC (2022 postings)





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