Quantum Fortune Cookie
tl;dr: Co-creating the world by cracking the cookie open.
I grabbed a fortune cookie from the takeout bag the other night. As I did, I thought, “there’s a fortune inside this cookie, but until I observe it, it actually doesn’t exist.”
Perhaps this is a sad commentary on my life, that I am mildly obsessed with quantum mechanics now, but it was a cool little thought experiment, reminding me how we co-create the world by participating in it as observers.
Before the cookie is broken and the fortune is read, the little piece of paper inside could literally say anything and no one can prove otherwise.
It was like a?Schoedinger’s Cat?of chinese food.
By opening the cookie and reading it, the fortune comes into existence.
Before that moment, the fortune didn’t exist.
I know, it’s mind-bending and I definitely don’t understand it, which is why I like to blog about it.
It read:
“Freed from desire, then you can see the hidden mystery.”