QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM update from Derek Johnson
As I’ve mentioned before on podcasts… I said I’d post the official Government site that proves there’s a Global Currency Reset and Quantum Financial System.
Look at the year 2020. ‘In preparation for the Global Currency Reset and arrival of theQuantum Financial System currently running parallel, any international financial activity, regulated by their respective agencies, must strictly comply with no tolerance to all protocol and regulations stipulated in the International Quantum Initiative Act, Passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and approved by the U.N and U.S.M.C.A. (Formerly known as N.A.F.T.A).? This means all financial obligations involved in the finalization of this and any other international settlement must be satisfied in full and specifically by the registered beneficiary, in this case being [NAMES REMOVED].? An audit performed by the International Organization of Supreme Audit institutions (INTOSAI) revealed a seemingly innocently overlooked deficit caused by the before mentioned International settlement moving into a new bracket limit requiring a readjustment of certain financial obligations when the cost differs depending on the bracket in which it currently fits. Below is a table showing the Financial Obligations required by the Federal Government of Mexico which depend on bracket limits and the bracket limits affected.’
Currently running parallel
Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations also running parallel
Who ended NAFTA?
Same fella who passed the Quantum Initiative Act?
Who talks about the USMCA in his speeches at his rally’s?
Enjoy the World’s Greatest Operation known to mankind to date. Everything is in writing. It’s in a chronological order. All in bipartisan legislation. The movie is ever so epic and awesome.
OCC dot GOV baby: https://occ.gov/news-issuances/alerts/2020/alert-2020-3a.PDF…