
Welcome to subscribe to my Newsletter : Golden Age of Mankind .


Hello, dear Subscribers . Welcome to 12th Edition of the GOLDEN AGE OF MANKIND Newsletter .

Researcher and Author Jared Rand from Colorado USA has weekly conferences? every Wednesday .

On July 10 th 2Q24 Jared had one of the best conferences till now .

Welcome to listen to the recording ,

The new financial? System Hooray !

Jared Rand conference is 3 ,19 h long and is completely interesting .

Welcome to listen carefully his conferences every Wednesday , recordings are at his internet site .

Jared Rand obtained official documents? & authentic informations about Quantum Financial System from the director ?of the bank that is involved in QFS .

During the first hour Jared explains in detail how QFS is working , who is in charge of it : Space force

And the beneficial extraterestrial intelligence who is governing and overlooking every transaction. ?.

QFS is obviously based on the Law of the Land which begins with : Do not harm!

Jared explains about #QFSLedger and its functions in blockchain transactions .

In the last part he is? reading? 19 short statements and facts about QFS.

?Bo?tjan U. from Maribor city , Slovenia ,

gratefully sent transcript of first 30 minutes of Jared Rand conference where Jared pointed out most important facts about #QFS .


?Good evening everyone. This is Jared Rand. Welcome to the Time for Change call for Wednesday, July 10, 2024 after 915 PM Eastern.

Now a lot of people through the years, so many things have been thrown out there. Like myself, I've talked to, interfaced with certain people that are running financial operations believing that they are the, that's the one for the planet and so on and so forth. Well, no reason to contest them because of the fact that most people don't know, verifiably so, confirmed, verified, authenticated information at all on the financial structure.

Basically it's going to be for the whole planet. It's not going to be a little bit here, a little bit there, or something over here, and then something over here. It's going to be very, well, let's put it this way.

It's not going to be difficult for people to comprehend. And it's a global financial system. Now there's been a lot of talk about QFS being the bad guys.

It was taken over by the good guys, and then it was called QSI, and then there was another one called this, and it gets pretty muddled. And not to get things confused with the International Monetary Fund. This is the International Monetary System, IMS, not IMF, the Quantum Financial System, QFS.

And what is this going to do for the civilization, for all of us? For us, not for a small group of parasitical creatures, beings. It's going to end the corrupt central banking. It will cover the new global network for the transfer of asset-backed funds.

It replaces the U.S. centrally controlled SWIFT system. Purpose of QFS, International Monetary System, is to put an end to corruption, usury, manipulation within the banking system. Banks no longer are able to gain significant profits, period.

It's completely independent from the existing centralized system. It makes all other transfer systems obsolete. Now I'm emphasizing all caps, all uppercase, underlined, not cryptocurrency.

QFS reigns supreme in the technology it applies, 100% financial security and transparency of all currency holders. It assigns a digital number to every fiat dollar, euro, yen, in every bank account all over the world. Digital numbers are monitored in real time where it went, when it was ledgered, who sent it, and what account received it.

?See, the bankers for years were able to, globally, they were able to take monies that weren't theirs. Of course, they think of theirs because they're in the bank account. And if you were transferring money, let's say $50,000, you're transferring it somewhere.

?And during the time it took for that money to transfer to its destination, they made tons of money off of it. This goes on all the time. They can't do any of that anymore.

?I mean it's really, really, really good. Sovereign currency of the United States. Sovereign currency, asset collection chain.

?Platform of asset digitization created for the purpose of global digital

asset circulation. There we go. Asset, token, sovereign currency.

?Electronic methodology to move funds. All banking data has been decentralized. That's huge.

?What does that mean? It means that they cannot mess with the movement of money. The only reference to a bank, you're going to hear about referencing a bank, is source of origin for the account. That's it.

?Blockchain technology is building as asset sharing, distributed ledger between different nodes, institutions, industries, etc. After digitization, tokenization, and symbolization of material assets, all assets can be mapped and segmented. ACC is a distributed general ledger.

?It is a local, it's a tool of asset digitization for global applications. Exchange, basically. Between mainstream tokens and the market with asset standard token, asset collection chain that jointly forms the digital asset interchange object, SDR.

Most of this is just pretty much financial jargon. SDR, digital currency. Each global node establishes a regional general ledger token, GLT, to regional circulation.

?Thus the digital currency, SDR, will be the main exchange coin along with tokens of each international node's general ledger taken in the international exchange. Remember, we're not talking about digital coins. Period.

?We're not talking about cryptocurrency. In this ecosystem, each node's taken can use GLT to realize regional circulation, and each GLT can use ACC to realize international circulation. Remember, ACC, asset collection chain.

?GLT is digital general ledger. Distributed ledger technology, GLT. A database that is decentralized across several computers or nodes.

?Every node will maintain the ledger. If data changes happen, the ledger is updated. Updates are independent of each node.

All nodes have equal status in authority. There is no central authority or server managing the database. Each node can update the ledger, and other nodes verify its existence.

?Transparency. No corruption. Nodes verify the transaction with the consensus algorithm.

?Sometimes all nodes can participate, and sometimes only selected nodes. Once all nodes get a go, all nodes receive updated status. Blockchain is just a type of distributed ledger.

?All right? GLT, distributed ledger. GLT is the parent of blockchain, and blockchain, every node gets its very own copy of the ledger. All transactions are encrypted before being added to the ledger.

?Blockchain does not require a central authority. It is decentralized completely as GLT. Blockchain organizes data in terms of blocks that are linked and encrypted for security.

?All data transactions exist in history and cannot be altered or deleted.

?Transparency. No corruption. Nodes verify the transaction with the consensus algorithm.

?Sometimes all nodes can participate, and sometimes only selected nodes. Once all nodes get a go, all nodes receive updated status. Blockchain is just a type of distributed ledger.

?All right? GLT, distributed ledger. GLT is the parent of blockchain, and blockchain, every node gets its very own copy of the ledger. All transactions are encrypted before being added to the ledger.

?Blockchain does not require a central authority. It is decentralized completely as GLT. Blockchain organizes data in terms of blocks that are linked and encrypted for security.

?All data transactions exist in history and cannot be altered or deleted. Blockchain's structure is blocks of data. Distributed ledger technology, database, spread across different nodes.

?No specific sequence. Sequence is the distinguishing difference in blockchain. Blockchain is merely a subset of distributed ledgers.

?Blockchain tokens DLT to the next level instantiation of digital values and interoperability. Distributed ledger technology is the parent to blockchain technology. DLT, distributed ledger technology, is the means to eliminate the bank oversight.

?In other words, the bankers have no more power, no more messing around, no more stealing money, no more doing all the crap they've done to this civilization for decades. Distributed ledger technology is the parent of blockchain. DLT is the means to eliminate the bank oversight.

?Distributed ledger technology, transparency, and speed of transaction. No, all caps underlined, no data can be compromised. Blockchain is different from DLT in terms of architecture, but similar in terms of concept.

?DLT solves the issues in the financial world. Blockchain is part of the cryptocurrency world. People are going to want to know how to manage new funds.

?Asset-backed, because all funds, by the way, are going to end up being asset-backed. All, all funds in the QSF. How do I use the funds? People want to know how you can use the funds.

?All bank screens are now dark. In the new system, you will receive an e-notification that your expected asset-backed funds are prepared to ledger to the specific account you have annotated previously. You will follow the prompts asking for your old access code or password.

?Once entered, you will be prompted to cyou will receive an e-notification that your expected asset-backed funds are prepared to ledger to the specific account you have annotated previously. You will follow the prompts asking for your old access code or password.

?Once entered, you will be prompted to create a new security ID. Once that occurs, your old bank account will be debited of fiat funds, then credited with asset-backed funds one-to-one. In other words, a lot of people have been worried about the fact that the FRNs are dead.

They're still operating in this country and a couple other countries, but pretty much globally, it's walking dead. And they want to know if they're going to lose any money. Am I going to be just left out in the cold because I've got FRNs in the bank account? No, you're not.

?No one is. You'll be, like once you're, once entered, you will be prompted to create a new security ID. Once that occurs, your old bank account will be debited of fiat funds, and then credited with asset-backed funds one-to-one.

?You will be prompted to the next window, at which point your existing funds show as asset-backed, as well as the ledger balance of asset-backed funds you anticipated. There is no co-mingling, no mixing up. The system is totally secure, and your accounts are totally under your control, a return to sovereignty.

?You must initiate the ledger. An electronic transaction occurs from sender account to recipient account. No other person can access the accounts.

And when I say no, it's boldface, uppercase, underlined. No other being can access the account. Banks are then now obsolete.

?Understand what that means. It means that all the banks are going to be obsolete very shortly. You have the sovereignty of your funds.

?Since all are electronic and digital, all funds are trackable forever. Banks are no longer in control. There are no more deposits.

?They are now posits, P-O-S-I-T-S, as deposit means separation from the person and their funds. And the new earth, the person, has no footprint in the QFS. Security in the truest sense.

?There's no trowel to follow. You want to understand that a long time on this planet, and then we'll get back to this, a long time on this planet, we had total criminal activity, total absolute riping, robbing, and pillaging the people at will, at will. And we had to come up – you had to come up with something that undermined the banking system once and for all and destroyed it.

Understand this has nothing to do with the banking system, that we all use, nothing at all, period. Now I want to give you what this means for you and I, and everybody else on the planet. All right, number one, QFS ends corrupt central banking.

?The QFS will cover the new global network for the transfer of asset-backed funds, replaces the U.S. centrally controlled SWIFT system, runs on quantum computer based on orbiting satellites protected by the secret space programs, in other words, space force. The purpose of QFS, International Monetary System, is to put an end to corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking systems. Banks no longer able to gain significant profits.

?QFS completely independent from the existing centralized system makes all other transfer systems obsolete, not cryptocurrency. Okay, this is not about cryptocurrency. After revaluation of all sovereign currencies will be asset-backed during stable value, which makes the need for unbacked cryptos outdated.

?Simply digest on computer memory banks. QFS activation ends the central banking system that perpetuates debt slavery. QFS activation

ends the central banking system that perpetuates debt slavery.

?QFS reigns supreme in the technology it applies. 100% financial security and transparency of all currency holders. QFS reigns supreme in the technology it applies.

?100% financial security and transparency of all currency holders. Assigns a digital number to every fiat dollar, euro, yen, and every bank account all over the world. Digital numbers are monitored in real time where it went, when it was ledgered, who sent it, what account received it.

?QFS is alive with quantum, benevolent, intelligent AI that interacts with every financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance to ensure that it is legal, owner-intended, and transparent. Only gold, and I emphasize all uppercase underlined, only gold or asset-backed currencies that have a digital gold or asset certificate is transferred through the QFS. All gold and asset-backed currency references back to the piece of gold or asset backing it.

Asset-backed currency is based on assets within the country of origin. Assets are the justification to establish the amount of currency available in each country. No fiat currency is legal in QFS as there cannot be designated.

?They cannot be designated as clean, clear, non-terroristic, or originating from legal activities. Okay? Fiat currencies in possession at time of implementation of QFS and deemed legal will be exchanged for gold-backed currency on a one-to-one basis, reconciliation process, without the ability to reconcile old fiat money into the new QFS, all central bank's activities will cease. Any country not just sera-compliant will be left out of the QFS, thus eventually being left out of the international trade, the level playing field of global trace.

?Global currency reset will use a specific quantitative formula to establish the amount of currency available in a country that is gold-backed in QFS. The formula will establish a fair value of each country's assets as compared to another. Price of gold becomes irrelevant once this is complete.

?Included in the formula are in-ground assets, economy of the country,

its population as asset, and several other parameters. This formula is applied to each country so they can be on par with one another. The application of the formula and the common value of all gold means that one country's currency must have the same value as another country's currency.

?Global currency reset. This is what I've talked about over the past few years. You see, on this planet, no one has been equal, no country.

?You've got little countries, big countries, medium-sized countries, and little smidgen countries, but they don't have an equal playing field. They never did. So a lot of them kind of miss out or are stuck in the back, bullied.

?And what this does, across the board levels of playing field, everybody's currency is the same value. Okay? Now, during the interim period, obviously, all of you know that those of you who are in the revaluation, you are carrying foreign currency. That foreign currency will be, you will exchange that foreign currency for a certain value.

Okay? Rate, whatever you want to call it. In that window of time through the adjustment period, you're obviously going to do very well for yourself on this transition. We have to have a global currency reset.

?We have to establish a level playing field for all countries participating in this new system. And the ones that don't are screwed. They're not going to be able to do any commerce, any business, anywhere on the planet.

?They are absolutely screwed. If they have fiat currency, they're really dead in the water because it ain't going to work for them. So any of the holdouts, which aren't many, they maybe think it's a bluff or whatever, watch what happens when it engages.

?They'll be right there front and center. Now, what we're talking about in a nutshell, you will no longer be in harm's way with these corrupt banking operations on the planet. They're gone.

?They're done. Completely leveled, the whole banking system. And they know it.

?I guarantee you they know it. And this is why they've been acting squirrelly. I get more and more reports from people where the banks just won't, they just lie through their teeth and they won't move money.

?They're just not moving it. Some people, yeah, they'll be boom, and then other people, forget it. Now, I mean, if you look at the Vietnamese dong at, what is it, 500,000 bill, whatever you want to call it, note, and it's worth 20 bucks.

?So they obviously have to revalue. They're a very rich country. Watch what happens with their currency.

?Watch what happens with Venezuelan currency. Watch what happens with a lot of these currencies that have been debased, artificially, what do you call it, deflated, so that their buying power is, like, ridiculous. I mean, by me saying that, I mean low.

?This is the new system. And all these others, now, wouldn't it be

interesting if this banking family were, and they're not, and I'm telling you right now, they're clean. They are not part of the now defunct Illuminati.

?They're not. So they operate totally differently. And I happen to know the actual head of this particular bank who shared this information.

?Now, if there were other financial structures, well, you'd think that they would share those, too. This is it. This is the one that is going to be implemented not only here, but across the planet.


?They're not. So they operate totally differently. And I happen to know the actual head of this particular bank who shared this information.

?Now, if there were other financial structures, well, you'd think that they would share those, too. This is it. This is the one that is going to be implemented not only here, but across the planet.

?Now, that's phenomenal, because it's pretty simple to understand. Yeah, there's some jargon in there that no one has heard before, and it's not a big deal, because when you read between the lines, you're actually seeing a very simplified process. And it's your account.

?See, that's it. That's another thing. Everybody, see, you'll have assets in your account.

?You will initiate transfer. Not the banks. They're history.

?You'll do this stuff. Only you. Point A to point B. You want to transfer $100,000 to point B as a donation or a funding or whatever? You'll be able to do it, but you do it.

?You're in charge. Not some stranger sitting in a wiring room waiting to figure out how to screw you out of any gain on that money that you know nothing about is happening. Now, the global restructuring program is going to mean... Now, okay, so we're talking about the new financial system, and then we add the global reformation.

?Okay? Global economic reformation, which is basically restructuring and rebuilding. This is part of New Earth. The QFS is part of New Earth.

?The GESARA is part of New Earth. This is setting the tone and the frequency of at least the financial end of coming into New Earth. So what this means is that you are going to have your own wealth and your own account that only you control.

?No banks. No banking officers. No tellers.

?Now, that's phenomenal, because it's pretty simple to understand. Yeah, there's some jargon in there that no one has heard before, and it's not a big deal, because when you read between the lines, you're actually seeing a very simplified process. And it's your account.

?See, that's it. That's another thing. Everybody, see, you'll have assets in your account.

?You will initiate transfer. Not the banks. They're history.

?You'll do this stuff. Only you. Point A to point B. You want to transfer $100,000 to point B as a donation or a funding or whatever? You'll be able to do it, but you do it.

?You're in charge. Not some stranger sitting in a wiring room waiting to figure out how to screw you out of any gain on that money that you know nothing about is happening. Now, the global restructuring program is going to mean... Now, okay, so we're talking about the new financial system, and then we add the global reformation.

?Okay? Global economic reformation, which is basically restructuring and rebuilding. This is part of New Earth. The QFS is part of New Earth.

?The GESARA is part of New Earth. This is setting the tone and the frequency of at least the financial end of coming into New Earth. So what this means is that you are going to have your own wealth and your own account that only you control.

?No banks. No banking officers. No tellers.

No branch managers. No senior EVPs. You.

?You're the master and commander of that account, period.

Nobody else is….?

?(c) Jared Rand , Colorado, USA

This presentation is very encouraging for the evolution into



Meanwhile let everyone of us establish his/her own freedom and sovereinity in the Law of the land .

Establish the? Art of living in the GOLDEN AGE .

Be inspired by my 257 Alive Dharma Teaching at the HERITAGE OF MANKIND :




SovereignHumanitarian?, Alenka [WorldCat Identities]


volunter at International Public Association "Generals of the World - for Peace"

Managing Director-Training at Qfs2020 LWS International

Alenka Bone

??QFS SOVEREIGN HUMANITARIAN @Quantum Financial System

7 个月 ? QFS is alive with quantum, benevolent, intelligent AI that interacts with every financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance to ensure that it is legal, owner-intended, and transparent. Only gold, and I emphasize all uppercase underlined, only gold or asset-backed currencies that have a digital gold or asset certificate is transferred through the QFS. All gold and asset-backed currency references back to the piece of gold or asset backing it.



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