"Quantum energy field-An invisible intelligence !"
Chandrasekhar Pulamarasetti
Founder of Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation, a successful entrepreneur, former Vice President at IBM Corporation, Meditation coach, and board member /advisor of Pyramid Valley International, Quantum Life University & other.
Everything in our physical universe exists as pure potential. The physical universe is made up of subatomic particles such as electrons. These particles have wave nature and exist as pure potential when they are not being observed. They are ‘no thing’ and ‘every thing’ , in ‘no where’ and ‘every where’ until they are observed. This also means these subatomic particles exist in infinite number of possible places simultaneously.
Per research, observation influenced the appearance of an electron. Thus all future realities exist in this quantum field as possibilities waiting to happen with our observation. This means, the quantum field contains healthy, wealthy, happy, and any other possible realities as visualized by mind in our thoughts. One can use the mind, as the observer, to collapse quantum particles into a desired physical event called an Experience in life.
Everything material is always emitting specific patterns of energy (or signature) and information. The physical body too is organized patterns of energy (signature) and information, which is unified with everything else in the quantum field. Our fluctuating states of mind consciously or unconsciously change that signature on a moment to moment basis .. because we are more than just physical bodies. We are consciousness using the brain to express different levels of mind.
Our routine known thoughts and feelings perpetuate the same state of being, which creates the same reality. To change some aspects of our reality, we have to think, feel and act in new ways; we have to be different in our responses to our experiences. We have to create a new state of mind and create new outcomes. Breath-Mindfulness meditation is a foundational practice to enter into this intelligent quantum field and tune into various frequencies and receive from it.
Best Regards
Chandra Pulamarasetti
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