Quantum Customer Service
Eli Rivera
??Latino Startup Founder????Fair Chance Employment Software?? ??????Workforce Development??Helping companies save?? by finding, employing and retaining highly motivated job seekers????
WARNING: The Content of This Article May Blow Your Mind!!!
Over the last two years I have been fortunate enough to work with (and learn from) renowned Theoretical Quantum Physicist, Author and Consciousness Researcher, Dr. Amit Goswami. We have co-written (along with Dr. Jim Alvino) a White Paper; “Quantum Physics: The New Science of Coaching”, in which we describe how Quantum Physics show up in the client/coach relationship. We’ve explored what an authentic Quantum-Spiritual Life Coaching Model (in our busy, materialistic world) might look like. We’ve spent time in India brainstorming how to bring his vision of a Quantum University of: Spirituality, Holistic Medicine & Quantum Economics to fruition. And, most recently, we’ve shared in the joy of launching his newly founded Quantum Vishwalayam in India.
These wonderful experiences have now led me to my current project… A project that incorporates my learnings from Dr. Goswami with the passion I have for working within restaurants.
How to Integrate Quantum Physics into the Hospitality Industry?
After more than 30 years in the Hospitality Industry, I’ve come to realize how important the Hospitality Industry is to the rest of the world. With over 4 Million people working in the industry (in the United Stated alone) there is an incredible opportunity to positively influence the world by integrating Quantum Physics into Customer Service.
But, before delving into the Quantum Principles themselves, I must first share what it is that we must move away from in order to create this positive shift…
A key component of Dr. Goswami’s Theory is based upon the need to move away from the Newtonian view of Science (Upward Causation) to one of Primacy of Consciousness (Downward Causation). Simply put, we must first move away from the belief that everything is made up of elementary particles (that can be measured in our space/time continuum) to a belief that everything (including matter) is a manifestation of Consciousness itself.
So what is “Consciousness”? Consciousness IS NOT your internal process of thinking (consciousness). ALL that we know and experience in our physical world is an extension of “Consciousness”, what most refer to as GOD (whatever/whomever that may be). In short… Consciousness = God! Not the “All-Knowing Old Man in the Sky” who controls the destiny of every being, but rather an all-encompassing energy that is present in everyone and everything that exists.
It is this Consciousness that has chosen from itself (from the infinite waves of Quantum possibility), the rules that apply to our physical, vital, mental and Supramental world in which we coexist. Therefore, every human being is also an extension of Consciousness, with access to unlimited possibilities/potentiality. When our life choices are in alignment with the intention/purpose of Consciousness itself, we find that life feels more purposeful and we're more likely to find ourselves in a state of "Flow".
This shift in thinking and living moves us away from the belief that we have the power/authority to manipulate our external surroundings in order to selfishly manifest whatever we want for ourselves, to one where we have an obligation to one another (Consciousness as a whole) in order to maintain balance and harmony in our world.
Only by shifting away from the “what’s in it for me” state of Scientific Materialism to the “what’s in it for ALL of US” can we truly evolve as conscious beings, both benefiting our physical and spiritual selves, and our planet…
The Diagram below shows how Consciousness, via Discontinuous Local Collapse, manifest possibilities into actuality...
There are three basic principles of Quantum Physics that fit in perfectly with what we do in the Hospitality Industry and can be utilized to provide even greater Customer Service. These Principles are: Nonlocality, Tangled Hierarchy and Discontinuity.
Below are brief descriptions of each principle, scientific experiments validating each principle and an example of how the may effect the customer service experience. Please read them with an open mind (and heart), since they may be well outside of your ordinary way of thinking and living…
Nonlocality is a form of signal-less communication that occurs in the Quantum realm, in which all things (including thoughts/ideas) reside and then manifest (collapse) from. This realm does not operate within the same physical laws of Newtonian Science (space and time) which we are accustomed to, because no signal is required to communicate. In our physical world, signals must be used to communicate, and this communication can always be measured with our standard scientific measurements (which never exceeds the speed of light).
Einstein first introduced the possibility of signal-less communication in his “spooky action at a distance” revelation which became the basis of Quantum Entanglement Theory. This theory proves that although a particle in a vast system can appear to be separate, it can influence the movement of another particle far away instantaneously.
Nonlocality Experiment
One study, by Neuroscientist Dr. Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum, began by having two people meditate for twenty minutes in proximity (with an intention to have signal-less and non-local communication). They were then separated into electromagnetically insulated Faraday cages while their scalps were wired with electrodes that connected their brain to individual EEG Machines. Person (A) was presented with random flashes of light, designed to elicit shock responses. Meanwhile, Person (B), sitting in a different room, showed a similar shock response, perfectly timed with the other individual’s light flashes. These brain wave readings were similar twenty-five percent of the time, while a control group, showed no such correlation.
Many interesting variations of this study were conducted, all with equally interesting results, which prove that we have the ability to communicate non-locally.
Nonlocality in Customer Service
Since everything and everyone once resided in the nonlocal realm, we must understand that all potential employees and customers (and their temperaments) are pulled from this realm. Therefore, we attract to our respective business the very people that are most closely calibrated to our “frequency” or the pervading energy of an establishment.
Have you ever noticed that your attitude or the attitude of one of your strongest team members influences others around them? If someone comes into work with a poor attitude, they tend to bring the rest of the team down and then customers tend to reflect (and vocalize) these experiences through negative comments and reviews.
If you’d like to shift the energy in your workplace from heavy/negative to light positive, you must first set the expectation for yourself to become a more positive person. Then, you will be able to attract others that are familiar with this energy/intention (positivity), who will in turn attract others, etc…
Business owners and operators must understand that the ALL the energy within the four walls of their business begins with them!
Tangled Hierarchy
Tangled Hierarchy is often the most challenging of the Quantum principles to describe. It’s most challenging because it is at the root of why we feel separate from one another (considering we were all “potential” beings unified as one in the nonlocal realm before our collapse) and it's also challenging because we have been conditioned to live in a single hierarchy our entire lives. A hierarchy where there is always a “Superior” (boss, parent, etc..) and an “Inferior” (subordinate, child, etc..).
These beliefs are further codified by the way our brains function, which supports the illusion that all things are distinctly separate from ourselves. When in reality there’s energy connecting everything that exists (it just looks like there’s empty space in-between).
In order to truly understand what’s at the root of our perceived separateness we must accept that “Consciousness is the ground of being”. Meaning, everything we know (and have yet to know) exists in a domain of possibility until it is actualized (collapsed) by Consciousness into our physical/material world, via our mind…
Tangled Hierarchy Experiment
Quantum physics has proven that an object is both wave and particle. It has also proven that anytime we measure (or observe) something it causes a change from its original state, which is known as the “Observer Effect”. In the “Double Slit Experiment” we’re given the opportunity to understand how quantum objects are both waves and particles, and how simply observing them (and the instruments we use to observe) can change them from the potentiality of a wave that exist (outside of space and time), to a particle within space and time.
Please view the following Double Slit Experiment Video for further explanation:
Tangled Hierarchy in Customer Service
By better understanding this Double Slit Experiment, it is easier to recognize how; if Consciousness is the ground of all being (and uses our personal mind to actualize/collapse an experience), whatever is conditioned in our mind (via memory of our life experiences) influences our external reality.
Therefore, it is safe to assume that our perception and attitude towards others will attract that very response we expect from them. For example, if an owner believes that his team is unfit to run the restaurant without them, they will constantly experience situations that support this belief. Whether these experiences are truly proof of the team’s ineptitude or simply their reaction to an overbearing boss, situations will constantly arise that reassure the owner’s negative perception. This circle of causality will never be broken until the owner truly decides to shift their perspective to a much more empowering one rooted trust and faith (rather than doubt and suspicion).
By embracing Tangle Hierarchy, we can nurture deeper, healthier and mutually beneficial relationships with employees, customers and distributors. Remember, Discontinuity is at the root of how we’re able to increase our both our personal and professional creativity and uniqueness. By opening ourselves up to the infinite possibilities held within Consciousness, we can discover original ideas and more creative solutions to our everyday challenges. There is so much we can learn from employees and customers (via Tangled Hierarchy) that will result in increased positive experiences for ourselves and our guests.
Did you know that when an electron jumps orbits in an atom it does not travel through the intervening space? It disappears from the old orbit and reappears in the new without passing through the in-between, and this happens instantaneously!
So how does the electron move from point A to Point B without passing through the in between space? Simple, it passes back through the immeasurable realm of potentiality (possibility); that is Consciousness. Since there is no way to measure what is outside of space and time, it’s no wonder it appears to have disappeared completely.
Discontinuity Experiment
Suppose we put a three dimensional grid of Geiger counters (you have seen them; they go tick-tick-tick when electrons fall on them) in the room. Will all the Geiger counters go ticking? No. In a given experiment only one of the Geiger counters will tick. In another identical experiment, another Geiger counter may tick, and so forth. So is the electron smeared all over the room? Yes, as the mathematics say, but to make sense of it we must agree that the electron is in many places at the same time only in possibility. Hence the name possibility wave (Quantum Creativity, Amit Goswami, Ph.D, 2014, Hay House INC.).
Discontinuity in Customer Service
Discontinuity offers us the ability to tap into a knowledge that goes beyond our conditioned understanding. Meaning, we are often defined (and constrained) to knowledge that we have learned from another physical source. Be it a book, a teacher a workshop or a personal event; these instances only offer us the ability to better understand a concept or figure out an answer to an existing problem that we’ve already physically or mentally experienced.
However, Quantum Creativity (via Discontinuity) provides for truly unique and original thought directly collapsed by Consciousness. These experiences are usually referred to as “aha moments” or “divine intervention”, where the thoughts themselves appear to have come from out of the blue, oftentimes with no coaxing or “thinking” involved… These Quantum Leaps are how some of the greatest inventions and most innovative ideas have come to be.
Embracing Discontinuity offers us a connection to the vast resources present in Consciousness and promotes creativity and wisdom beyond the limitations of what we personally know. Whether it is through meditation, prayer or following the creative process, there are many ways to embrace the power of Discontinuity in our daily lives. Once you've found your particular method of connecting with Consciousness, you'll find that no problem is too big to overcome...
Whether personal or business related, the Power of Quantum Service is available to you "right here, right now"!!!
Thank You!
In the coming weeks, I will continue to dive into each of these Quantum Principles in greater detail through subsequent LinkedIn posts. However, if you’d like to personally learn more about the principles I’ve shared in this article, or would like to learn various exercises and practices to help integrate Quantum Physics into your personal, business or professional life, please contact me at [email protected]