*Quantum Awakening Part 7*

*Quantum Awakening Part 7*

So welcome to part 7.

And in this part, we are going to look at the 4 classes of experience.

And now all of that ties in so that we are in a position where we can start with this transformational process.

So let's dive into it.

So if we look at it..?we are going to see that.

a Class 1 experience;

Is while you are doing it or while you are busy doing it.

It's going to feel good, It is good for you.

It's good for others and it's good for the Greater good.

Then, a Class 2 Experience.

It does not feel good, but you know that it is good for you. It is good for others??And is good for the greater good.

A class 3 experience;

Is the problem area, because it feels good while you are doing it. But you know that it is not good for you. It is not good for others, or for the greater good.

And then a class 4 experience.

Is one of those weird experiences,?where it does not feel good, it's not good for you it's not good for others and it is not good for the greater good.

Yet we are doing that.

Now, what is the function of these 4 class experiences?

It is basically like a compass. It shows you if you are in the right way, or in the wrong way. So a class 1 & 2 experience is going to move you ahead, you`ll know that it is good.

As it is a high energetic vibration. And a class 1 & 2 experience will always take you closer to your goal.

Especially your PowerGoal.

A class 3 & 4 experience while you are doing it, either it is not going to feel good. Or it may feel good but you know that it is not good for you, not good for others, and not good for the greater good.

And therefore a class 3&4 experience will always, take you away from your PowerGoal.

So this simply means that when we look at the bigger picture, and now that we know how the mind operates and how the thinking process operates. Any thought, any action, any feeling, or any emotion that is not a class 1 or 2 experience.

The feeling is because the emotion is going to be translated into a feeling.

And that feeling, if it is not a class 1 or 2 experience is going to give you. Or the action that you are going to take is going to take you away from your goal. And therefore now it becomes, very simple now, very easy to follow.

That is why I`ve said that you know within you what is right and what is wrong.

And what is going to help you to get to your PowerGoal.

Now let's line this up with David Hawkins and his different levels.

The first thing that we need to know is that there is a cut-off point?and his cut-off point is what he calls a calibration 200.

You are going to find that this is negative energy. And above this energy is positive energy. So we can take this one step further.

Because there is another line. So in terms of class 3 experiences.

And I hope that you can see, that this lines up with a Class 1&2 experience...

So just a Quick Recap;

Normally a class 2 experience is not going to feel good while you are doing it unless you are at a very high vibration. But you know that it is good for you, it is good for others and it is good for the greater good.

And a Class 1 experience is where you`ve got the Blizzer mindset, where you know you are doing this out of love.

And you are doing this in order to help other people and to benefit other people. Also at the same time, you don't have to worry about yourself.

Because if you start adding enough value, there is more than enough that the universe is going to give you.

To give you everything you simply need.

This is where,

Be. Do. Have.

come from.

If you are the person that you need to be, you are going to see that you will do those things that you need to do. In order to have a life of absolute total abundance.

And that includes happiness, peace, joy patience, and all of that.

A class 3 & 4 experience by now you understand, the moment that you go below that energetic level you are going to find that it may feel good.

The habit is so ingrained in you, like taking drugs or smoking cigarettes.

It actually feels good while you are doing that. And I`ve seen so many people that I`ve dealt with in the past, where there is no reason for them to change their habits.

Because they feel good within their comfort zone, but the moment that they become aware that this thing is not good for them. And sometimes it's got to do with health, as an example. Then they become aware, that this thing .. although it may feel good.

It is not good for me, others, or the greater good. Now, on top of this.??I`d like to go a little bit.

I`m just going to touch on it. In the book, I`m going to go a lot deeper into it.??This is the science part, and this is where epigenetics comes in.

Now, what on earth is epigenetics?

Now I`ve been believing for a very long time in my life?that if you were born. And something was in your genes that you could not change.

But now, the scientific proof that that is not the case anymore. Because cells are fundamental working units of every human being. So the DNA from humans is made up of approximately 3 billion nucleotide bases.

Now, within the 3 Billion bases, there are about 20,000 genes. DNA gives the instructions for various functional proteins to be produced inside the cell.

Epigenetics regulates gene expression.

So the moment that the Heart Rhythm is in appreciation.

In other words in these higher energetic forms.?

You are going to find the way that the gene and the DNA are expressed.

Is completely different.

So if you look under an electron microscope.

You are going to find that Love, the expression of it.

And remember there are tests and it has been proven.

The moment that you express the love, those strands.. the helix literally starts opening up in terms of vibration.

And that is where the higher vibrations come from.

Now the opposite is also the truth.

The moment that you get into a situation of frustration, then that double Helix literally starts curling up.

In other words, closes down and that is why your energetic vibrations at a lower level become denser and denser. You can't express yourself.

And you can't express yourself through creativity. And through doing those things that you need to do. In order to have a life of abundance.

One of the tests and case studies that have been done shows the following;

Is that through observation, an individual training deep love, and appreciation?

Were able to intentionally change the shape of DNA, and this is something that they thought impossible in the field of science up to the time of this study.

So human emotion produces effects that defy conventional laws of physics. Another fascinating thing, that I`d like to share with you.

Are our chakras.

In the past, it was not possible for us to measure this.

But because of scientific instruments that are available now, you can literally see if your chakras are in alignment. And which chakras are out of alignment.

So that you can start fixing this. Now, this is fascinating stuff. To think, that the moment that, that energy flows.

Guess what happens, it puts you in a higher vibration. The more out of alignment these energetic vibrations, the chakras are.

The denser your energy is going to be.

And we can even measure that, and we can through photography see what the outcome is.

So, let's start putting all of this together.

Because of the moment that you understand the 4 classes of experience. You are going to understand that there are 2 sides to it.

First of all the heart has got a direct bearing on the 4 classes. And the 4 classes of experience will have a direct bearing on the heart.

So now we can see that the heart coherence is linked directly to the?meta programs. In other words the thoughts of the metaphysical world basically so to speak.

That is run by your metaphysical programs.

So in terms of thinking, a process that comes from the 5 senses. That internal dialogue.

That what you think there, in terms of the internal dialogue can directly be translated to feelings or emotions. Emotions link to feelings.

And the feeling lines up with the heart chakra. That then, the feeling gives you the emotion.

The emotion is the action that you are going to take. That is then going to lead directly to your outer world. And in what you are going to do, through your actions.

And that basically is done through the way that Quantum Mechanics operate.

That brings it back into the environments that you are in.

So the memetics, that is the wave. But that wave can be controlled through the heart chakra and the heart coherence as we`ve seen.

And that is then going to help you to go through the transformational process.

Is there a shortcut?

And this is what I`d like to show you. In other words, you don't need to know from now on exactly how everything operates.

Because the moment that you`ve got your license, then you can drive a car. And you don't need to go through all the processes. But if something is wrong, at least now you are in a position to fix that. And to know what and how it works.

So the 4 classes of experience. That is going to guide you and help you.

Through the transformational process.

So that you become the best that you possibly can be, and it is going to be an ongoing process. Because the 5th need is that need in order to grow. Then the 6th need is to contribute.

And the 7th need is to understand what you are busy doing, by diving deeper into yourself to discover your immense potential. And the immense greatness that is within you.

In order to have a life of absolute and total abundance.

Now, what is the driver.. or what is the catalyst for this whole process?

That is the PowerGoal.

That is that feeling that you`ve got within you. You know that you were born for something great. At the beginning of my life, it was expressed by me wanting to make a lot of money.

The reason why I wanted to make a lot of money, I wanted to have freedom.

Why did I want to have freedom?

Well, it was simply that I could do the things that I wanted to do, and if I had passions I could pursue them. And I never had to worry, because, in my younger stages, I worried so much about money.

And where the food was going to come from, and basically how to survive in this very, very hostile world from my view at that point in time.

I could not understand,?that it was a world of abundance and that everything was there already. So it was because of that PowerGoal. In the beginning, it was the goal.

It wasn't a PowerGoal.

It was a Goal, I wanted to make money. But as soon as I went through this process.

I discovered that wasn't the goal, the goal wasn't necessarily to just make a lot of money. The Goal was to be Financially free, the Goal was to have better relationships.

The goal was to look after my body, to look after the spiritual side.

To be socially accepted, and to express myself socially. In my vocation reach the highest potential that I could.

And to start helping other people, then in 2002 I discovered. That the actual real goal is actually a spiritual story. It has nothing to do with the rest.

Now of course I did not know this, until 2002 when I discovered this and I wish that I had this information earlier.

And I say I wish, maybe it wasn't meant to be and things turned out to be perfect. But I`m thinking at the moment that, maybe this can speed up the process for other people.

So what`s next?

And that is exactly what I`m going to explain in the next lesson where I`m going to open the 7th the 8th part.

And the 9th part to you.

And that is going to show you the full process, that we need to do, in order to go through all of these transformational processes.

So I hope that you enjoyed it. Please give me feedback.

What is the biggest breakthrough that you`ve got up to this point and then I`ll see you in the last section?

For more information on the Powergoal method;

For more information on Quantum Awakening


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