Quantum Awakening Part 5

Quantum Awakening Part 5

So welcome to Part 5.

We know first of all the reason why we want the Aston Martin, and that is to transform the person… the Identity.

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So that we can have that, that's the function of a PowerGoal

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Secondly, our environment is going to play an enormous role in that. Not only where we are, but also… where we want to be.

In other words, when we`ve got the right Identity. What environment must we create, and in what environment are we going to operate?

In order to become the best that we can be. And then we say, ok .. but how does all of this work?

Because of the memetics, the inner circle of these 10 environments of us.

That is the most important part. I would say that 98% of our environment is created directly because of the way that we think.

The thinking process, the feelings the emotions all of that … comes from within. And that is the inner dialogue. That we know is a wave.

That is why we need to understand Quantum Mechanics. So the wave part is that, the thinking process.

It is also, taking the senses into consideration, from our outer environment. In other words.

What we see, hear, taste, feel and smell. And then converts that into an inner dialogue, and that Meta-program that we are going to run.

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Is going to give us the outcome in the outer world. As to where the rest of the spokes are of these 10 environments.

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So we can say, that is the outer reality that we are in. Is the particle. That is where the thought.

Becomes matter. And that is why we did the Quantum mechanics. But now, I think you`ll agree with me. That we need to understand…

But how do we think?

What is that thinking process?

Some of you may come to me at this point and say, but I just want to have the goal. Now, I want to ask you something?

and that is… If you plan a short trip?

Something that you`ve done many, many times. I`m sure that you are going to agree with me, that you don't need to do a lot of planning.

But a PowerGoal is so BIG...It is a total Transformation that must happen within you.

Right, it`s like you are going to start building a car.

And you`ve never built a car before. It`s going to take a lot of effort and a lot of understanding, of where the different parts fit in. Once you`ve got the car, then you can drive it. So once we`ve gone through the process you`ve got the powergoal.

Then the only thing that you maybe need, is to fill up and to check the oil and to check that the tires are right. But then there is not a lot of work to be done.

Once you are there. But to build this car, it's going to take time and effort plus you need a basic understanding.

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Because of this car breaks down, what are you going to do? You have to fix it. And if you don't know how the different parts fit into one another. It's going to be impossible to fix that car.

Now, I`ve got a surprise for you, and that is that you are not just busy building a car... You are busy building a Space Shuttle.

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That is 10 times more complicated.

Because this is your life, we talking about...your life. And this is why I want you to get the basic understanding so that you can use this understanding at least to set up the goal.

So once you`ve got the goal. This PowerGoal.

Then you`ve got the space vehicle. But then you still need to fuel it, which is another step. It`s not part of what I`m busy teaching you right now.

Then of course you have to get the coordinates right. In order to make sure that you do not just fly forever without reaching your goal. So that is the reason why we put in a little bit more than some people would expect at this point.

So now, I want to go into this bit…

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So how do we think, whats that thinking process... taking into consideration.

The transformational part.

Also the 10 environments.

And what we know about Quantum Mechanics.

Because now, we are going to go into the wave part of the Quantum mechanics.

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So the only, hardware that we`ve got is our brain. And a quick way to explain it... Is we`ve actually got 3 brains.

The first one is the Neocortex, which is the higher order of thinking.

Then we have the emotional brain, which is the middle brain, which influences and regulates emotions and feelings and it does so through chemicals, and hormones.

Then we`ve got the survival brain or the reptilian brain.

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How do we process all of this, in our day-to-day lives?

Remember the first 7 Years of our lives. We do not have this free will, we do not know what's going on. We operate from energy, so it's not a thinking process. It is just a direct program that happens. We are like a sponge.

And we just absorb this information, and we try to make sense of that till eventually there is a program.

And the moment that, that program is instilled, within us.

Within our subconscious mind, in other words, these are various parts of our emotional and reptilian brains. This is the part, that then starts to control them, they do not even think. It just happens.

That is why we`ve got 60 000 thoughts/day but 95% of those thoughts are exactly the same thoughts as Yesterday. Exactly the same, and that means. We take the past and we bring it into the present, and then we take the present and we bring that into the future.

Because tomorrow we know, that 95% of all those thoughts that we are going to have. Will be the same thoughts as today and Yesterday. And that is the reason why it is so difficult to change.

Now the question is but why?

Well simply because you are running a meta program. Or your memetics.

Your belief systems and your value systems. Are set up to protect you.

So any new thing that you are going to do, is out of the norm. If it's out of the normal, it means that it is actually this thread. In other words, we do not want to change.

We want to stay the same. Our brain, wants us to be the same forever, but we cannot grow as long as we are in this comfort zone. We need to step out of this comfort zone. And that is why we need to understand why is it that we block ourselves. Because at a later stage when we are more advanced. We can go into the Power morphing process, where we can see.

First of all, there is a resistor, but how do we identify the resistor and how do we remove it? And the way that we are going to identify and remove it is through the thinking process.

Because how is it that we are going to understand that it is a rational process but it is actually irrational because we are working with internal dialogues.

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Mmmm...And for that reason, I would like to explain this very busy image. So if we start at the left.

So everything...Remember is energy.

So we getting the input…

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The only way that we can get input, is through the 5 senses. In other words.

What we hear, see, feel, taste and smell.

That is energetic Vibrations.

All those vibrations are the carrier... because that is what information is, that is what energy is. It is the carrier of certain inputs or vibrations or information. So when it comes to contact with the brain, the brain has this incredible mechanism to convert that into what we call an internal dialogue.

In other words, this internal dialogue gives meaning to what we are seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smell. Right, in the beginning, there is nothing to compare it to. So it starts making up what I call internal dialogue.

And that then brings us in terms of, we take our outer world, and we convert that outer world into our inner world. And therefore the internal dialogue is our internal reality.

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It's not the truth, but for us, it is the truth.

Now how does that work?

When getting this information, that is a representation of our outer world. And then that starts with a thinking process.

And the thinking process converts into. Ok, this is what it means… it`s thoughts.

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The thoughts that through the middle brain, excrete these chemicals and that gives us the emotion. The emotion is then translated into a feeling and that's why all the emotions can be related to feelings that we`ve got.

Within the body, that's actually how we experience it. And then, because of these feelings .. we do certain things. in other words, they become our habits.

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And that, that we do is the actions that we are going to take, and only then are we going to get the results.

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Can you see that this whole process, up to now is all to do with the inner memetics?

In other words… With this Wave. Once we start doing that, once we start acting on that…

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Now it starts showing in our outer world for the first time. In other words, the results will always be shown in terms of these 9 spokes of the environment that we are in.

That's why right in the beginning I`ve said. That we are the outcome of all the thoughts and all the actions that we have done in the past.

So now suddenly you start getting this, and that shows up in terms of the clothes that I`ve got, in terms of the environment that I`m in.

In terms of my spouse, in terms of my friends, my family. The way that I look, how fit I am.

The cars that I drive. And that is why I say, that if the memetics is correct, the outcome of that will be the nice car, or the nice house or you helping millions of people. Or everything that you want.

But unless the memetics is right, the wave function is right. If the right chemicals are secreted, you are not going to be that person.

Therefore you are not going to experience it. So you first need to be that person, then you have to do it. In order for the results of the outcome.

In other words;


  1. Be...
  2. Do...
  3. Have...

So let's take this process, a little bit further.

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So right in the inside of this memetic story of us. We are going to find that there is a program.

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Once our program is set up, then we are going to find that our Reticular Activating System (RAS) protects us.

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Because otherwise, it is going to be overwhelmed.

It protects us by, deleting, distorting, generalizing, or adding information in order to line up with this meta program.

Now another word for your meta program is your belief & value system. That is as simple as that.

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That, that you can see above.. (MP) that Meta Program is then a screen that then.

Is formed, literally a screen.

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And this screen will only allow the information once the program is there to line up with this belief system that you`ve got.

And that is why our subconscious mind is thousands of times stronger and faster than our Neocortex in other words than the thinking process.

So before we even think, we already know and we`ve done. But then we don't know why is it that we`ve reacted the way that we reacted. And I think now, you start getting this process.

Now we can see that our environment that we`ve created and that we move in.

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For each and every person, has going to have different feelings, simply because...

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There is this environment,

and this environment is determined by our memetics... by our internal dialogue.

That is run by our meta programs.

And that then is going to give us this whole thinking process. So we can now, immediately see that our environment...

The things that we see, hear, taste, feel and smell.

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If there is a program that is running, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad. Which all of us most certainly have. It is directly going to give us these results.

That's the outcome.

And our results at the same time are going to be the feedback. So that we experience our environment in a very specific way.

So someone may walk into your house and think.. Wow!

You are living in a castle, but you yourself might be perceiving it as.. but this is just an ordinary house.

But someone that is living in a castle, will walk into your house and think...

Shit, but this person is battling. This is not the way that I would like to live.

Can you see that the same thing, for each and every person is going to have a different meaning? Simply because of their internal thinking process.

And that Thinking process, as I`ve said.

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The moment when there is a Meta program that runs directly through this whole cybernetic loop.

The cybernetic loop is what you feel, your thoughts, your feelings emotions, habits, and the actions that you take to give you the results. And the best way we can measure it, according to my beliefs.

Is with the formula for Riches and where it comes in and how I developed it is in the outer world.

So if you look at these surroundings that you`ve got, and your thinking processes and you do not like that. It simply means that you have to break that cybernetic loop. In terms of the things that you do. The habits that you`ve got.

In terms of the feelings that you`ve got. The thoughts that you`ve got or the emotions that you`ve got. So if you can break that, then immediately you are going to start getting another outcome.

But you cant break that unless you become aware of that.

Ok, and that is the process. Now, this simply means for 99% of the population this Reality that we`ve got …

Is the same reality.

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That we`ve got yesterday and the day before. Because it is the same thoughts and the same thoughts that are going to lead to the same actions, and behaviors.

Which is going to lead to exactly the same experiences.

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So we can say the same thoughts will give us the same feelings and emotions that are going to lead to the same actions and behaviors that are going to give us the same experiences that are going to give us the same feelings.

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Can you see how this process works?

It is so potent, but we need to understand it to become aware of it so that we can change it.

And that is then going to drive us to the same thoughts and that is why I`ve said...

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Although we`ve got 60-70K thoughts/day.?And 95% of those thoughts were the same as Yesterday. And therefore our reality does not really change. We do not transform.

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So your past. Therefore becomes your future. And the way that it does it, is exactly the way that we do it. We can only experience it, and you`ve seen it in Quantum mechanics.

Thinks about this for a moment...

We can only always experience the NOW.

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And that's why I gave you the example of you taking your past, and bringing it into your present. You take your future and you bring it into your present. But you think it's the past and the future.

Simply because we are conditioned through this 3rd Dimension to see but that is our past, and therefore this past is made up of certain things that happened.

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And those things that happened are what we call our time story, which is made up of our subconscious … the feelings, the emotions, and this whole process. That I`ve explained.

Then there is also the future.

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In other words, Now it is also a time that we are making up and this is what we plan in order to do in the future. But instinctively or intentionally we start planning for tomorrow and next week and next year. Right, and that future is of course going to be our goal at the end of the day or one of the goals. Or the way that we are going to set goals.

So how on earth do you run a new program?

As I've said, in the beginning, you`ve got no control over it because your parents your family, and peers those people will determine it.

Also, your environment is going to place a huge role in the first couple of years, the first 7 years. But from there on, up to about 14, you are going to see, ok but I can make changes from then on. You are going to start implementing the changes.

But from the age of 35, then everything is in place. Now, once you`ve got this information you understand that...

That the past does not equal the future.

Because you can change it. You can change your program. And some people will start discovering this, at an earlier age.

At age 34 I basically read that book by Og Mandino.

That I`m not on this earth by chance, I`m here for a purpose and that purpose is not to shrink into a grain of sand. But to grow into a mountain and henceforth I`ll apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of them all. And I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.

That was when the realization, the awareness to me became real.

Because I could see, that if I could be thinking different and doing differently. I`m going to start getting different outcomes. Right, and that is where there is another tool, although this is not part of what we are busy with.

We are busy setting the Goal.

But the fuel of this will be a process that I call Powermorphing.

Now, what on earth is powermorphing? Powermorphing is a structured process. Where we consciously program our subconscious mind to unconsciously give us what we consciously want.

Now can you imagine once that is in place?

But that cannot be in place. You cant put the fuel into the car unless you`ve got a car... That works.

It is the same with this space shuttle. It`s useless to put in the right fuel and you haven't got a Space ship. In other words, we need to know exactly what we are going to shoot for. Then we have to build.

And that is the PowerGoal.

Then we start with the process to build that vehicle. This is the PowerGoal process that I`m busy with at the moment. Then once that is done, we start putting in the fuel.

Now, if that fuel leaks then we are not going to get to our goal. And in the Powermorphing process, there is another that starts with the PowerGoal. And the powergoal is actually going to show us if our belief systems are correct. So once you are going through this, then there is this resistor.

We need to identify the resistor.

Which is another process. And then we need to eliminate the resistor. The fastest way that I know of is to combine these 3 things.

It will be the Powermorphing process, or the right type of meditation can be just as good. In other words, the moment that we`ve got our goal, which we are busy learning right now.

The second thing that we are going to do is, say ok now that we have this goal.

Now we are going to test this goal.

This is the = sign in my formula.

Intent = Focus that is the pivot.

And if my belief systems are not lined up, now I have to become aware.

Where and why is it that I`m not getting the results?

So I need to reverse engineer the whole process through this Powermorphing process. Can you see why it is so important, and why so few people actually have got PowerGoals?

Simply because they are not prepared to do what you are doing right now. First of all to understand it, and secondly to start implementing it.

The great thing about all of this is... There are different energetic levels.

How you operate. And how you Vibrate.

Is going to determine how open you are going to be to new information. In other words, if you are at a low density a low energetic vibration. It simply means that you are not going to be open to any new changes. This is just the way that it works.

And with the Powermorphing or the right type of meditation, it can happen.

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We need to get into a deeper programming state so that you can do this change so that this change will happen automatically. In other words in your mind, in your subconscious mind, you are already the person that you need to be in terms of the transformational process.

Therefore you are going to automatically start doing the things and then attract and have that, that you need. And that is the whole process, so now let's get back.

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Your outcome is going to manifest in terms of Quantum Mechanics, as a Particle.

That whole process.

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The thinking process, is what we see, hear, feel taste, and smell with the reticular activated system that lines up with the meta- programs the beliefs, and the value systems.

Where this reticular activated system, delete, distort generalize, and add information to line up so that it makes sour life as easy as possible. All of that is the wave, and this is the most important part, and that's why I say 98-99% of our results come from our thoughts.

Our thinking processes, from the meta programs that we are busy running and that then relate directly to our environments.

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So we can see that the particle, the matter that's the outer environment. The food that we eat, the way that we eat it. Where we stay. The clothes that we wear, the hairstyle that we`ve got... if we`ve got the hair of course.

And that then relates 98-99% with the inner wave, the memetics... Who you truly are.

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And that is then going to help you in these transformational processes.

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That is why we start building this spaceship so that you can go to the moon and back and wherever you want to and Mars and wherever. So I really hope that you start getting the sense of why it is important to get at least the basics in place. And unless the basic parts are there, you cant start assembling this.

And this is what we are busy doing right now. I hope that you are prepared to go through this process. So that at least you can have and get this powergoal, where we assemble all of this, in the right way.

Then we are going to test it. We are going to assimilate and see if this thing is going to work or not. That is literally where this is.

Before we take this thing for a ride, are there any let's call it …


Are there clashes between what we want, and the outcomes that we are getting?

The more clashes there are, in other words, the bigger the difference. The more frustrated, the more irritated you as a person is going to be.

And that's going to reflect down to a feeling of unhappiness. So if you are unhappy, in a certain area of your life. Go and have a look. You can already start with this process, go and have a look there`s a difference between where you are and where you want to be.

In terms of thinking or in terms of the doing, or in terms of the outcome. And the bigger that is, that is the draw for us.

The 5th need.

In order to grow to go through these processes to make this dream that we`ve got a real. This unrealistic dream to other people.

This thing that is burning within us. To make that a reality.

And this is where we are. So in the next part, we are going to start looking at part 6 and that is the heart coherence. And this is a fabulous thing that I`ve learned. I`m going to refer you to a website also. That can help you even further with that.

There is a very, very easy way... The moment that things become too much, the moment that you start getting overwhelmed. The moment that you start getting worried, the moment that you are fearful.

In order to smooth these vibrations so that it is not short-circuiting your wires. You freeze. Because of the moment that you get into that panic state. 99% of the time you are going to freeze. Because you will not know. As you haven't got the frame of reference and you don't know how to do this.

But there is an easy way to make sure that we can calm ourselves instantly, and I`ll even play you a little video to prove it. So I hope that you are going to stay with me, and I hope that you`ve got a deeper insight.

And in the comment section, as always please leave a comment and let us know what you think. We are interested to know more about you.

Dr. HD

For more information on the Powergoal method;


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