*Quantum Awakening - Part 3*
So Welcome to part 3, of the Quantum Awakening magical series.
And in this reading, we are going to have an overview of the 10 environments..
I`m going to focus more on the 5 principles. That is at work in the 10 environments of you. And even though it is important to reverse engineer the transformational process. This I`ve explained in the previous lesson. I want to delve deeper into level 1 of your environments, and that is where are you?
In your business, in your relationships in your profession, and so forth. So let me quickly explain the 10 environments that influence your life and of course therefore your goals
From this we can see that we are basically living in two different worlds, the inner world, that is our memetic's. That is our belief system, our value system. That is making up or creating our outer world. The 9 environments of us.
So that is the 9 spokes of the wheel that is integrated into your inner world. In other words your memetics. Now, the 9 outer worlds will be;
So the 10 environments are about the 1st part of the transformational process. In other words, that is where we start...
The where?
Where are we?
So if we want to achieve a goal, we need to know where we are.
Who we are.
Where do we want to be?
And unless we understand where we are, as well as where we want to be. Nothing is going to happen, in other words, the transformation is not going to happen. So the question then is, where are you?
Right now in your life?
So let me quickly explain the 10 environments. That influences your life?and therefore your goals. Everything starts with you. And that you are right in the center.
Now, when I'm referring to you. I'm not referring to your body. Most people associate themselves with their bodies. They think this is who they are, but you know what… It is not the truth.
So when I say You. I`m talking about the energetic you.
The Soul.
The part that will continue even after your death, now that you is made up of your inner thoughts. What we call memetics. Your memetics is your inner world.
That is your meta-programs, your thoughts, your feelings your emotions, your habits, and so forth. In other words, it is everything that happens within you, and most of that will, unfortunately, be unconscious. And then of course we are going
to get your outer world the spokes in the graphics that meet your memetics
Now, the outer world consists of the rest of the 10 environments;
Now there are 5 key principles, that govern our environments that we need to understand. I'm going to focus for this lesson more on the principles, than on the environment itself.
So the 1st Key principle is; Every single thing is an environment.
The word environment is used in different ways. By different people in different contexts. It is often used to refer to nature. For example;
We say that the environment .. meaning nature is suffering, due to pollution. We also use it, to refer to the physical space. For example, you might speak about your home environment. Or your work environment. It is not wrong to do so, but there is a bit of ambiguity in this use. You might refer to the physical space like the desk, the couch the coffee cup etc.
And you might also refer to the relationships that you might have. Even your thoughts and feelings about what happens there. So you might refer to a positive or negative environment, and none of these uses are wrong. But in the context of how we are using it here, and environment refers to one of the areas.
The current reality of your life. There are specifically 10 environments so that we can isolate and talk about each one. Using the example of your office as an example. There are different environments at play.
You get the physical environment, that is your office. It's about the desk and the chair and the buildings. Your memetics, your thoughts, and your inner dialogue about the office are another environment. Then of course there are the relationships and the networks at your office.
Two more environments. So environments refer to one of these things. So that we can isolate them, and because everything is an environment. Everything is part of one, the 10 environments.
The 2nd Principle;
Everything is Energy.
We go into more detail about the science, that has proven this principle in later lessons.
But basically, all matter is essentially energy and energy… all energy is always information. So if we apply that in our lives, it means that something is either giving you energy or moving you closer to your goal. Or it's going to drain you of your energy, in other words keeping you further away from your goals.
The 3rd Principle is that;
All environments are connected.
They are intertwined and remember we are just labeling our environments so that it's easier for us to think about them, and of course to take action in order to change them.
Because unless you are going to change your environment. Everything is going to stay the same. And if it stays the same, you cannot get to your goals.?So in reality, everything is energy and everything is connected.?If you walk into the physical office space, you are in that physical environment. But you are also, in the relational and the network environment, and it's exactly at the same time.
And of course, you have feelings and thoughts, about those things. They are all as we've said, interconnected.?The great thing about this principle is that... If you change just one aspect of an environment, it has an effect on all other 9 environments.
Well, we can actually say, all the environments. And this is where the power of the PowerGoal going to come from. So, the moment that we are in control of our environments, of our memetics of our thinking?of our thoughts and of our environments.
We'll understand that we can control that. And unless we control that and use that to get to our powergoals, it's going to be very difficult.
The 4th Key principle;
Your environment is always stronger than your willpower.
So if your mindset, your habits, your relationships, and the things in your life that cause the trigger of all of those things?are not aligned with your PowerGoal, you'll, unfortunately, be swimming upstream. And eventually, you are going to get tired. You cannot keep on swimming upstream each and every moment..?eventually, you are going to give up.
Those things will override your willpower, in other words, the memetic and your environment. Even if you`ve got the strongest willpower there is.
This is one of the major reasons why people do not achieve their goals. So now, I know that some of you are having major, major breakthroughs.?
Because of this principle. Because if you are one of those people who believe that you can achieve your goals, through sheer willpower. And I`m sure if you`ve applied this, you know now.
Why this belief system, your memetics has been letting you down??
Instead of relying on your willpower.
Find the stumbling blocks in your environment, and then remove them It's a lot easier to do it this way than trying to use willpower.
In order to get to your Goals.
Now the 5th Key Principle is;
That IF the outside world is not in alignment with the inner world it causes friction or conflict.
Or even vice versa. it causes friction or off-course conflict. Now many people do not achieve their goals, because they literally self-sabotage themselves, and most of the time, unfortunately, it's going to be subconscious.
I've seen it so many, many times with my students. The reason for self-sabotage, is you are trying to achieve something in the outer world. But it does not align with what you actually believe on the inside, so your mind comes up with ways to protect you from what it sees as a bad or undesirable outcome.
The opposite can also happen, now perhaps let's quickly zoom into this. Now, if you want to have a goal and you set a Powergoal.
That Powergoal, is not in your state or frame of mind currently. So the subconscious sees this as something that hasn't happened yet but it's also changed.
And any change to the subconscious mind is basically dramatic. This means that you have to step outside the normal boundaries, that you've set yourself.
And therefore the subconscious mind always wants to protect yourself.
So let's take a practical example, so you believe for example that debt is bad. And that you never want to make any debt,?but in the environment which forms part of your outer world.
You are constantly being told that Debt is a good thing and even a normal thing. The people even closest to you have debt. And most of it was acquired by using debt, the financial system which you rely on basically is built on debt.
The friction of what you believe in the inner world, and your outer environment. Is going to cause one of 2 things. Either the inner world will conform to the outer world and you start telling yourself that Debt is not so bad. Or that there are certain types of debt, which may be good. Or that this reason for making debt is good, maybe even a noble one. You will make debt and therefore believe that it is the right thing to do.
And you'll be able to justify that, or?the 2nd thing that might happen is that you will start distancing yourself?from those environments. You will visit those friends less often and perhaps make even new ones. You will tell the bank, not to phone you again in order to sell you one of their credit cards.?And then you are going to of course, because of this different mindset, you are going to?start paying your belongings in cash.?
And every time you look at that environment, you will know or believe that you did so?and that it is of course possible to pay for this stuff in cash. So if you are experiencing inner conflict, it is likely that your inner and outer worlds are not aligned. Then you have to ask yourself, that what you are trying to achieve is not in conflict perhaps with what you actually believe deep down inside.
Your mind needs to work on your inner world or your memetics. Your mind holds some beliefs, that perhaps are holding you back. It could also be that your outer world is in conflict with that that you value. And then of course at the moment that there is conflict, you need to make changes. Maybe you need to spend less time with certain people, and more time with others.
Maybe you need to change your job or even your career.
Now the 5th Principle;?
is actually an incredible gift that allows you to recognize and remove obstacles in your path in order to achieve your PowerGoal.
Now, I've only touched on the principles in this lesson.?So in my book and in the workshops, I'm going to go a lot deeper into the environment because of this massive effect that your environments..in other words where you are right now.
What it's got in terms of your PowerGoals. And how you set your PowerGoals.
So, now that you at least know the 5 principles.
Let's link the 10 environments to the transformational process.
And the way to do it is to go through the transformational process where we first look at,
Where are you currently?
Because where you are is 100% determined by your memetics. In other words your thoughts, your feelings the decisions that you've made based on those thoughts and feelings in the past. As well as the environments, the 9 environments around you.
The 2nd thing is;
That what you are busy doing right now, is also directly because of the belief systems and because of your current environment and then;
The How?
the strategy that you will follow?
Is directly the result of your environment.
This is also the reason WHY??
You are doing what you are doing. Again back to the memetics and back to the environment. And then;
Who do you want to be?
The person that can make their dream come true. In other words, that person that you need to become.
Is going to be reliant 100% on a new way of thinking. So now, that we see how the environment plays a role, We can say how can we use the environment to reverse engineer the process. In other words, who do I need to be in order to make that dream come true? To become the best that I can be.
Who must that be, and why do I want to do this??
So I can literally set myself up with a totally new story in my memetics. Within my mind, and then start using the environment around me, in order to help me?to get there. And then I`m asking but how can I do it?
But with the PowerGoal, one of the things that I'm teaching my students is that you do not need to know how. All you need to know is to follow the right strategy.
Because the right strategy is;
The intelligent use of limited resources, to go from where you are to where you want to be, in the shortest possible time with the least amount of Risk.
And this simply means that the moment that you do something.
Right, The moment that you do something. You are going to see the outcome.
The Results.
Then you can measure the results. Because the moment that I can measure the results, I can start to manage it. Then see what is working for me, because remember everything is energy.
If it brings me closer to my goal, I'm going to continue with it. If it takes me away from my goal. I'm going to ignore it. Because now it becomes a stumbling block.
And that leads the how directly to what it is I'm doing. Or what is it that I must do?
Remember there is also a trick that I want to bring in here,
And that is in order to become successful;
we need to do…
in other words, we have to take action. And we cannot take action
unless these 2... The inner and the outer environments are aligned.
We are going to find that the one is going to prevent us from applying this strategy, then what that we are doing... Is going to determine the environment that we are in.
In which we are in. And it is for that reason that I say. The Now is a perfect representation of where you are.
Of all the things and all the thoughts and all the energy that you've used and?the decisions that you've made in the past. Has brought you to where you are, and the only way to change is to go through the transformation.
There is no other way, in order to become the person that you need to become.
To make this dream of yours come true. So, that is the power of the transformation, and how important these environments are. When we take everything into consideration.
So what I like you to do is, to share in the comment section your breakthroughs. If there are breakthroughs for you.
If there is more than one perhaps, share that. And then I`m going to see you in?Part 4.
Where I`m going to introduce you to Quantum mechanics. Now, this is where you enter the Science part of Goal setting. So please be sure to leave your comments in the comment?section.
And I'm going to see you in part 4.
Hope you are enjoying this series.
Dr. HD
For more information on the Powergoal method;
Hope this is helping you.
For more information on the Wealth Creators method;