Quanta from Newtonian gravity and special relativity (booklet)
v. 2 n. 9
"The biggest unsolved problem in fundamental physics is how gravity and the quantum will be made to coexist within the same theory. Quantum Gravity [1] is required to make the whole of physics logically consistent. The problem?is that quantum physics and general relativity already overlap each other’s domains, but do not fit together. The biggest challenge with quantum gravity, from a scientific point of view, is that we cannot do the experiments required. For example, a particle accelerator based on present technology would have to be larger than our whole galaxy in order to directly test the effects. This means that quantum gravity today is not yet science in the strict sense. No experimental input exists that can inspire and control theoretical ideas, and historically we know that theoretical “progress” then usually occurs in completely wrong directions. Einstein’s dream was to describe the whole of nature in a single theory. That dream is still not realized." *
"... However, it is also important to note that the prize is not always the same: string theorists seek a unified theory of all four interactions that has the power of explaining such things as the numbers of generations of elementary particles and other previous inexplicable properties. Other approaches are more modest, and seek only to bring general relativity in line with quantum theory, without necessarily invoking the other interactions. Hence, the?problem?of quantum gravity can mean very different things to different researchers and what constitutes a possible solution to one group might not qualify as such to another." **
The main point is in the first sentence of the first problem statement; quantum gravity is "... how gravity and the quantum will be made to coexist within the same theory." Historically, unification has meant the joining of quantum and general relativity theories. But the latter is based on the equivalence principle, which is an unfounded assumption, that has been supported as a corollary of an identity, however, in some of the following chapters as a conditional equivalence. As well, general relativity is not complete without the cosmological constant which is not implicit to the theory. Therefore, gravity is not necessarily best represented by this theory, being not scale invariant in the cosmic scale without the cosmological constant, and not as utilitarian at smaller scales as the conventional interpretation of Newtonian gravity.
Although, special relativity is conventionally employed at the subatomic scale, and is a feature in the following in conjunction with the classical interpretation of Newtonian gravity.
With respect to the electron and on larger scales, a form of Newtonian gravity is seen as scale invariant by altering the viewpoint but not the mathematics.
Quanta can be derived from Newtonian gravity and special relativity, so that quanta and gravity are implicit to the same theory. The complete standard model does not emerge though. But features of quantum theory do emerge such as the deBroglie wavelength, Planck's constant, and particle angular momentum. In addition, apparent are electron and light quark masses in terms of natural constants, the fine structure constant, the gravitational coupling constant, relativity/quantum bridge, electron charge, the photon, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Chapters are not in the order first presented.
Chapter 7. An explanation of dark matter and dark energy from unmodified Newtonian gravity* | LinkedIn (includes hierarchy problem)
Chapter 12. Weak/EM forces from gravity | LinkedIn
* Johan Hansson? Division of Physics Lule?a University of Technology SE-971 87 Lule?a, Sweden? https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:996740/FULLTEXT01.pdf
** Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/quantum-gravity/
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2 年Quando le onde di probabilità della QM saranno considerate correttamente delle onde elettromagnetiche, i problemi della fisica fondamentale si chiariranno in modo importante. Il nucleo fondamentale di riflessione è dato dal riconoscere che la formula trigonometrica fondamentale sin( k*r + o*t )/r + A( t ) * DELTA ( r ) = sin( kr )/r * cos( ot ) + cos( kr )/r * sin( ot ) è il modello matematico che interpreta correttamente la creazione / annichilimento di una coppia elettrone positrone. A( r ) è una funzione il cui limite per r che tende a zero vale zero DELTA ( r ) è la funzione impulsiva di Dirac k è il numero d'onda o è la pulsazione delle onde elettromagnetiche progressiva ( a primo membro ) e sferiche stazionarie a secondo membro. Occorre considerare che nell'equazione sopra scritta l'onda e.m. progressiva a primo membro viaggia alla velocità c della luce mentre a secondo membro le onde e.m. stazionarie sferiche dell'elettrone ( in sen( kr ) ) e del positrone ( in cos( kr ) ) sono tendenzialmente ferme. In effetti possiedono la velocità minima al di sotto della quale non possono muoversi, pari a u0 = ALPHA*c/π Con ALPHA= costante di struttura fine c = velocità della luce Penso...