QUALTRACK – A successful training: let’s meet our assessors!

QUALTRACK – A successful training: let’s meet our assessors!

On 27th and 28th of March 2024, two training days were held in Palermo, Sicily. The protagonists were young people from an organisation in Sicily that deals with training and education and officially became external evaluators for the QUALTRACK project.

What is it all about? This project, co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, has as its main objective to improve the evaluation quality system of ALIs, institutions that provide training services for adults.??

The chosen institutions will have to undergo a self-assessment questionnaire in order to ensure the highest efficiency and effectiveness of their adult education system and to guarantee a high standard level. Our assessors will have the task of checking what the institutions claim and making sure that the level of quality is indeed high for the students.??

As a result of the audit visit, the most commendable and deserving institutions will be awarded the QUALTRACK quality badge, valid for three years, which will confer greater prestige and credibility to the institution.?

The training took place at the CEIPES ETS office in the Uditore district of Palermo and included two intensive days of training. The young people were awarded the certificate that makes them evaluators to all intents and purposes and are ready to start with the new evaluation course.??

The project, whose consortium is made up of partners from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Croatia and Italy, continues to advance towards its true core and is on its way to its final phase, which will arrive by next summer.



