The quality of the venue for our training sessions
Sometimes, we get "feedbacks" like this.
“Why conduct training at a hotel like this? It's expensive.. If you do it somewhere else it would be better, you can lower the price a bit.."
Why is the quality of the venue important to us?
We choose each venue because they have their own unique quality, in line with the principles we hold and not because we want to burden participants with additional cost.
For example, in the Train the Trainer (TTT) programme, the first module is "Plan Adult Learning". In that module it is mentioned that, "Adults deserve adult treatment". So one of the ways we translate this principle in a real-life example is to choose a venue that is comfortable for adult participants, especially for the TTT programme which runs for 5 days.
In fact, we've been doing this since we were actively running "team building" type of programmes 10 years ago.
As much as possible, we try not to bring participants to camp sites or dormitory-type resorts. At least, we would go for a 3-star hotel where the food is good and the room is comfortable.
Because we want the training session to be accepted by the participants as a "reward", not a punishment. It's already stressful enough at work, so why not utilise the available HRD fund to provide a conducive learning environment within the allowed claimable rate.
Remember, take care of your people and they will take care of your business. Adults deserve adult treatment.
If you wish to know more about the training programmes that we have to offer, you can view them at