Quality of thoughts determine your positivity

Quality of thoughts determine your positivity

Your thought shapes your belief system. Your belief system will in turn affect your thought processes. Your thought process and belief system will influence the way you live and the results in your life. I have personally experienced how my thoughts and beliefs have played a major part in my livelihood and lifestyle. Please let me share my experience with you. Hopefully, it will inspire you to further discipline your mind so as to achieve more sustainable successes.

I was born with a shy temperament. As a result, I went through many psychological struggles of getting bullied in life. The strengths of a melancholic include being analytical and thoughtful. They set a high standard in life and are sensitive to others. On the other hand, melancholics are inclined to be more of a gloomy loner. They hold a dim and pessimistic view of life. During my youth, I manifested many of the weaknesses of a melancholic temperament. In particular, I had many negative thoughts and held many negative beliefs.

You can imagine I grew up with constant bombardments of negative self-talk. It came to a point when I suffered from a low self-esteem. Albert Lee, one of the mentors during my teenage years used to joke, “If you ever go to a Court of Law to defend yourself, you’ll probably convince the judge why you should be guilty?” One day, I had a divinely-appointed ‘Aha’ moment. I realized our Creator could change me instantly. My negative beliefs did not have to make me, me. Self-talk did not have to be true. Dominating thoughts did not have to become a reality. My mind is only a part of a complete system that made up my being.

However, it can be disciplined and transformed to serve a higher purpose. Let me share with you how I transform my pessimism into optimism. How I change my limiting self-talk into empowering self-talk. First, I put in black-and-white, all my negative beliefs and the resulting negative outcomes. Secondly, I ask myself empowering questions. I believe the quality of my life is determined by the quantity of quality questions that I constantly ask myself.

What are the negative outcomes from these limiting beliefs? How can I replace them with empowering beliefs that will help me achieve better results? How can I live out these empowering beliefs? Thirdly, I redesigned my beliefs. I committed myself to practicing beliefs that will help me achieve my vision and goals. Fourthly, to live out these beliefs, I need to replace my negative self-talk with positive affirmations. I endeavor to put them in writing to ensure that I entrenched these affirmations in my system.

Then I ‘force feed’ my mind with positive prayers, thoughts and affirmations. I filter all negative inputs and filter only positive inputs through all my senses. I consciously avoid ‘energy vampires.’ These are people, including well-intentioned people, who suck my energy with their negative words and actions. I have even tied a ribbon around my wrist to help me remove negative thoughts.

Every time I think negatively or hear a negative word; I will then voice out consciously and emotionally, “Stop!” Then, I will confront and challenge the negative belief. Example Of A Negative Self-Talk “Kishore, you can never be successful.” I will then question the belief, “Why can’t I be successful?” “If I work hard and smart, of course, I can be successful.” “My mentors have taught me that I can be successful.” “Our Creator wants me to be successful.”

I will then replace the negative belief with an empowering belief. "Our Creator has designed me to be successful. He wants to help me to be successful." As a result of going through this process, I became more positive and optimistic. Through this method I got better results in my life. I have recorded many positive experiences so that I can use them to entrench my empowering beliefs. These experiences also became a treasure cove to help me recall the positive emotions and outcomes of living with optimism.

As I share about optimism with my friends, I learned more about it. It strengthened my commitment to enhance my optimistic thinking process. When I fill my mind with empowering beliefs and self-talk, I became a happier person. I hope this message will find a place in your heart. I stay away from judgment, particularly self-judgment. I’ve found that when I start making judgments, say about the quality of my thoughts, I quickly lose myself in a morass of disconnection from others.

Hosever, the problem is that I can’t know the quality of my thoughts as compared to anyone else’s thoughts. I can’t be in anyone else’s head. I can’t be in everyone else’s heads. Without that, I have no basis to compare my thoughts to anyone else’s. In the absence of information, I will put myself down. That’s what I do when I compare myself to others. I might be able to compare my thoughts at one time to my memories of my thoughts at another time in life, but that’s pretty dicey, too, and generally, it seems like my thoughts are becoming slower, more addled, and less clear, as I grow older. So that’s more self-immolation, and I want to stay away from that. It does me no good.

Therefore, I don’t concern myself with the quality of my thoughts. It’s really none of my business. My thoughts are my thoughts, and I can’t have any other thoughts than the thoughts I have. Neither can I have any other life than the one I have. It does no good to think about the quality of my life. That’s an exercise in futility. It only makes me hurt myself. I think, I feel, I do, I do not question what I imagine others might question of me. Judgment is irrelevant. Quality is irrelevant. Being interested happens. When I’m interested, it doesn’t matter what I think of my thoughts. I am being, not judging, and that’s the way I like it. Cheers!

??♀?Céline Cloutier

Be silence. Let stillness move you naturally. NOWhere~NOwhere.

3 年

Kishore Shintré Absolutely.... Thoughts with heart IS powerful... and one is To see where thoughts are from?... Insanity is thinking same thing and expect different results... Someone said.!!! Cheers.


