Quality means customer needs are to be satisfied.
Find out what the potential customer for a new product really wants, through the processes of design, specification, controlled manufacture, and sale. Failure to maintain an adequate quality standard can therefore be unsuccessful. There are a number of factors on which quality fitness of the garment industry is based such as - performance, reliability, durability, visual and perceived quality of the garment. Quality needs to be defined in terms of a particular framework of cost.
The term standard or standards in reference to quality control is defined as something that is established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example to be followed. According to ISO, standards are documented agreements containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or characteristics, to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services are fit for their purpose. Standards are the result of a consensus and are approved by a recognized body. Standards aim at achieving the optimum degree of order in a given context. The process of formulating, issuing, and implementing standards is called standardization.
A Quality standard is a documented process intended to control work resulting in a certain level of excellence (quality). The standard’s degree of control is a basis for its selection for achieving that level of quality.
The primary aims of standards and standardization are
Fitness for the purpose the ability of the process, product, or service to fulfill a defined purpose under specific conditions,
Interchangeability through a deliberate standardization process, it is possible to make processes, products, or services interchangeable, even if they are created in a different country.
Variety reduction is for the selection, inter alia, of the optimum number of sizes, ratings, grades, compositions, and practices to meet prevailing needs. Balancing between too many and too few varieties is in the best interest of both manufacturers and consumers
Compatibility is the suitability of processes, products or services to be used together under specific conditions to fulfill the relevant requirements, without causing unnecessary interaction
Guarding against factors that affect the health and safety of consumers the use of the process, product or service may pose a threat to human life or property. Therefore, the identification of processes, products, or services and their safety parameters, not only under normal use but under possible misuse, is one of the important requirements of standardization.
Environmental protection The focus here is on preserving nature from damage that may be caused during the manufacture of a product or during its use or disposal after use. For example, the domestic use of a washing machine should generate only a minimum of pollutants.
Better utilization of resources Achievement of the maximum overall economy through better utilization of resources such as capital, human effort, and materials is important.
Better communication and understanding Whenever the transfer of goods and services is involved, standards spell out what means of communication are to be used between different parties. In public places such as airports, railway stations, and highways, for instance, standardized signs play an important role.
Transfer of technology Standards acts as a good vehicle for technology transfer. Since standards incorporate the results of advances in science, technology, and experience, they reflect the state of the art in technical development.
Removal of trade barriers Restrictions on the export of processes, products, or services by the introduction of some technical barriers to trade, such as arbitrary product requirements, are being viewed with great concern. Standards prevent such non-tariff barriers to trade by harmonizing requirements in a manner that promotes fair competition. Purchasers can be convinced about the quality level of a product that has been manufactured according to a recognized standard.