The quality and selection of raw materials.
The quality and selection of raw materials are of fundamental importance for industry. These are important for any kind of product and industrial processing we are talking about. It is even more fundamental when it comes to food products, in our case of wheat and flour. Buying and selecting products with a better quality than others, in fact, highlights characteristics and prerogatives in the finished product, more advantageous than a poor product.
For example, a grain with better qualities than another, will produce a flour with more appropriate characteristics, with a high workability of the product and in terms of production of the finished product, we will have a better and easier processing, and a flour with decidedly preferable characteristics, compared to others.
But what are these characteristics in practical terms? In rheological terms these are the peculiar characteristics of the flour (i.e. elasticity, strength, degree of absorption, proteins, gluten, stability).
From a process point of view, we will have a product with ideal organoleptic properties for a flour, a well kneaded, a more stable structure and greater conservation, aroma and flavor.
Especially in the world of pizza it is important that a good flour has those qualities. In fact, due to the high heat, different aromas and flavors develop, compared to a cold product such as bread and biscuits.
Also, better quality is equivalent to a product not treated with pesticides. Therefore a product that does not carry within it chemical residues of pesticides, preservatives and other external agents to what is the nature of the grain.
In the selection process, non-GMO products will be preferred.
Finally, quality grains do not require additives as regards their improvement, because it is already a good quality product and there is no need to improve it further. In the event that we take a poor quality wheat, to have a valid product on the market, we should add it with additives, such as enzymes, chemicals and substances foreign to the wheat grain and which would then modify its structure and that of flour, to try to make improvements. However, this would result in a product that will not be stable over time or which could trigger allergies, intolerances or breathing problems.
The choice of a quality product where the addition of extraneous elements is not necessary, is also useful in economic terms. A quality grain, without added elements, does not require further improvements through external substances, with significant cost savings on production and processing.
This is why we at Polselli made quality and attention? to the product a priority: to offer you only the best of Made in Italy.