Barry W. Colby
ASQ Canada, Ambassador and Quality Advocate, ASQ Fellow, BSc., MA, MAQS, QAM, CQC, C. Tech, CAE, CBM, Cert. PLAR (Adv.), making SERVICE and VALUES . . . MEAN something!
When I was asked by an ASQ Manitoba member if the Watson Webinar Series – Managing for Quality was open to the public, I replied that I would ask.
In contacting Jerry Rice, the past chair of the ASQ Management Division, he told me these were open and available to the public. The QMD has a wealth of materials that may be of interest to those interested in quality and continuous improvement.
I followed up with Dr. Gregory Watson because he had other quality related materials posted that would interest others. He said these materials were available on his LinkedIn site if people had any difficulties in accessing these.
The quality sciences are living philosophies and dynamic belief systems, expressed, and demonstrated by integrity, character and competence through both words and deeds.
Thank you Greg, for sharing your wealth of knowledge, experience and constancy of purpose with the humanity of the world and, reflecting what true leadership requires and what it means to serve and be that role model. We met some 27 years ago so, been involved in various committees and conversations. So, I believe I can say this with some credibility.
Managing for Quality
Do you want to know how to coach business leaders in making better decisions, interpreting operational data, and applying quality as the means to improve organizational performance? Is it your personal responsibility to formulate or lead quality activities in your company?
This lecture series by Dr. Gregory H. Watson is intended to help the organization-wide leader of the quality function improve their capacity to advise executives in the important matter of making decisions to enhance overall quality.
The Watson Webinar Series - Managing for Quality are a series of 18 Webinars running through to June 2021.
Do you want to know how to coach business leaders in making better decisions, interpreting operational data, and applying quality as the means to improve organizational performance? Is it your personal responsibility to formulate or lead quality activities in your company?
This lecture series by Dr. Gregory H. Watson is intended to help the organization-wide leader of the quality function improve their capacity to advise executives in the important matter of making decisions to enhance overall quality.
These webinars are for you if you are:
- Quality Executive: Chief Quality Officer, Vice President or Director of Quality or any business-responsible Quality Manager
- Business Excellence or Operational Excellence Leader
- Master Black Belt or Experienced Black Belt
The Watson Webinar Series - Managing for Quality
- Making Quality-based Executive Decisions
- Leading Transformation – Managing Improvement
- Designing Quality as an Inclusive Business System
- Strategy Inquiry, Formulation, and Deployment
- Understanding Japanese-style Strategy Management
- Organizational Learning – Triple-loop Experience
- Managerial Engineering – Designing Future Firms Understanding the Financial Component of Quality
- Strategic Reflections on Kano’s Attractive Quality
- Insights into the Essence of Operational Excellence
- Defining Quality to Apply to Everyone, Everywhere
- Managing for Quality Amidst Digital Turbulence
- Quality as an Environmental Mandate
- Quality as an Economic Imperative
- Quality as a Social Responsibility
- Quality as a Human Right
- "Quality as a Political Policy”
- “Quality for our Manifest Destiny” “Quality for our Manifest Destiny”
The direct links to each of the above listed webinar is found by clicking this link.