Quality courses in university maths
Hania Uscka-Wehlou
Mathematician and educator; Udemy instructor (Mathematics from high school to university)
Please, share this information with everybody who might be interested:
Hania Uscka-Wehlou, an award-winning university teacher in mathematics, offers university-level courses in mathematics. As for today, the following courses are available on www.udemy.com. All of them keep the same standard as Hania's teaching at the universities in Sweden (Uppsala University and M?lardalen University), but the courses are taught in English, in order to reach the students all over the world.
Course 1 (recorded June--August 2020): Calculus 3, Multivariable Calculus (Swedish names: Flervariabelanalys / Flervariabelkalkyl), part 1 of 2:
Promotional video (2 minutes).
List with all the lectures and texts of solved problems.
Course 2 (recorded February--March 2021): Calculus 3, Multivariable Calculus, part 2 of 2:
Promotional video (2 minutes).
List with all the lectures and texts of solved problems.
Course 3 (April--May 2021): Linear Algebra and Geometry 1:
Promotional video (2 minutes).
List with all the lectures and texts of solved problems.
The links above lead to the courses, and they give you "current best price", which is usually pretty low (10 to 14 dollars), but not always. If the price is higher than that, you can try apply the following codes (the same for all the courses): TPOT_MAY21 in May 2021, later TPOT_JUN21, TPOT_JUL21, and so on. These prices are constant, but dependent on your region (about 14 dollars in the USA, in Sweden 12.99 Euro, in Poland 46 zloty, about 8 dollars in Mexico, around 7 dollars in Indonesia, somewhat less than 5 dollars in India).
Hania will continue her recordings and she plans to complete the list above with other courses in mathematics on undergraduate level like Calculus 1 and 2, Linear Algebra and Geometry 2, Pre-calculus (Trigonometry, Polynomials, etc), ODE, and other topics. The TPOT-codes will work for all the future courses as well.