Quality Circle Of Influence
Quote From My Book: "Self Application Best Practices"
Build Your Solution Driven Quality Circle
You Have The Ability To Go Beyond Your Limitation: Proactive leaders understand the importance of attracting similar minds into their circle of influence. They understand the power in collective synergy and they leverage their social skills to attract and influence the best and brightest to support their plans. The proactive leader is constantly challenge to identify solutions that may treating the success of their plan and they are fully aware that they may not have all of the solutions to all of the problems all of the time. In this regards they may form their personal Master Mind / Think Tank groups to help address the challenges that may come up from time to time.
Method 1:
Building Your Solution Driven Quality Circle Can Significantly Influence The Project Success.
For Example
Many of the Fortune 500 companies have “Quality Circles of Influence”. A look at history into the lives of the Carnegie’s, Rockefeller’s, Napoleon Hill, Rothschild’s the self-made aristocrat and the likes will clearly established in your minds the power of integrated thought process that has a definite purpose. These individual who have become world leaders in their own rights have apply the master mind theory well enough to amass great social and economic wealth. They have amassed the kind of social and economic wealth that the combine 89% of the world’s poor will never be able to realize in their life time. It is not impossible for the poorest of poor to come into great wealth but they must first learn how to master their minds and apply the master mind theory.
The concept of individualism has its limitation but the power of collectivism is only limited by the master minds that control this awesome seed of unlimited life. Human potential is not defined by its environment although the weakest of men become the product of their negative experiences. Man has the power to push the limits of their imagination and create a world in their own image and liking but he must first understand the power of human thoughts that is driven by a definiteness of purpose.
Invest in creating your Quality Circle and leverage your abilities to address general issues and challenges to transform your firm or organization. Leverage your abilities to distinguish yourselves and your firms from the competition, project your brand image and increase your market position and shares globally.
Gary Thompson Business Development Consultant